August 2023 Edition

Welcome to the August issue of The Wellness Corner - the e-newsletter for our community of advocates and enthusiasts - from Big Bend Cares and Care Point Health & Wellness Center.

In this issue, we turn our attention to the 33rd Tallahassee AIDS Walk; continue awareness of Beer Fest coming up soon; wrap up the success of Artopia; introduce two important awareness days in August; and remind you of other ways to support our mission.

Every day, Big Bend Cares and Care Point continue to provide essential assistance and quality health care to those we serve in the Tallahassee and Big Bend area (Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor and Wakulla counties). Our services include free HIV and STD testing, primary health care, dental care, lab work, sexual health education, courtesy transportation services, home-delivered meals, co-pay assistance for medications, and case management services.

These services wouldn't be possible without your generous donations, support, and contributions. To you reading this newsletter- thank you for helping us provide health care and much more to those in need - we appreciate you!

Thank you for reading!

Shameria Young

Board President

Big Bend Cares

Care Point Health & Wellness Center

Tallahassee AIDS Walk

Photo: Bob O'Lary

The Tallahassee AIDS Walk is returning for it's 33rd year, and back to the beautiful Southwood Nature Trail we enjoyed last year! This year’s event will be held on Thursday, September 21st, 2023, at 6:30pm, working alongside partner organizations Neighborhood Medical Center and Bond Community Health Center.

Individual community members, school and university groups, companies, and faith groups can register to walk as individuals or as part of a team through September 15. Walkers are encouraged to also become fundraisers themselves and help us reach our goal. After a memorial walk around the Southwood Nature Trail (starting at the intersection of Ivy Green Trail and Grove Park Dr.), we will gather to listen to speakers and music.

This event will be a celebration of all of those who have fought so hard to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS. All proceeds help Big Bend Cares in providing direct-care services for our clients and HIV prevention and education for the entire Big Bend region. So click the button below to register, pre-order your t-shirt, join a team, and become a fundraiser!

Register to Walk

We'd also like to give a huge Thank You to AIDS Walk's Title Sponsor:

Tallahassee Beer Fest

Get your Beer Fest tickets before they run out!

The 5th Annual Tallahassee Beer Festival will be held on August 26th at the Civic Center, and tickets are going fast. VIP has already sold out, so be sure to help spread the word that anyone can help Big Bend Cares with their ticket purchase, they just need to use code 'BBC' at checkout and a portion of the profit is split with us.

Beer Fest has proven to be a fun and successful event that fundraises for UPHS and partnered orgs like us, all through the enjoyment of beer. You get a taster mug, and spend the day perusing over 100 options from local to regional brews. We would love to see everyone there, so click the button below to get your tickets with our code 'BBC'!

Buy Tickets with Code BBC

Artopia 2023

Photo: Bob O'Lary

The 25th Anniversary of Artopia saw great success once again, all thanks to the hard work and support of our artists, volunteers, and staff members - and you! We are so humbled that the community showed up in such a big way, and it was another huge fundraiser in the books, ensuring tens of thousands of dollars can go to our Client Services Department.

The auction saw over 400 items for the crowd to bid on, and a couple galleries even sold out! Congratulations again to briteso, who not only did an amazing job with the Live Art, but who took home Best in Show and the People's Choice Award. Photos from the weekend are now live on a Facebook album, so check that out for a highlight and recap of all the fun!

Photo Album

Let's also give one more round of applause to Artopia's generous Presenting Sponsors:

Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day & National Faith HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness day is celebrated on August 20th. More than 50% of new HIV diagnoses are in the South. SHAAD raises awareness of the HIV crisis in the region and provides an opportunity to advocate for resources to address it.

National Faith HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is August 27th this year. HIV affects people of all faiths across the United States. The goal of NFHAAD, which is observed on the last Sunday in August, is to bring together Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and members of other religions to fight the virus.

If you or someone you know is interested in getting tested for HIV, learn more by clicking the button below:

HIV Testing

Givers Every Month (GEM) Club

Last year, over 3,730 no cost food bags were given to our clients in Tallahassee and the Big Bend facing food insecurity because of our GEM Club members.

And GEM Club members make it possible for us to provide FREE comprehensive health care to our uninsured patients, with no sliding fee scale.

What is a GEM Club member?


It’s you and me - neighbors helping neighbors. GEM (Givers Every Month) Club members donate monthly and 100% of their gifts go towards food and health care for our neighbors in need. Want to become a GEM Club member and help us serve others? Click the button below:

Give Monthly

Take a Tour of Care Point Today!

Ever wonder what happens beyond the closed doors of Care Point?

Sign up for a guided tour today and witness a behind-the-scenes view of “the 27,000 square feet of awesomeness!” including the 10 patient exam rooms, lab, x-ray facility, and dental wing.

For details and to reserve a space on the next tour, please email Takila Brooks here.

We hope you enjoyed the August 2023 issue of The Wellness Corner. If you have questions or want more information about any of the topics covered, please email Serene Smallwood here or call (850) 656-2437 extension 224. Thank you.

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Big Bend Cares, Inc. / Care Point Health & Wellness Center is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), federal tax-exempt organization. All donations are deemed tax-deductible.

FEIN: 59-2816580