The Witness
Volume 39, Issue 47
November 24, 2021
There are no Wednesday evening activities or dinner tonight. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
"With Thanksgiving"
I thank my God every time I think of you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:3-6).

Unlike his letter to the churches in Corinth and Galatia, Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi is characterized by a spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving. Philippi was the first European city Paul visited on his second missionary journey, and the church he founded there was the first church he established in Europe. Not only had the church of Philippi remained faithful to their mission, but they had also been very generous and supportive of Paul’s ministry. Paul was proud of this church and wanted them to know the deep gratitude he felt towards them.

Gratitude is a gesture that often has quite the ripple effect. The more gratitude we offer, the more gratitude we feel; the more gratitude we feel, the more gratitude we are inspired to give. As we share our gratitude with others, we have the ability to create more gratitude within them. Gratitude may not change our situation or someone else’s, but it most certainly can change our condition within the situation. Paul described it this way to the Philippians: “With thanksgiving, pray in every situation and make your requests known to God . . . and the peace of Christ, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).”

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, may we take time to consider all of the people in our lives for whom we are thankful. May we reflect on all those who have encouraged us and generously shared their love and support for us. Though some of them may have already passed on, there are others who remain. Like Paul, may we take the time to reach out to them and offer a word of thanks. May we make the effort to share with them how much they mean to us. May we offer our gratitude to them and prayerfully thank God for them. This may not change our circumstances or theirs, but it can certainly allow us to experience this week and celebrate its holiday with thanksgiving.   
Sunday Worship, November 28th
The First Sunday of Advent
Please plan to join us for worship this Sunday at 8:45 or 11:00 AM (Sunday School at 9:50 AM). Travis' sermon is "An Incomplete Story," and the scripture reference is Matthew 1:18-25. If you choose to worship virtually, please access our livestream through our website or FB live. Because this is a short week, we're including Sunday's worship materials in The Witness. Please click here for the bulletin. You can find the prayer list in its usual spot at the end of The Witness.
Bible in a Year Reading
Read this week:
The Old Testament: 1 Chronicles 16-23
The New Testament: James; 1 Peter
Old Testament Prophecy: Obadiah; Jonah
Gospels: Luke 5-11
Meditate: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”
-1 Chronicles 16:34
Prayer: If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. -Meister Eckart 
Thrive Student Ministry
Upcoming Dates:
  • No Youth Activities for Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday, 11/24 and Sunday, 11/28
  • Regular Wednesday Activities- 12/1
  • Sunday, December 5th, 11:15am- Christmas Craft and Vendor Fair- Any funds raised at the vendor fair will go directly towards camp cost for any student that participates! (If your student is unable to attend December 5th but would like to participate, please let me know! I have some jobs that can be done before or after!) Meet in the gym at 11:15am for an exciting afternoon! A hot dog lunch will be provided and a pizza dinner before kids head to choir at 5:00pm. No Extreme after a day of hard work!
  • Regular Schedule: Wednesdays, 12/8 and 12/15; Sunday, 12/12
  • Sunday, December 19th: Progressive Dinner following choir at 5:00pm - Bring a gift for our Christmas gift exchange. Return to the church around 8:00pm.
  • Monday, December 20th: Provide Dinner for the Children’s Shelter at the Rescue Mission - Meet at the church at 3:45pm. We will keep you updated through text on return time.
Wednesday Night Dinners & Activities
We plan to resume Wednesday night dinners and all activities December 1st. Following are the menus for December:
December 1st - Chef's Choice Dinner: Hamburgers, Baked Spaghetti, Corn Dogs, Baked Chicken Breasts, Mac & Cheese, Various Sides, & Desserts
December 8th - Soup & Salad Dinner: Drew's Homestyle Potato Soup, Fresh Fruit,
Garden Salad, Cornbread, & Dessert
December 15th - Christmas Dinner: Ham, Aunt Pat's Potatoes, Green Beans, Rolls, & Holiday Desserts
Iced tea, lemonade, & water are available every Wednesday. *Coffee is also now available!* Costs are $6/adult, $5/child (ages 4-12), children <4 are free, max per household is $18. Sign up by calling the church office at 540-343-7685 no later than 5 PM the day prior to dinner. We cannot take late registrations.
Panamania Steel Drum Concert
Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 4th at 3:00 PM for the Steel Drum Concert in our sanctuary. Panamania, the group directed by Richard & Delilah Rudolph, will delight the audience with many Christmas tunes, both sacred and secular. The group is always a joy to hear and see.
JOY Seniors Events
November 30th: What's going on with Medicare updates? If you want to learn about the most recent changes to Medicare, plan to join us November 30th as Shannon Abell provides this information. We will have boxed lunches from Honeybaked Ham at a cost of $10. Sign up and make your lunch selections by TODAY!

