August 11, 2024

The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

10am Service

The Rev. Mike Ferrito Presiding

The Rev. Rodney Davis Preaching

Pastor Katie Holeman Deacon

5pm Contemplative Prayer Service on Zoom - New Zoom Link -!

The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Katie Holeman

Sunday August 4, 2024

A Bridge to St. Michaels’ Future

St. Michael’s has started our search for a new Rector to lead us into the future. As part of that process, the Vestry invites you to complete the Church Assessment Tool (CAT). This first step in the search process is a self-assessment, a look at where we are as a parish and where we want to go from here and its success depends on you. Results of this survey will inform the Parish Profile, a document we will post along with the position description for our new Rector. Participating in the CAT is easy and can be done safely on line or, if you prefer, we can provide a paper copy. Your participation is very important as the profile should reflect the views and impressions of every person in the parish.

You will receive an email with a unique link to the CAT in a few days. Beginning Monday, August 12, please go online by clicking on the link provided, then follow the instructions there to tell us about your experiences in and priorities for St. Michael’s. Please do not discuss the survey or your answers with others as this may influence their answers. The survey will take about 30 minutes of your time.

If you need a paper copy, please come to the office, and we will provide one for you along with a self-addressed stamped return envelope.

All answers are strictly anonymous. We have no way of matching any assessment to a particular person, so please feel free to candidly share your perceptions, opinions and experiences. The information provided is strictly confidential and will not be marketed to outside parties. Our future together is dependent on your participation and honest answers.

If you have questions, please contact Doug Davy at or call the office 916.488.3550.

Thank you very much,

Rick Larkey, Senior Warden

Tammy Murray, Junior Warden

Doug Davy, Profile Team Chair

Suzanne Phinney, Search Team Chair

St. Michael's Serves in the Community

Presentation - Prison Contemplative Ministry

Wednesday August 14, 2024, 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Trinity Episcopal Church, Folsom


For all who missed the June 23rd presentation on the Prison Contemplative Ministry we are offering a repeat performance Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at Trinity Episcopal Church in Folsom. The presentation will begin at 7pm in Trinity’s Parish Hall.


By attending the presentation, you will learn about the history of the Prison Contemplative fellowship, the ministry involved in its support, the ministry’s core principles and practices, and the impact this ministry has had on those involved.


For more information contact Terry Bridges at or Grace Sternad at

Full Article

Thursday, September 19, 2024

6pm – 9pm at the Sacramento Zoo

3930 W. Land Park Dr. Sacramento, CA

River City Food Bank (RCFB) is thrilled to host the 21st Empty Bowls fundraising event at the Sacramento Zoo on Thursday, September 19. As RCFB’s only major fundraiser, Empty Bowls provides critical operating support to purchase and distribute healthy food to anyone experiencing food insecurity in Sacramento County.

No physical tickets are required – you and your guests will check in at the event registration table upon entry though the zoo members gate entrance. Parking is free and available throughout Land Park – click here to view a map of the park. Summer cocktail attire – the entire event will take place outdoors so please dress comfortably for the weather.

Tickets & More Info

Park Fire, Chico

This Sunday we will be doing a special offering for the Park Fire relief in Chico. The disaster fund has been critically low for months and is needed now, more than ever. Special offerings from the congregation and one-time donations are all welcome, and truly needed. Donations may be placed in the offering plates on Sunday during worship (please note Park Fire/Disaster Relief in the memo), online through our website and directly to the Diocese Disaster Relief (

Almighty God, who is our strength and our refuge; be with those who are besieged by fire, guide those who evacuate so that they may find care and comfort in a safe place; protect their homes and their pets, their neighbors and their friends, so that they may return home to a loving community. We ask this in the name of Jesus your son, who abides with you and with the Holy Spirit.


We Can Make a Big Difference for Starr King K-8

Our partner school, Starr King K-8, greatly appreciates the assistance we have given their students over many years. Backpacks, large containers of hand sanitizer, large boxes of Kleenex, and baby wipes can be dropped off at church on Sunday or in the office during the week. You can make a donation in cash, check or online. For cash and check donations, please make it out to St. Michaels and indicate on the memo line for Starr King. Remember, a little done by a lot of us can make a huge difference to many young lives at Starr King K-8. Thank you so much!

Pre-packed Backpack Kits
$5.00 Backpacks from Target

Regular Outreach opportunities

River City Food Bank Center at St. Matthew's - Distribution Prep every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday & Distribution every Wednesday & Friday

Carmichael HART Carmichael Presbyterian Church - Lunch program every Thursday & the Shower Ministry every Saturday

God's Helping Hands Laundry LaunderLand every 3rd Saturday of the month


Weekly Services

10am Sunday Morning Worship Eucharist (also Livestreamed)

Nursery opens at 9:30am

5pm Sunday Evening Contemplative Prayer Service on Zoom

9am Morning Prayer – Zoom, Monday through Thursday

8:30am Friday Morning Contemplative Eucharist

5pm Contemplative Prayer Service

New Zoom Link -!

