An Elite Personal Training Facility That Puts You First
PEX Health and Fitness Newsletter
Updates from the Bunker
Okay, folks.

IT. IS. TIME... wait for another two week extension of the May 18th opening date! (I am speculating here.)

I was pretty optimistic about opening on the 18th, but then I read the notes from Governor Baker's press conference on Monday and my hopes and dreams were dashed to the sidewalk like all of the used gloves and masks in front of PEX (come on, people).

I'm not the sharpest light bulb in the tool shed, but it just seems obvious to me that there will be another extension. I am not sure how you could wait until around the 18th to release information regarding businesses reopening on the 18th. Seems like there would not be enough time for us to be planned and ready. But at this point, nothing would surprise me AND who the hell knows.
Just for giggles, let's assume that we are able to engage in a soft-opening on the 18th...
Will you be coming back to the PEX facility for in-person training?
I might wait a week, or twelve.
We appreciate your responses, as this will help us to gauge the volume of how many clients will be coming back to the gym, and this information will aid us in our re-opening protocol and procedures.

(Regarding protocol and procedures, we will be sending out a formal re-opening protocol to everyone in the coming days, so please be on the lookout for that.)

And remember, before you send me scathing emails, phone calls, text messages, and/or Molotov cocktails through the windows, I don't WANT to impose any restrictions on our gym and our operating procedures; I simply have to, for all of our safety and our long-term health and wellness.
Things I Think
This week's edition of "Things I Think" is brought to you by Mike Campanella,
Owner of PEX Health and Fitness
A day late, and $60,000.00 short.

(That was an economic pandemic joke related to missing the newsletter yesterday.)

Short newsletter this week. On top of 40+ hours of training sessions this week, I am also playing infectious disease specialist, social media manager, HR chief, newsletter aficionado, legal counsel, executive assistant (to myself...weird), super-enthusiastic dad, and trying-really-hard-with-dwindling-resources-husband.

Which brings me to my next point! If ANY of you know someone you love and trust, someone who has a health and fitness background AND ALSO social media and management skillz, send them my way. I have a beautiful office in our staff area that sits vacant 95% of the time, and I could really use some help with...everything.

(Shameless plug/cry for help.)

Until next time (maybe Monday?! But probably not.)

Peace and love,

MC Hammer

p.s. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of our special ladies out there!
Progressive Mobility Class
With Shawn Sprague, Owner of PT Progression

Work-from-home life got your back hurting and your knees aching? Feel tight as a guitar string, but a bit out of tune? Then it's probably time you checked out Shawn's Progressive Mobility class. For more information, check out his brand new website:

When:  Mondays & Wednesdays at 6 PM
Where: Zoom Video
 How: Email Shawn to sign up!
Saturday Morning Interval Class
With Ashley Means, Owner of ANM Strength

Got plans Saturday morning(s)? Probably not. (Neither do we.) If you're up for a challenge, hop into Ashley's Saturday morning interval class! All you need is a bike, rower, or treadmill, and a telemedicine note from your doctor. (Just kidding. Kind of.)

When: Saturdays at 9 AM
Where: Zoom Video
 How: Email Ashley   to get your Zoom ID
Bodyweight and Dumbbells Class
With Mike Campanella, Owner of PEX Health & Fitness
Do you have a body? Do you have a dumbbell (no, your teenaged son does not count)? Well, friends, that's all you need! Join us on Thursdays at 8 AM sharp for an a$$-kicking training session that feels almost like we are back at the gym together.

When: Thursday at 8 AM
Where: Zoom Video
How: Email Mike for the Zoom ID
To send cash and diamonds
1451 Highland Avenue,
Needham, MA 02492