December 11th: A good belly laugh will be the order of business for the JOY Seniors' trip to the Attic Theater on December 11th. We will leave the church at 1:30 PM, view the matinee of "Welcome to Mitford," then travel to Bellacino's for a pizza/salad and dessert dinner. Please sign up at the JOY Seniors' table by November 30th. The cost is $12/person for the play, plus the cost of your dinner.
2021 Christmas Craft & Vendor Fair
Our Christmas Craft & Vendor Fair is right around the corner! Plan to join us December 5th between 1:00 and 4:00 PM in the gym to do all your local Christmas shopping. We have numerous vendors with one-of-a-kind, handcrafted items, such as embroidery, wreaths, ornaments, snow globes, pillows, blankets, clothing, framed pictures, calendars, metal prints, quilting, signs, jewelry, watercolors, etc. We also have vendors for some nationally recognized companies, such as Mary & Martha, Usborne Books, Color Street, & Pampered Chef. The VBC youth and children will be selling snacks, a "meal deal," beverages, and baked goods, as well as offering a gift wrapping service. All snack and gift wrapping proceeds, as well as vendor registration fees, go to support this summer's Passport Camps expenses for our children and youth.

If you're a crafter, artist, or other vendor who would like to set up a booth, the deadline to register and pay is this Sunday, November 28th. Click here for all the details and a vendor registration form.
Joyce Kidd
The Village on Pheasant Ridge
4428 Pheasant Ridge Road Apt. #47
Roanoke VA 24014-5219
November 21, 2021:
8:45 AM
In person - 148
Online - 116
11:00 AM
In person - 150
Online - 96
Sunday School - 202
Offering Envelopes
If you would like to receive a box of offering envelopes for 2022, could you please call the church office at 540-343-7685 and let us know ASAP? Otherwise, offering envelopes will not be issued. We have envelopes available for you; we simply need to confirm who wants to receive them. Thank you!
Thanksgiving Offering
The Finance Committee has designated the Thanksgiving Offering to go to the Community Assistance Fund (formerly known as the "Benevolence Fund"). We hope you will find it in your hearts to contribute to this fund for our community members. We are so thankful for your continued support of our church operations and special offerings like this one.

