The Weekly Draft

St. Thomas' Episcopal Church

June 6, 2024

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Bulletin for Sunday services - June 9, 2024

Fr. Ryan is away attending a Conference in Chicago.

Dear St. Thomas' family,

Last Sunday, Fr. Ryan announced that my time at St. Thomas' is drawing to a close. Curacies are designed to prepare new priests to lead and serve in their own parishes. The final step is to discern a new call. Each stage of discernment is slow and filled with prayer. I knocked on doors in our diocese as well as the northeast so I could live closer to family. One exciting on-site interview led to a call to New England. As soon as the Bishop of Vermont signs the letter of agreement, I will share the details. Until then, I want to thank you for two-and-a-half years of enriching ministry, deepening trust and faith, and great joy. Special thanks to all of the souls who were moved by the Holy Spirit to get involved in the youth and pastoral care ministries--too many to name individually. It has been a privilege to learn and grow in this great parish.

I'm not sharing this news on social media yet, but don't hesitate to reach out to me by phone 954-253-4414 or email if you have any questions or want to get together. Please keep me in your prayers. I'll be here all of June and at least the first week in July.

God's blessings on you all,

Mthr. Anne

Welcome and Farewell

This coming Sunday will be Interim Music Director Ruth Cobb's last at St. Thomas'. Please come wish her well and thank her at coffee hour after the 10:00 service on June 9th.

Our new Music Director, Jordan Markham, will be with us on June 16th. We will welcome Jordan at a brunch after the 10:00 service in the parish hall.

At the same brunch, we will say farewell to Mother Anne, who has accepted a call to serve as a parish priest in New England. Her last Sunday will be July 7th.

St. Thomas' is blessed to have Russ Martin as our new parish administrator. Russ works weekdays from 8:30am-12:30pm.

Music Ministry

Music for Sunday, June 9, 2024

#371, Thou whose almighty word, Moscow; #567 Thine arm O Lord, St. Matthew; #321 My God thy table now is spread, Rockingham; #410 Praise my soul the King of Heaven, Lauda Anima. 

Organ offerings are by Felix Mendelssohn, a German composer credited with reviving the works of J.S. Bach, with a performance of the St. Matthew Passion. John Stanley was an 18th century English composer who was virtually blind from the age of two after a fall. He studied with Maurice Green, organist at St. Paul’s Cathedral, London.

It is time to bid you farewell and offer my thanks for the opportunity to return to an organ bench and lead the wonderful choir in praise to God. When I first spoke with Fr. Ryan, I had not played the organ since the Sunday before the pandemic shut-down in March, 2020. It has been an interesting and humbling experience! Of the many positions I’ve held since 1975, St. Thomas' will hold a special place in my memory. I appreciate the chance to reclaim a few of my skills, to play some of my favorite hymns with descants ‘one more time’, and work with a great group of singers. The future is bright and the possibilities are many. It is good to say ‘good-bye’ with Jordan arriving to take up the permanent position. Support and encourage him, whether it is singing in the choir or picking up your hymnal and joining in with others.



Youth Ministry

St. Thomas’ offers sacramental rites (Baptism, Communion Basics, Confirmation), Feasting on the Word for Grades 1-5, Truthseekers class for Grades 6-12, guild apprenticeship ("Behind the Scenes"), and fun activities throughout the school year. The nursery is staffed at both Sunday services during the school year. For an overview of our youth program, check out the website.

Our classes are on break until September. If you are interested in joining St. Thomas' outstanding team of educators in the fall, let Fr. Ryan or Russ know. God Help Me! A Group for Parents will also resume in September. Happy summer, all!

Truthseeker class summaries

Adult Formation

Women of the Word meet on Thursday mornings at 9:15 in the Founders Room.

Along with the book of Galatians, we will use as a reference and/or workbook 'Now that Faith Has Come, A Study of Galatians' by Beth Moore and Melissa Moore. Together we can learn about the authenticity of the gospel, the superiority of the gospel and the freedom of the gospel. Amen! Click on the photo to see the schedule. Please contact Joan Barns for information, 757-567-5488.

Men's Bible Study - Wednesdays 7:30am



June 12 - Regular Meeting

June 19 - Regular Meeting


August 7 - Reconvene

Pastoral Care

The list of names in the Prayers of the People will be published in the bulletin every week and in this section of The Draft. To add someone to the long-term prayer list, contact Russ in the church office ( Names stay on for three weeks unless otherwise requested.

Long-term prayer list: Dona, Geoff, Sharon Joanne, John, Yvonne, Howard, Marcia, Don, Barbara, Ethan, Allison, Michael, Chris, and Evan.

Healing Prayer

Healing Prayer is offered at the 10am Sunday service, and occasionally at 8am. After communion you are invited to come to the back of the church and receive a confidential healing prayer from a trained parishioner. Prayer ministers share the heart of Jesus’s love and care, and are guided by the Holy Spirit to listen, love, and pray into your prayer requests for physical, emotional and/or spiritual needs. Intercessory prayers for others can also be given. If you have any questions about the healing prayer ministry or feel called to serve, please call Joan Barns 757 567-5488 or email


Benison Farm is 5 years old! We were founded in 2018 with the help of a grant from the United Thank Offering of The Episcopal Church. Our mission is to provide fresh produce to an area of St. Petersburg which is considered a food desert. We have chickens on the farm and will again offer an egg CSA once our flock has increased. Contact Deacon Martha for more information (or click on the photo).

