June 9, 2024

The Third Sunday after Pentecost

& Baptism

10am Service

The Rev. Mike Ferrito Presiding

The Rev. Mary Claugus Preaching & Deacon

5pm Contemplative Prayer Eucharist

The Second Sunday after Pentecost

& Celebrating St. Michael's Episcopal Day School Baccalaureate

The Rev. Jesse Vaughan

Sunday June 2, 2024

Upcoming Events

Saturday, June 15 - Indoor Yard Sale

(Set up & Drop Offs June 9 - June 14)

Sunday, June 16 - Father's Day & End of Diaper Drive

Sunday, June 23 - Prison Contemplative Ministry Presentation

Monday, June 24 - Friday, June 28

Deanery Vacation Bible School

Sunday, June 30 - Rev. Mary's Retirement Celebration

Monday, July 8 - Friday, July 19 - St. Michael's Theater Camp

Friday, July 19 - St. Micheal's Theater Camp Production of Finding Nemo

Rev. Mary’s Retirement Celebration

Please contact Mary Ellen Ferguson, Holly Yue or Catherine Curran if you would like to participate. RSVP through the Punchbowl Invitations sent this week. The 5pm Contemplative Service will be cancelled on this day.

To contribute to a gift for Rev. Mary please make your check out to St. Michael's with "Farewell gift" in the memo line, place a donation in a marked envelope on Sunday or use the one time Donate button below.


St. Michael's Serves in the Community

I began volunteering at River City Food Bank about a year and a half ago and quickly knew that this was something I was going to do on a regular basis as often as I could. The staff at RCFB is extremely welcoming, the work is rigorous, and the other volunteers are interesting people to work along side. An example of one is fellow volunteer Farida, who, with her husband and children, immigrated from Russia. Farida was an English teacher in Russia. I asked her one day why they immigrated. She said they came because they knew they would be able to make better choices for their family here through education and jobs. She recently successfully presented her family's case in court to obtain their “green cards.” Amazing! The clients we serve are so wonderful! They thank us repeatedly and are so grateful for what RCFB is able to give them. But it is we who serve who are humbled and grateful for their presence, their beautiful smiles, and “fist bumps” their children give us. Come join us! Fred, the director, plays great music while we work!

Volunteer opportunities can be found here and on our website Calendar. If you would like to join our River City Food Bank Volunteers for email blasts with last minute volunteer opportunities please contact the office at st.michaels@stmichaelscarmichael.org!

St. Michael’s Annual Diaper Drive

Our 7th annual Diaper Drive benefitting the clients at River City Food Bank ends Father's Day, Sunday, June 16. Get your diapers (or donations) in!

There are a couple ways to support this outreach ministry if you choose to. You can contribute financially by dropping off or mailing a check to St. Michael’s (adding Diapers to the memo line) or making a donation online toward the Diaper Drive using the button below. Or, a St. Michael's favorite, bringing in box(es) of diapers (sizes 3 - 5 are especially in demand by the RCFB clients) to the St. Michael’s office on Sundays and throughout the week during office hours. Thank you for your continued support!

Diaper Drive Donations


Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 8am


 Plan now to attend and ask your friend(s) to join you.

AND… start cleaning out your cupboards, closets, and drawers.

The Indoor Yard Sale needs eye glasses, collectables, jewelry, art, silver, china, decorator items, books, linens, kitchen items, sporting goods, children’s books, games, toys and lightly used clothing and shoes for all ages.  

AND … if you want to join the set up fun, we need volunteers the week of! Sunday, June 9 through Saturday, June 15


Drop off Dates & Times:

Sunday, June 9th, 12 - 4pm

Monday, June 10th, 9am - 12pm

Tuesday, June 11th, 4 - 8pm

Wednesday, June 12th, 1 - 4pm

Thursday, June 13th, 1 - 4pm

Friday, June 14th, 9 - 11am


For more info or to volunteer, contact Marcie at 916-488-6960. 


Bookmarks, posters & flyers are available.

Regular Outreach opportunities

River City Food Bank Center at St. Matthew's - Distribution Prep every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday & Distribution every Wednesday & Friday

Carmichael HART Carmichael Presbyterian Church - Lunch program every Thursday & the Shower Ministry every Saturday

God's Helping Hands Laundry LaunderLand every 3rd Saturday of the month


St. Michael's Learns & Connects

Contemplative Prison Fellowship

Sunday, June 23, 2024 | 12:00 – 1:30 | Friendship Hall

You are invited to attend a presentation on the contemplative ministry that supports and guides Folsom Prison inmates in the practice of Centering Prayer. This ministry was initiated by a group of inmates over twenty years ago who desired a deeper relationship with God through the practice of contemplative meditation. Their actions resulted in the eventual creation of a prayer group known as the Prison Contemplative Fellowship, and the ministry that supports it. A ministry that aligns with the principles and guidelines provided by Contemplative Outreach LTD, an organization cofounded by Father Thomas Keating....

We in this ministry are inspired by the words of Jesus “I was in prison, and you came to me”. Matthew 25:36; “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” Matthew 25:40.

For more information contact Terry Bridges at Terrycbridges@gmail.com or Chuck Schaller at ChuckSchaller2@gmail.com

Continue reading the full article below.  

Full Article Here

Education for Ministry (EfM) - Now taking enrollment


EfM is a program of theological study provided by the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. The study is done in a seminar class which meets once a week throughout the academic year, about 36 weeks, under the guidance of trained mentors.

