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Windmill for July 11th, 2024

By PP Mark Rogo

First mtg for Pres Ben Fisher (oy vey)


Our new president started off by greeting members on zoom including PP Chris Bradford and Christine Clayburg.



Song – “Good ‘ole summer time” led by Club’s Song Meister PP Ed Gauld.

Thought for day – PP Steve Day

Pledge – PP Chris Gaynor

Greeter - Janet Schwartz

Windmill – PP Mark Rogo

Visiting Rotarians – Dr. Bob Simon, visiting from Fullerton RC and newly retired to Westwood. Also, PDG Makiko Nakasone joined us.


Special Presentation

PDG Makiko made a special Presentation of Club Excellence to our Club, one of the highest forms of recognition in our District.


New member Induction

Samuel Botbol and Valeria Espinoza from Central America (Samuel already being a Rotarian) were sponsored by Pres Benjamin. As a very special honor, PDG Nakasone performed the induction, followed by a standing ovation from the Club members, welcoming their newest members. The PDG spoke to our Club with inspirational words about membership in Rotary, securing a pledge from Sam and Valeria to bring in one new member by June 2025.



Today’s program was conducted by fellow D5280 Rotarian Peter Lattey from the Redondo Beach RC. Peter has been focusing on international development projects. He has been a member of Rotary for 32 years through several Clubs with the last 12 years being focused on water projects. Also, he is a Rotary International Cadre Club member with expertise in international water and sanitation projects for global grants.


Corruption, clean water, and education are three biggest problems in Kenya and elsewhere.

Peter has spearheaded efforts to Install 56 water tanks, 5 water wells and numerous other projects impacting 35,000 people (about twice the seating capacity of Madison Square Garden). RI claims every $1,000 donated saves 12 lives. His projects have put in about $350,000.


Peter shared with us an informative video from Kenya addressing water projects. It showed singing, dancing and celebration by families living in the region at completed water projects. Our Club found it very inspirational.


Peter always does his projects with local Rotary Clubs through Global Grants, to ensure the integrity of the funds and the project's completion. Our Club donated to Peter’s last water project, and he has a new one to fund. His next project will be working with eight African villages serving 1,000 to 3,000 people and will include the installation of an elevated water tank at each site. In the end, they turn the project over to the local community. The village women are the backbone of any project because they are the ones who fetch clean water and take care of kids when they are sick. His projects have also started to task the person attending the kiosk to distribute water into a small shop that also offers items needed for families. This newest project will be in two adjoining counties. He also has secured the assistance of USAID who will split the cost with the counties for the water tower.


Questions – from Sean McMillan, PP Michael Newman, PP Tom Barron, PPx2 Steve Day and PP Ed Jackson.


The water from the river is clean but requires huge time commitments for multiple trips each day. And there’s also the issue of making sure it is flowing, which is not always the case.


There is a noticeable enormous difference in village life once clean water tanks are installed. Half of village health stems from gastrointestinal problems that can be sourced back to unclean water.


Kenya has 90M+ people with 40 tribes each with their own language, which complicates the entire process. It’s an economic powerhouse in Africa, despite the infrastructure problems and tribal disputes. Peter pointed out that even in our own country, the Navajo tribes here have water issues. There are lots of political issues everywhere.


Peter talked about specific stories, and they were heart breaking. Peter also mentioned scholarships designed to keep kids out of sex trafficking. School costs $750.00 which most families cannot afford. Contributions towards scholarships for these children is a worthy project.


Our President thanks Peter for a wonderful presentation and presented him with a gift, in appreciation for his time.


Thus ended the first official meeting of the new President of the Westwood Village Rotary Club. It was a success and for all of us, we wish Benjamin more success throughout his year as our President.


The next meeting will be in the same venue, the Salvation Army Family Center on Sepulveda south of Wilshire Blvd.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,


PP Mark Rogo and a huge fan of PPx2 Diane Good and PPx2 Nancy McCready

And with gratitude to PP Ed Gauld for asking me to join Rotary in 2004.


  • Pres Benjamin gave a recap of the Demotion Dinner, held at the end of June at Hotel Angelino. Included in the festivities was a recognition of PPx2 Chris Gaynor as our Rotarian of the Year. This award was well deserved and was followed by a very long-standing ovation by the Club members. 

  • PP Mark Rogo forgot the Club gift to present to PPx2 Steve Day but rectified that at the end of the meeting. It was a beautiful picture book of PP Steve's 2023/24 year.

  • Monday night July 15th will be our Board mtg under President Benjamin at PPx2 Chris Gaynor's house in The Highlands.


  • June 18th, 2024, at Westwood Transitional Village - Eric Schlobohm from Surfrider Foundation will speak on protecting our oceans.

  • July 25th, 2024, at Hillel - Michael Brones who is a Board-certified plastic surgeon & member of the American Burn Association will speak on his profession.

WVRC 2024/2025 Leadership Team

President: Benjamin Fisher

President Elect: Currently Opened

Vice President: Currently Opened

Treasurer: Terry M. White

Youth: David Stover

Vocational Service: Janet Schwartz

Director/Peace: PP Marsha Hunt

Foundation: PP Steve Day

Global Scholarships: Chris Bradford

Webmaster: PP Ron Lyster

District Governor: Albert Hernandez

Immediate Past President: Steve Day

Secretary: PP Diane Good

Community Service: Nancy McCready

International Service: Nevin Senkan

Membership: PP Mark Rogo

Director/Social Media: PP Aly Shoji

Sergeant at Arms: Jim Crane

Board Members at Large: Chris Gaynor & Gorden Fell

Windmill Editor: Teya McCockran