Thanks to all for your help with Pack-a-Snack at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church

Thank you to all who have made Pack-a-Snack such a successful program for our students at North Shore Elementary School students for the 2023-2024 school year. Because of our volunteers, and our St. Thomas' community, we were able to supply nutrition for those students that otherwise may have experienced hardship in securing food on the weekends. May God bless you all!

Our next Giving Plate Sunday is Sunday, June 16th. Any free-will offering (cash) collected will go to support Mercy Keepers. Don't forget to stop by the ATM before church! Many blessings from your Outreach Committee. Thank you! 

Mercy Keepers is one of St. Thomas' outreach ministries that collects imperishable food and clothing in support of our Pinellas County residents who are affected by job loss, low income, illness, age, or domestic violence. Our St. Thomas' community, in collaboration with St. Augustine Episcopal Church, provides food and clothing for our St. Petersburg residents that have found themselves in difficult economic situations.

June 7, 7:00 PM

St. Alban’s Episcopal Church,

St. Pete Beach


The purpose of this event is to bring local LGBTQIA+ folks together to make new friends and celebrate our love for one another and our love of our faith. All LGBTQIA+ congregants, their friends, families, and supporters are welcome to gather in strength, unity, and love.


The evening will feature contemporary worship music with singing, prayer, and fellowship. Light refreshments will be served. 

Our next Sandwich Sunday will be Sunday, July 1. We'll meet in the parish hall between the 8am and 10am services. Angie Ford has offered to do both the shopping and the delivery of sandwiches. Vickie and Mike Ryan have offered to set up on Sunday mornings. This ministry will continue during the summer! Thank you all!

Click on the picture to read more.


Please join us on Saturday, Sept 28, 2024 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm in the parish hall for the return of The Festive Meal. The entrée will be provided and we will need table hosts to select their table theme and decorate. For more details and to sign up as a table host please speak with any stewardship committee member.


SABBATICAL / RENEWAL LEAVE PLANNING. St. Thomas’ Vestry and Sabbatical Planning Committee are using Dr. Robert C. Saler’s exceptional work, Planning Sabbaticals: A Guide For Congregations And Their Pastors (Chalice Press, 2019), to inform our planning and management of Fr. Ryan’s summer 2025 sabbatical leave. We invite you to stay tuned for periodic planning updates. Please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the Sabbatical Planning Committee with questions: Mary Clark 832-332-5339, Pam Holley 727-481-4990, or Bill Barns 757-646-5146. Read more by clicking the button below.

Click here for more vestry news.


Join your fellow St. Thomas’ Parishioners in reading one of these recommended books over the summer. Then, at Supper, Song, and Prayer on August 21, sit with others who read the same book as you and enjoy table book discussion!

Download this year's reading list
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Virtual Happy Hour

Please join us on Thursdays from 6:00-7:15pm. Connect through Zoom:

Meeting ID: 969 2031 5905

Password: 06182020

Happy Birthday blessings this month go out to: Tom Brady, Thane Reitan, Tom Brouillet, Caron Burgess, Dodd Disler, Nancy Lowry, Grace Labbee, Anne Wetmore, Kanika Tomalin, Colin Burkhart, Tyler Burkhart, Kathryn Elston, Jon Ward, Laura Weber, Curtis Miller, Laura Hine, Laura Vrooman, Russ Martin, Gail Razook, Cathy Zanbaka Nicolas, Kevin Carlan, Luis Quixtan

 Happy Anniversary blessings go out to: Darby & Ming Young, Jon & Becky Wilson, Chris & Diane Ewing, Rob & Kerry Dobbs, Jack & Nancy Day, Jay Hill & Pippa Mpunzwana-Hill, Michael & Kay Mahoney, Russ & Mary Ball, Bill & Joan Barns, Joe Master & John Balestrieri, Tom & Carol Treichel

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3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Lay Minister Schedule

Acolytes 10am: Caroline Whitley, Jace Viera, Luke Evanoff

Altar Guild: Nancy Day, Diane Robinson

Camera: Everett Jennings

Coffee Host: Charlotte Higgins

Eucharistic Minister: Tom Shevlin

Flower Guild: Teri Andrés-Coryell

Healing: Kay Mahoney

Lectors 8am: Mike Bice

Lectors 10am: Bill Thomas

Oblations 10am: Russ Martin, Tyson Martin

Prayers of the People: Elise Whitley

Ushers 10am: George Burkhart, Bill Thomas

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View the Whole Calendar

Parish Calendar

Thursday, June 6 (Norbert, Archbishop of Magdeburg)

9:00 am- Morning Prayer

9:15 am - Women of the Word

6:00-7:00pm - Zoom Happy Hour

Friday, June 7 (The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)

9:00 am - Morning Prayer

10:00 am - AA Meeting

Saturday, June 8 (Justin, Martyr)

6:00-8:00 pm - AA Meeting

Sunday, June 9 (3rd Sunday after Pentecost)

8:00 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II, spoken

10:00 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II, sung

Special Coffee Hour in Thanksgiving for Ruth Cobb

Monday, June 10 (Ephrem of Edessa)

9:00 am - Morning Prayer

12: 00 pm - AA Meeting

Tuesday, June 11 (St. Barnabas, the Apostle)

9:00 am - Morning Prayer

Wednesday, June 12

7:30 am - Men's Bible Study

9:00 am - Morning Prayer

5:15 pm - Holy Eucharist, Rite I, (Chapel) spoken

6:00 pm -Supper, Song, and Prayer

6:45 pm - Compline

Thursday, June 13 (Anthony of Padua)

9:00 am- Morning Prayer

9:15 am - Women of the Word

6:00-7:00pm - Zoom Happy Hour

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