We hope your first day with us is only the beginning of many wonderful days in the coming year!
Monday Morning Minyan
9:30 am In-Person
Join a small group of us, led by member Sue Dermer, as we kick off the week with prayer and camaraderie. Along the way, we share our joys, sorrows, news of our families, prayer requests, and other experiences that draw us into the community.
No RSVP is required - all are welcome!
Wednesday, July 3
Yarn Yentas
10:00 - 11:30 am In-Person
Join us every Wednesday as we come together for creativity and companionship in our Temple Lobby. Bring your current project or start a new one!
No RSVP is needed to join us!
Thursday, July 4
Office Closed for Independence Day
Friday, July 5
Erev Shabbat Worship Service
with Rabbi Jonathan Biatch and Cantorial Soloist Gregg Luchs.
6:30pm-8:00pm In-Person or Online
Join us either in person or on Zoom for our Erev Shabbat Services.
Open to the entire community. Please invite your friends.
Please check the July 5, Friday morning Shabbat email for Saturday service information for this date, or feel free to call the Temple office at 480-838-1414.