The Community Assistance Fund Account is established to help members of our community (non-members of the church) who have fallen on difficult times and could use a little assistance to pay their bills.
Christian sympathy is extended to Ron Wheeler, Mary Beth, Jeff, and families in the death of their wife and mother, Patricia Wheeler, on November 22nd; and to Margie & Dallas O'Dom and family in the death of her sister, Jeanie Henry, on November 22nd.
Please extend a warm welcome to Lola Barbour, who joined VBC last Sunday by profession of faith. Lola is the daughter of Kendra & Luke Barbour, 1122 Fairmont Drive, Vinton VA 24179. She is the granddaughter of Sue Barbour and great-granddaughter of Rev. Lewis & Ruth Bates. Welcome, Lola!
New Baby
Congratulations to Jessica & Matthew Burgess, as well as big sister Lydia, on the birth of Atlas Scott on Friday, November 19th at 8:11 AM, weighing 7 lbs., 13 ozs.
Children's Basketball
Registration is open for Children's Basketball for Kindergarten - 5th grade! Please stop by the Church Office to complete a registration form, or simply click here to print your form (please complete the form appropriate for your child's age/grade level.) This year's fee is $40 per participant, payable by cash or check to VBC. Your registration form and fee are due in the church office no later than Friday, December 3rd. The season will begin in early January (check back for the exact date). The games for 5-year-olds through 1st grade will take place here at VBC and will be on the weekends. The locations of practices and the locations/days of games for older children have not yet been determined.
Lottie Moon Post Office
The Lottie Moon Post Office will be available this year, beginning the first Sunday of Advent, November 28th. It is an option for "mailing" your Christmas cards to church members and regular attenders at 25 cents/card. All proceeds benefit the Lottie Moon Foreign Missions Offering.
Children's Volunteers Are Needed
Children's Worship volunteers are needed every Sunday. Thanks to all those who regularly help out. A new volunteer sign-up has been created, with dates through January. The new year is a great time to get involved in a new ministry!! Please click here to sign up.
Blessing Box
We have a new update of items needed for the Blessing Box: liquid dish detergent, toilet paper, Spam, Hamburger Helper meals, Manwich, potted meat, boxes/bags of instant potatoes, and muffin mixes. Items can be turned in at the Missions Tables. Our church and community thank you!
It's that time of year again! We are ordering poinsettias to beautify our sanctuary during the upcoming Christmas season. They will be purchased from Martin's again this year at a cost of $10/each. You may order in honor or memory of a loved one. Please stop by the church office to place your order by December 5th.
The Giving Tree (formerly "Angel Tree")
We plan to have our Giving Tree up in the Welcome Center this Sunday, November 28th with tags available for children from local elementary schools and Keystone Community Center. Please pick up your tag(s) this Sunday; make sure to register your name in the Welcome Center to correspond with your tag(s) so that we can keep track of each child's gifts. Two gifts (one clothing and one toy/interest) are requested with each tag. Gifts can be purchased, wrapped, and returned to the church no later than Monday, December 13th. Please write the tag # on each gift before returning them to the church. Thank you!!!
Dish Towels Needed
The kitchen is in need of serviceable dish towels for Wednesday night dinners. They can be gently used or new, but we prefer nothing fancy. Please drop off your dish towels in the church office. Thank you!
"Be a Piece of the Puzzle" Adoption Fundraiser for Joseph and Kristi Miller
As we begin the Advent season and anticipate the birth of the Christ child, a family in our church is also eagerly awaiting a child. Joseph and Kristi Miller will go live for a domestic adoption on Monday, November 29th.

The Millers have struggled for many years with infertility. They have gone through three fertility treatments, two surgeries, one miscarriage and more tests than one would expect to have in a lifetime.

After lots of prayer and discernment, the Millers plan on welcoming a child into their home, not grown inside or by them, but grown in their hearts. They are excited to see where God takes their family, made of abundant love.

Would you be interested in being a piece of the puzzle that brings a child into a home filled with God’s love? Join us in our community adoption fundraiser for the Millers.

You can purchase a piece of their puzzle, available in the church lobby, for a donation of $5 (or more!) per piece. Begin putting the puzzle together as a symbol of our support for the Millers.

Once the puzzle is complete, new baby Miller will have a puzzle hanging as a reminder of the love this community shares for their family.

Donations can be made via cash, check, or online donation to Vinton Baptist Church with the memo line: Puzzle Adoption Fundraiser for Joseph and Kristi Miller.
Vinton Baptist Church Family,
The green plant you sent for Margie Brown's service was beautiful and meant a great deal to our family. Thank you,
Larry, Susan, Ross, and Rachel Carter
Dear Friends at Vinton Baptist Church,
It is with a grateful heart I send my thanks for your thoughtfulness throughout the year. I receive cards made by the seniors' Card Group. The cards are so creative. I love the messages sent. I receive seasonal bags from Joanna Williamson's group. I look forward to all the nice and useful surprises inside. As a church family, I hope you are thankful for your JOY Seniors and all other groups that care so much about your seniors and shut-ins, such as myself. Most sincerely,
Ocelia Pollard
REMINDER: Please remember that the church is closed on Saturdays, except for previously scheduled events or activities. If you need access to the church on a Saturday, please make arrangements through the church office during the week prior.