The Weekly Draft

St. Thomas' Episcopal Church

July 11, 2024

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Bulletin for Sunday - July 14, 2024

Fr. Ryan is away on vacation and will return July 14.

Upcoming at St. Thomas'

The Men's Club will meet tonight:

Thursday, July 11

in the Parish Hall at 6 pm

Please bring a snack and or drinks to share.

We will be planning out the events and projects for the coming months.

Smile, Camera, Action...

This Sunday, July 14, Videographer Brad Bryan and Diocesan Director of Communications Lindsey Nickel will be filming elements of our 10 am service as part of a video series to be premiered at the Diocesan Convention in October. No audio from the service will be taped, just video of worship and Holy Eucharist. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding and look forward to seeing you at 10am worship. 

Getting a Face Lift - No Parking!

All of the church/school parking lots at St. Thomas' are schedule to be resurfaced and restriped beginning Monday, July 29 through Saturday, August 3. If you need to access the Church during this time, please park on Cordova Blvd NE or Rafael Blvd NE. There will be no Eucharist or Supper, Song and Prayer on Wednesday, July 31.

Ordination - Mark Your Calendar

David and Beth Gould invites you to join them, on Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 2pm at the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, St. Petersburg when David will be ordained. This exciting service marks his entry into the transitional diaconate. David is so grateful for the outpouring of love and support he has received from the parish community of St. Thomas' during his discernment. David and Beth enjoy being members of this church so much!  

David will continue to serve as Chaplain at Canterbury School of Florida and once he is ordained a deacon he will also begin serving at another church in our diocese for six months.

Music Ministry

This week we will be singing one of my favourite hymns in our hymnal.  "There's a wideness in Gods mercy" is often set to Beecher, a tune from the mid nineteenth century, yet I find the tune far to bouncy for the sentimentality of the text.  The tune we will sing was composed in 1978 by famed Episcopal musician, Calvin Hampton.  The tune name was given in honour of the Sisters of the Order of St. Helena who were at residence at Calvary Church, New York City.  This tune paired with this text makes the vocal line a solo placed on top of an organ accompaniment, rather than the chorale-type hymnody we are so often used to singing.  As you receive communion this week, keep your ears tuned to this hymn and allow it to become a meditation to your soul. ~Jordan


We will be continuing the tradition of the Open Chancel Summer Choir*. Anyone singer who would like to join us for a quick-learn, simple choral anthem is invited to join us on the following Sundays at 9:15 am in the choir room

July 21, Aug 4, Aug 18

What about all of our folks who are Solo Musicians*, but do not sing?! We want you, too! Please contact me about signing-up for the following Sundays to present a musical offering during the Offertory during service. You can play your instrument solo, or I will be happy to accompany you. You can also bring fellow musicians to play duets, trios, etc.

July 28, Aug 11

*To sign-up for either the Open Chancel Summer Choir, or the Solo Musician spots,

please contact me at:

Music for Sunday, July 14, 2024:

Voluntary, How Can I Keep from Singing, Raymond H. Haan

#525, The Church's one foundation, Aurelia  

#536, Open your ears, O faithful people, Torah Song

#469, There's a wideness in God's mercy, St. Helena

#423, Immortal, invisible, God only wise, St. Denio

Voluntary, Festive Postlude in C Major by Paul Fey

Youth Ministry

St. Thomas’ offers the sacramental rites of baptism, communion, and confirmation. Our programs for youth include: Feasting on the Word (grades 1-5) and Truthseekers (grades 6-12) as well as fun activities throughout the school year. The nursery is staffed at both Sunday services during the school year. For an overview of our youth programs, check out the website.

Our youth programs and nursey are on break until September.

If you are interested in joining St. Thomas' outstanding team of educators in the fall, let Fr. Ryan know. Happy summer, all!