This is a small “community” of learners studying together. Although the course materials provide substantial academic content, the focus is on life as ministry and understanding what that ministry may be. The first two years focus on the Old and New Testament, the third year on church history and the fourth year on ethics and philosophy.

EfM teaches how to think theologically and deepens faith and understanding of our Christian heritage. The bonds formed in this small learning community will be deep and long lasting. The program is non-denominational and St. Michael’s class is open to members of other Christian communities. We are now recruiting for the 2024-2025 academic year.

If you would like more information about the Graduation or enrolling, please contact Janice Bowdler, janbowdler@comcast.net, or Ellen Cehand, harbawe1961@gmail.com. Financial assistance is available. 

St. Michael's Continuing Studies

Weekly Services

10am Sunday Morning Worship Eucharist & Choir also Livestreamed

Nursery opens at 9:30am

5pm Sunday Evening Contemplative Eucharist with Zoom

9am Morning Prayer – Zoom, Monday through Thursday nm

11:45am Thursday Noon Day Prayer – Zoom

8:30am Friday Morning Contemplative Eucharist

The Chancel Choir

Thank you for a marvelous year of music!

I want to thank the choir for the exceptional year of music we enjoyed during our worship services and for more than a few Celebration of Life services. You all enrich our worship so very much and bring into the sanctuary the beauty of holiness with your sound. John, you are wonderful at bringing instruments into our worship seamlessly which enhance the voices of the choir. Wow, have we been blessed with wonderful music or what?

We will miss the choir as they take a break for the summer. (However, they will be back for my last Sunday, June 30th! Thank you, thank you, thank you!). The choir will return the Sunday after Labor Day. In the meantime, many of the current choir members will be offering their voices for solos, duets and such. Thank you all for sharing your vocal talents with us and for all you do to prepare each week. Thank you so very much!


Rev. Mary

Choral Masterworks

by John Cozza, Music Director

The Creation by Joseph Haydn

The anthem sung by the choir this past Sunday, "The Heavens are Telling," is taken from the great oratorio of Haydn's "retirement", The CreationThe Creation (GermanDie Schöpfung) is an oratorio written between 1797 and 1798 by Joseph Haydn (Hob. XXI:2), and considered by many to be one of his masterpieces. The oratorio depicts and celebrates the creation of the world as described in the Book of Genesis.

The libretto was written by Gottfried van Swieten. The work is structured in three parts and scored for sopranotenor and bass soloists, chorus and a symphonic orchestra. In parts I and II, depicting the creation, the soloists represent the archangels Raphael (bass), Uriel (tenor) and Gabriel (soprano). In part III, the bass and soprano represent Adam and Eve.

The first public performance was held in Vienna at the old Burgtheater on 19 March 1799. The oratorio was published with the text in German and English in 1800.


For more information, here is a link to the Wikipedia entry: 


And here is a recording in English with Early Music Performance Pioneer Christopher Hogwood and his original-instruments ensemble The Academy of Ancient Music:

St. Michael's Children & Youth Connection

St. Michael's hosting

Capital Deanery Vacation Bible School 

More info found on our Children & Youth Page.  

Register Here
Register Here

On-Going Announcements

St. Michael's Men’s Breakfast

Men's breakfast is on the first Saturday of every month at FlapJacks Diner. The group meets at 8am at the restaurant. FlapJacks Diner is on El Camino Ave. Please reply to Jim Dodds so he will have an idea of the numbers. If you have any additional questions, please contact the office.

Centering Prayer

All are welcome to come and pray! Centering prayer meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month in the Friendship Center and on Zoom. Newcomers are welcome to come at 6:45pm for a Centering Prayer Newcomer Orientation. Centering Prayer begins at 7pm. We will offer a 20 minute centering prayer sit, followed by a variety of contemplative practices. They may include: Lectio Divina, experiential spirituality and occasionally a guest speaker. For more information, please contact the office 916.488.3550 or Chuck Schaller 916.390.3465.

Prayers for Pregnant Women & Their Babies

We have an ongoing relationship with the Episcopal Sisters at the Order of Julian of Norwich monastery who pray daily for pregnant women and their babies. If you have name(s) of loved one(s) who are expecting that you would like to have included in the sisters' prayers, please email Fr. Rod at fatherrod@stmichaelscarmichael.org.

Giving Thanks with Flowers!

You can still remember your loved ones and celebrate important moments in your life with the gift of flowers to the church.  

If you would like to give in this way, please let the office know

and what you would like to give thanks for in the bulletin. You can send a check (or drop it off) to the office or pay on-line.  

Name Tags Available

We have name tags available at Sunday morning check in's. Please be sure to grab and wear your name tag before the service. If you are in need of a name tag please let the office know.

St. Michael's Hours

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:30am - 1:30pm

Sanctuary and Courtyard are open during office hours. Please let the office know you will be coming. Call 916.488.3550 or email.

Pastoral Hours

Rev. Mary will be available on request. Please call the office to schedule.


Pastor Katie will be available on request. Please email pastorkatie@stmichaelscarmichael.org to schedule.


Thank you all for generously supporting St. Michael's and our ministries. We are accepting pledge payments through the mail. We are also accepting online giving. You may have to set up an account to do so. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Kate Muris.

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
2140 Mission Avenue, Carmichael CA 95608
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