MARCH 17, 2020
For a better us.
The YMCA Mission Continues

We understand that this can be a confusing time for our members and the local community. Information changes rapidly, and many of the messages create added levels of stress.

The YMCA of Saginaw remains HERE FOR YOU and together, we will get through this challenging time. Even while our facility is closed, our commitment to YOU remains strong.

Please know that our commitment to the community continues as well. The Y Mission remains active and strong. We are providing relief for our deserving neighbors in need during this crisis. Yesterday we provided over 250 nutritious meals to youth in the community. Hunger doesn’t take a break and there are those who need us. Working with several community partners, we are now adding area churches to our delivery sites for youth meals, with the ability to provide up to 500 community meals daily.
The Y can do more. Please let us know if you become aware of any needs, especially with the elderly or homebound. We have staff and volunteers who can help.
Stay Healthy

Our Y staff team is planning virtual exercise opportunities, programs, events and activities to assist in your daily wellness routine while many of you practice social distancing. We will continue to communicate via email and through our social media platforms and website. 
Our staff is working tirelessly to ensure you know that you are not alone!

For now, we suggest that you breathe some fresh air, spend quiet moments in reflection, and practice kindness in all you do. In this virtual world, we remain connected always, but sometimes you just need to take a short . . . PAUSE.

For those already feeling the stress of the moment and need some immediate wellness inspiration, we suggest the following free partners on YouTube:

Here for You

Y Members. Throughout our two-week closure we will provide communication and updates to you at least twice weekly. We will communicate our plans relating to our closure and your membership fees by the end of this week. Among our concerns this week is helping calm the anxiety of our dedicated and hard-working employees. Y staff often fill jobs with lower pay than other employers offer. Currently we are committed to continuing pay and benefits through March 29, 2020 as resources allow.
Stay Connected with
the Saginaw YMCA
since 1868
Saginaw, MI 48601
Stay Connected with
YMCA Camp Timbers
since 1967
West Branch, MI 48661