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Windmill for June 13th, 2024

By PP Gordon Fell

Our distinguished leader President Steve Day began his penultimate weekly meeting of his reprise term (his first term was 1997-98) with the familiar ring of the Rotary bell and welcomed all to the “Friendly Westwood Village Rotary Club”. Our hybrid meeting again included some members attending by the miracle of the internet with most of the attendees in person at “Hillel at UCLA.”

We were all reminded/informed that this year’s international Rotary theme is “Create Hope in the World”, which we all hope to remember, and that today is “National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day” as well as “National Garden Your Weed Day” (quickly corrected by President Steve to “National Weed Your Garden Day”). [Ed Note: IMHO not necessary to celebrate or remember.]

PP President Diane Good enthusiastically read out the “Rotary Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do” followed by Bill Roen leading the pledge to our flag and PP Mike Newman giving us his “Thought for the Day” about service and how much it is needed in the world today, apropos of today’s speaker from the California Highway Patol (CHP). The CHP motto is “Safety, Service and Security.”

In acknowledgement of our weather finally becoming sunny again, PP Ed Gauld led us in a rendition of “You Are My Sunshine” which only the Westwood Rotary Club could do! Steve introduced his guest, Sandy Weissberg, who was an Ambassadorial Scholar in Israel, many years ago sponsored by our club, and later became a member of our club. No longer a member, he told me that he planned to visit us when he can. Anyone from Santa Monica? He would need a ride.

We were all surprised to hear that PP Marsha Hunt recently discovered she has breast cancer and is having surgery now. We were told that she seems in relatively good spirits and is enthusiastic about getting back to her many club and district duties, soon. We will all keep her in our thoughts & prayers during her expected full recovery.

Yours truly reported on our recent “Walk to End Hunger” 2 mile walk around the Brentwood Glen neighborhood with our local Meals on Wheels chapter. Our member, Ellen Horwitz, is the Executive Director and two of us other club members are members of their governing board. It was good to see PP Steve Day and Marsha as well as PP Marsha Hunt and her sister and yours truly participating. Also, thanks to some of our members who donated to the cause in addition to our $1,000 contribution from the club.

Having recently attended the Rotary International Convention and the following Japan trip hosted by DG Makiko Nakasone, Pres-Elect Benjamin brought back banners from Taipei, Taiwan as well as Kofo and Hiroshima, Japan. He thanked the club for sending Susan and him to the convention. He showed some slides of Singapore as well as Japan. He also showed us some pictures including one with RI President McInally, and in another, the 1,000 Torii gates in Kyoto. Benjamin and Susan found the Hiroshima Peace Memorial very moving.


President Steve then acknowledged June birthdays with Janet Schwartz, the 9th, John O’Keefe, the 19th and PP Steve Scherer, the 21st.  Also, acknowledged were Jim and Eleanore Meyer’s anniversary, 63 years ago, on June 3, 1961. This prompted PP Ed Gauld to complain (ask?) why he and Kathie were not acknowledged. So far, I didn’t catch the date, but it was also many years ago. It was in the same ballpark as Meyer’s. PP Steve, a former ball player, promised to check it out! Also, the following Rotarians Rotary anniversaries were acknowledged, all in June: PP Chris Bradford (2003), John O’Keefe (2009), Scott Whittle (2014) and Jim Meyer (2023). This last date didn’t seem right, but Jim wasn’t sure. I looked it up and Dr. Jim joined in June of 2014!

Our speakers today were Officers, Steven Salas and Charles Rohay (sp?) both having served 6-7 years. Officer Salas spoke briefly about the origin of the CHP which was created to eliminate differences in law enforcement in the different cities and counties. He told us that they don’t just do traffic, but anything related to vehicles and making roadways safe. They look for Primary Collision Factors (PCF) things that distract drivers such as falling asleep. The engage from time to time in high-speed chases, pursuits in connection with stolen vehicles and DUI’s (Driving Under the Influence). They sometime use helicopters when chasing because by car is not effective, e.g., chasing motorcycles. In accordance with their motto, Safety, Service and Security, they are sometimes involved in crowd control. Their recent assistance at the UCLA protests is an example. For some things, they have Special Response Teams (SRT) for example for street racers or when streets are arbitrarily blocked off for individuals to show off their driving “skills”. They are currently short-handed and are having to do “more with less.” 

Officer Steve is a Public Information Officer (PIO) whose primary responsibility is media relations. He will provide press releases and other information to the public as needed. He will also administer grants, for example presentations to businesses or public services, e.g., Amazon, LADWP. The goal is to educate the public as to the rules and how to protect the public’s safety. Again, he mentioned that they are short-handed and there is a current push for hiring.

PP Chris asked what to do about speeders including motorcycles. Officer Salsas acknowledged this is a problem, but often they can apprehend multiple offenders using multiple reports. He urges the public to get descriptions and plate numbers if possible. Anything could help. He reminds us all if we “see something, say something.” Every report is documented.

The meeting ended after Pres Steve’s quote of the day (of the Day?) by none other than Martha Washington who said, “The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.”

  • Saturday June 22nd, 2024: WVRC Demotion Party for outgoing President Steve Day from 6-9pm at the Angeleno Hotel located at 170 N. Church Lane in Brentwood CA 90049. Be sure to RSVP and bring a guest!

  • Thursday June 27th and Thursday July 4th - Dark, No Meeting.


  • June 20th, 2024, at Hillel - Wendy Caldwell lecturer in vocal coaching and music performance at the Herb Alpert School of Music and UCLA

  • July 11, 2024, at Westwood Transitional Village on Sepulveda - Benjamin Fisher's First Meeting as President!!

WVRC 2023/2024 Leadership Team

President: Steve Day

President Elect: Benjamin Fisher

Vice President: Currently Opened

Treasurer: Terry M. White

Youth/Vocational Service: PP Diane Good

Director/Peace: PP Marsha Hunt

Foundation: PP Gordon Fell

Global Scholarships: PP Chris Bradford

Webmaster: PP Ron Lyster

District Governor: Makiko Nakasone

Immediate Past President: Chris Gaynor

Secretary: PP Nancy McCready

Community Service: David Strover

International Service: PP Nancy McCready & Nevin Senkan

Director: PP Tom Barron

Membership: PP Mark Rogo

Director/Social Media: PP Aly Shoji

Sergeant at Arms: Jim Crane

Windmill Editor: Teya McCockran