We already provided face masks f or the social service department of our town, and for the local police , for the nursing home and orphanage !
Last week we were asked by local hospital to provide face masks for the medical workers !
Of course we use this opportunity to share the Good News with everybody and we also provide sinner's prayer and Psalm 9 1 in every package with face mask!


No jobs, no help from the government! But there is God Who loves people and wants to reveal Himself to them  ! How does He do that ? Through His church ! Thought us, believers!
  Our church in Lukhovitsy is meeting people’s needs to provide food, clothing and whatever need is to the larger families that are on the verge of starvation!
 What an honour for us to be instruments of God’ love and mercy in today’s crisis! 
   We have been helping families with many children in villages around and use this opportunity for share the Gospel with the
Nikita is one of 3 children of family - a mother who is a believer and father who is in the rehab center. Nikita loves the church. But family is without any means now. so our church took responsibility to regularly help them .
Tatyana and her 2 children is a single mother. Lost her job now ( being cosmetologist) and today she found a job as security guard at a closed school). Very small salary but it is better than nothing. We also decided to regularly help this family
Armenian family with 5 children . friendly and loving people. Moved to Russia few years ago. tough times for them. But God never leaves His children without care. We are good friends!
Partner with us!
Send your donations to : World Missions Advance for Natasha Schedrivaya PO Box 764408 Dallas, TX 75376. 


natashaschedrivaya@gmail.com nsched@mail.ru