Truthseekers Class Summaries

Adult Formation

Women of the Word

Thursdays 9:15 am


October 3 - Reconvene

Please contact Joan Barns for information, 757-567-5488

Men's Bible Study

Wednesdays 7:30 am


August 7 - Reconvene

Pastoral Care

The list of names in the Prayers of the People will be published in the bulletin every week and in this section of The Draft. To add someone to the long-term prayer list, contact Russ in the church office: 727-896-9641 or Names stay on the prayer list for three weeks unless otherwise requested.

Prayer list: Dona, Geoff, Sharon Joanne, John, Howard, Marcia, Don, Barbara, Ethan, Allison, Michael, Chris, Yvonne, Brenda, Carrie, Michelle, and the Burkhart Family.

Healing Prayer Ministry

Healing Prayer with the imposition of holy oil is offered at the 10am Sunday service, and occasionally at 8am. After communion you are invited to come to the back of the church and receive a confidential healing prayer from a trained parishioner. Prayer ministers share the heart of Jesus’s love and care, and are guided by the Holy Spirit to listen, love, and pray into your prayer requests for physical, emotional and/or spiritual needs. Intercessory prayers for others can also be given. If you have any questions about the healing prayer ministry or feel called to serve, please call Joan Barns 757 567-5488 or email


Benison Farm Needs Chicken Tenders!

Are you looking for a fun way to get involved at Benison Farm? Chicken tending might be for you! We need a few more friends to feed the girls. It takes as little as one hour per week. If you can help, please email Deacon Martha, (Click on the photo for more information.

Next Giving Plate Sunday: July 21

Any cash collected at the July 21st services will be donated to Isaiah's Place in St. Petersburg.

St. Thomas' has been instrumental in providing 200 sandwiches a month to this organization, which feeds hungry and homeless people and cares for their medical needs. Your financial contribution will go a long way to help those in need and help fulfill Jesus' outreach reminder found in Matthew 25. Thanks to Angie Ford and Vickie Ryan who are points of contact for this outreach ministry.


Don't forget to stop by the ATM before church!

Many blessings from your Outreach Committee.

Learn More About Isaiah's Place

FAST is an interfaith social justice campaign in Pinellas County that works on affordable housing, clean water, and criminal justice reform. Click on the FAST logo to learn more about this St. Thomas' outreach initiative.

Mercy Keepers

We appreciate your continued prayers and donations of food and clothing that you provide. Your donations keep the Mercy Keeper's pantry viable, keeping families and households safe from food insecurity.


Please place your non-perishable food and slightly used or new clothing, in the baskets at the foot of the baptismal font, in St. Thomas' Sanctuary. 

Contact Teri Andres-Coryell for more information. Thank you!

Our Next Sandwich Sunday: August 4

Come join us between the 8am and 10am services to make 200 sandwiches to feed the hungry in St. Petersburg. Robin Taylor of Isaiah's Place will distribute the sandwiches through this ministry.


The Festive Meal

Please join us on Saturday, Sept 28, 2024 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the parish hall for the return of The Festive Meal. We will need table hosts to select their table theme and decorate. For more details and to sign up as a table host please speak with any stewardship committee member. We need a few more table hosts. Please contact Linda Sordan if interested,



St. Thomas’ Vestry and our Sabbatical Planning Committee are using Dr. Robert C. Saler’s exceptional work, Planning Sabbaticals: A Guide For Congregations And Their Pastors (Chalice Press, 2019), to inform our planning and management of Fr. Ryan’s summer 2025 sabbatical leave. We invite you to stay tuned for periodic planning updates. Please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the Sabbatical Planning Committee with questions: Mary Clark 832-332-5339, Pam Holley 727-481-4990, or Bill Barns 757-646-5146. Read more by clicking the button below.

More Vestry News Here


Baseball with the Bishop

We are fast approaching Baseball with the Bishop! It is time to slide into home and grab your tickets for August 9th as the Tampa Bay Rays play the Baltimore Orioles at 6:50 p.m. Bishop Scharf will present the lineup card for the game and one of our lucky youth will be chosen to yell "play ball!!!" at the start of the game!