As the summer comes to an end we have shifted our Sunday evening 5pm contemplative prayer service back to zoom only. The 5pm Contemplative Prayer Service will continue to be a space to gather, worship, and have time together as the body of Christ. All are welcome to join us! We give gratitude to all those who have put their time and energy into both the hybrid and zoom 5pm worship which continues to allow for a wonderful community. If you have any questions please contact Fr. Mike.

St. Michael's Backpack Blessing

Sunday, August 11th at the 10am Service

All students, teachers, and school employees are encouraged to join us on August 11th during worship for a blessing of students and teachers and their backpacks and work bags. We will also be blessing the backpacks that have been collected for Starr King K-8 over the past few weeks AND presenting the St. Michael's Episcopal Church Scholarships to our 2024 recipients - Michael Cole, CeeCee Cryer-Coleman, Lisa Coleman, Makayla Holeman & Joshua Lueders!

This is a fun way to kick off the school year and celebrate your return to school with St. Michaels. We will have fun backpack/bag tags as well! So bring your bag and join us.

Choral Masterworks

by John Cozza, Music Director


Bernstein--Chichester Psalms


In commemoration of Bernstein's birthday on August 25, here is one of his more famous choral pieces. Chichester Psalms is an extended choral composition in three movements by Leonard Bernstein for boy treble or countertenor, choir and orchestra. The text was arranged by the composer from the Book of Psalms in the original Hebrew. Part 1 uses Psalms 100 and 108, Part 2 uses 2 and 23, and Part 3 uses 131 and 133.

The work premiered at the Philharmonic Hall in New York City on 15 July 1965, conducted by the composer. That was followed by a performance at Chichester Cathedral as part of the Southern Cathedrals Festival, for which it was commissioned, on 31 July that year, conducted by John Birch.


For more information, here is a link to the Wikipedia article (including texts/translation):


And here is a live recording with the composer conducing:

St. Michael's Children & Youth

St. Michael's Theater Camp - Finding Nemo!

What an amazing month July was! Theater camp was a huge success. Thank you to our amazing team of adult and youth who not only ran a two week camp but led a group of amazing students in the production of Finding Nemo Kids! Check out the recording of the show below.

Diocesan News

Episcopal Diocese of Northern California (EDNC)  

Join the Board of Trustees or Standing Committee 

The EDNC is taking nominations from lay and clergy members to join the Board of Trustees; and from lay members to fill an opening on the Standing Committee. The Board of Trustees is the Governing Body of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California. The Standing Committee serves as the Bishop’s Council of Advice and performs various governance functions. 

The candidates will be voted on at the Diocesan Convention in November. Jim Sargent served on the Standing Committee for many years and Tammy Murray was a member of the Board of Trustees. If you have any questions and may be interested in this volunteer opportunity please contact Tammy Murray, Deadline to apply is August 9, 2024. 

St. Michael's Connects

St. Michael's Blood Drive

Sunday September 15th

Sacred Circle Meets the last Wednesday of every month at 6pm via zoom. For more information please contact Kate Muris.

On-Going Announcements

St. Michael's Men’s Breakfast

Men's breakfast is on the first Saturday of every month at FlapJacks Diner. The group meets at 8am at the restaurant. FlapJacks Diner is on El Camino Ave. Please reply to Jim Dodds so he will have an idea of the numbers. If you have any additional questions, please contact the office.

Centering Prayer

All are welcome to come and pray! Centering prayer meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month in the Friendship Center and on Zoom. Newcomers are welcome to come at 6:45pm for a Centering Prayer Newcomer Orientation. Centering Prayer begins at 7pm. We will offer a 20 minute centering prayer sit, followed by a variety of contemplative practices. They may include: Lectio Divina, experiential spirituality and occasionally a guest speaker. For more information, please contact the office 916.488.3550 or Chuck Schaller.

Prayers for Pregnant Women & Their Babies

We have an ongoing relationship with the Episcopal Sisters at the Order of Julian of Norwich monastery who pray daily for pregnant women and their babies. If you have name(s) of loved one(s) who are expecting that you would like to have included in the sisters' prayers, please email Fr. Rod at

Giving Thanks with Flowers!

You can still remember your loved ones and celebrate important moments in your life with the gift of flowers to the church.  

If you would like to give in this way, please let the office know

and what you would like to give thanks for in the bulletin. You can send a check (or drop it off) to the office or pay on-line.  

Name Tags Available

We have name tags available at Sunday morning check in's. Please be sure to grab and wear your name tag before the service. If you are in need of a name tag please let the office know.

St. Michael's Hours

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:30am - 1:30pm

Sanctuary and Courtyard are open during office hours. Please let the office know you will be coming. Call 916.488.3550 or email.

Pastoral Hours

Pastor Katie will be available on request. Please email to schedule.

Fr. Mike will be available on request. Please email to schedule.

Fr. Rod will be available on request. Please email to schedule. 


Thank you all for generously supporting St. Michael's and our ministries. We are accepting pledge payments through the mail. We are also accepting online giving. You may have to set up an account to do so. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Kate Muris.

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
2140 Mission Avenue, Carmichael CA 95608
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