Lower-corner tickets are $37.10 ($47 value) and a portion of this ticket offer will benefit the Episcopal Charities Fund. Contact Rafael Lazala for tickets at 727-825-3445 or

More Information Click Here

Join your fellow St. Thomas’ Parishioners in reading one of these recommended books over the summer. Then, at Supper, Song, and Prayer on August 21, sit with others who read the same book as you and enjoy table book discussion!

Download this Summer's Reading List Here

Please join us on Thursdays from

6:00 pm - 7:15 pm. 

Meeting ID: 969 2031 5905

Password: 06182020

Connect through Zoom:

VHH Zoom Link

Canterbury Job Opportunity

Canterbury's Hough Campus is seeking a flexible and creative assistant, responsible for aiding in shaping and delivering a unique aftercare experience for PK3-4th grade students, 3:00-5:30 when school is in session. $15.00 per hour.

If interested, please email Anne Fallon, head of school,

July Celebrations!

Happy Birthday blessings this month go out to:

Beverly Littlejohn, June Macciocchi, Oliver Quixtan,

Bradley Ball, Gabriella DiNobile, Connor Coop, Jean Irwin, Thomas Treichel, Josephine Purcell, Michael Davis,

Jordon Miller, Marla Hicks, Mary Ball, Susan Calder,

Joan Jaicks, Tanner Hallas, Alexis Crawford, Thomas Hicks, Hardy Bryan, Blake Disler, Sharon Davis, Grant Dobbs, Rachel Harvard, Carson Coop, Aubrey Moorefield,

Mary Clark, Gary Hallas, Justin Purcell, John Stenard, David Fischer, Richard Malmad, Leslie Tiernan-Duffy, Mary Jane Park, Jon Wilson, Hayden Crawford, Jack Cartier, Henry Forrester, and Richard Davis.

Happy Anniversary blessings this month go out to:

Dodd and Heather Disler, Jack and Mary Jane Cartier, Joe and Julie DiOrio,

Hank and Laura Hine, Bill and Laura Vrooman, John and Pat McKibben,

Kevin and Amy Kelso, Kevin and Karin Carlan, Mike and Gina White, and

Tom Alison and Elizabeth Walter-Alison.

Lay Ministry Schedule

Lay Minister Schedule.jpg

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost: July 14

Acolytes 10am: Joni James, Jace Viera, Amelia Nickel

Altar Guild: Barbara Bice, Laura Vrooman

Camera/Digital Commentary: Joy Howerton, Russ Martin

Coffee Hosts: Charlotte and Don Higgins

Flower Guild: Teri Andrés-Coryell

Healing: Kay Mahoney

Lay Eucharistic Minister: Ann Leavine

Lector 8am: Beverly Littlejohn

Lectors 10am: Joe DiOrio, Angie Ford

Oblations 10am: Steve and Susan McMullen

Prayers of the People 8am: Beverly Littlejohn

Prayers of the People 10am: Liz Stiles

Ushers 10am: Dick Nelson, Bill Thomas

Parish Calendar

View the Whole Calendar 

Thursday, July 11 (Benedict of Nursia)

6:00 pm - Zoom Happy Hour

Friday, July 12

10:00 am - AA Meeting

Saturday, July 13 (Silas, Companion of Paul)

Sunday, July 14 (8th Sunday after Pentecost)

8:00 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II, spoken

10:00 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II, sung

Monday, July 15 (St. Swithun)

9:00 am - Morning Prayer

12:00 pm - AA Meeting

Tuesday, July 16 (Our Lady of Mount Carmel)

9:00 am - Morning Prayer

Wednesday, July 17

9:00 am - Morning Prayer

5:15 pm - Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Chapel)

6:00 pm -Supper, Song, and Prayer

6:45 pm - Compline

Thursday, July 18

6:00 pm - Zoom Happy Hour

Online Giving

Our Mission: Making a difference for others, because God is making a difference for us.

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