Week 2 | September 9, 2024 | Fall 2024

Issue 2 | http://go.lclark.edu/bark | IG: @lc_vpsl

Guest Columnist | The Scoop This Week | Announcements | Events | Opportunities


Guest Columnists: Ben Meoz and Jessica Carron

Dear Students, 

Each year at this time we provide you with (1) Annual Notifications, (2) Updated Institutional Policies, and (3) Reminders of Important Policies for your review and to stay informed. Thank you in advance for reviewing all sections carefully and understanding what is expected of you as a community member.

Annual Notifications:

First, the Annual Notification of the Student Code of Conduct and CAS College Policies. The purpose of the Code of Conduct at Lewis & Clark College is to establish clear expectations for behavior that fosters academic and communal integrity. We also encourage you to review the college’s Institutional Policies

Second, our Annual Notification of Alcohol and Other Drug Information, compiled by the team in Health Promotions and Wellness. This notification is in line with our commitment to promoting the health and well-being of the entire college community. This notice contains information about alcohol and drug policy, treatment resources, health and legal consequences related to the use of various substances, and other related information to all community members.

Updated Institutional Policies:

Please take the time to review these policies in particular:

A special thanks to the students and staff who served on committees to review various policies this past year! Community feedback is vital in shaping how we want to see the Lewis & Clark community expectations grow and change to meet our community’s needs. If you are interested in serving on a committee to give feedback on policies or on our biannual Code of Conduct Review taking place this year, please email the Office of Community Accountability & Conflict Education (previously SRR) at cace@lclark.edu to be added to our feedback listserv. 


For those of you who are living on campus, the Residential Handbook is an important resource. 

And for ALL students: for bias, Title IX, policy violations, or student welfare within our community, please report a concern here

As we begin the new academic year, we in the Division of Student Life hope that these notifications and reminders will assist you in being a more informed student in our academic community. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.


Benjamin C. Meoz, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President for Campus Life and Senior Associate Dean of Students

Jessica Carron, M.Ed.

Assistant Dean of Students 

The Scoop This Week

Stay Safe This Semester: Emergency Notifications and Tips

Ensure you’re aware of some important safety information regarding emergency notifications and potential hazards here at Lewis & Clark. Learn more here.

Title IX Fall Semester Updates

Lewis & Clark has released a new Interim Sex Discrimination, Harassment, and Misconduct Policy under Title IX. Read more for details about the changes and how to provide feedback.


National Voter Registration Day

Get registered to vote. Learn more here!

Handshake Login Contest

Log in to Handshake, your online job and event board, and automatically get entered to win a gift card prize!

Click here to enter!

Weekly Office Hours with

Dr. Evette Castillo Clark

Dr. Evette Castillo Clark, Vice President for Student Life Office and Dean of Students, invites you to join her during her weekly office hours on Tuesdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. in the Trailroom, Fowler Student Center.

  • Upcoming Athletic Home Games:
  • Sept. 14th: Women's Soccer vs Bushnell University, 1:30 p.m., Griswold Stadium
  • Sept. 14th: Men's Soccer vs Northwest University (Wash.), 4:00 p.m., Griswold Stadium
  • Sept. 15th: Men's Soccer vs Chemeketa CC, 2:00 p.m., Griswold Stadium

  • Sept. 10th, Study Abroad Fair: 3:30 p.m., Academic Quad, Come visit the Study Abroad Fair at the Academic Quad (between BoDine and Howard) to explore upcoming program opportunities and meet past program participants and future program leaders.

  • Sept. 13th, President's Coffee Chats: 9:00 a.m., Trailroom - Fowler Student Center, President Holmes-Sullivan will host Coffee Chats across the CAS, GSEC, and LAW campuses this fall to connect with the Lewis & Clark community. The first chat will be at the Trail room, offering a relaxed and welcoming space for open conversations.

  • Sept 13th, Swift Watch at Chapman Elementary School: 6:00 p.m., Chapman Elementary School, The Center for Spiritual Life is sponsoring a “Wonder and Awe” LC viewing party of this unique Portland experience of watching the migrating Vaux’s Swifts funnel into the Chapman school chimney. Bring a blanket and enjoy some snacks, and wait for Nature’s show to begin!

  • Sept. 17th, Adulting While First-Gen Lunch Series: 11:30 a.m., Beth Miller Lounge - Fowler Student Center, An informal space for networking and discussion around adulting 101 topics! Gain navigational skills by asking ‘adulting 101’ questions such as how to buy a car, what is a credit score, how to make the most of college, what am I doing here?!

  • Sept. 17th, Social Change Series: Dialogue: 11:50 a.m., Fowler 353, Join an engaging and interactive program designed to empower individuals who are passionate about social, environmental, and political change. Through workshops, discussions, guest speaker sessions, and hands-on activities, the Social Change Series aims to cultivate a community of informed and proactive students, equipped with the skills and knowledge to make a tangible impact.

  • Sept, 17th, Bridge Builders Orientation Dinner: 5:00 p.m., Fowler 353, The Bridge Builders Social Change Cohort aims to connect Lewis & Clark Students with the Immigrant and Refugee Community in Portland, through community partnerships and volunteer opportunities. Learn more about Bridge Builders while you enjoy some food.
Click Here for More Events!


Visibility Matters: Connecting with the President

President Holmes-Sullivan is hosting a series of community outreach events designed to connect with all of you. Whether you're a student, faculty, or staff, this is your chance to share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns directly with the president. Learn more here.

Career Trek: Nike

Join the Career Center on Sept. 26th for an exciting career trek to Nike, where you’ll get an inside look at one of the world’s leading sportswear brands and connect with successful alumni working there! Learn more here.

College Outdoors Trip Sign-Ups Open

Sign-ups for College Outdoors trips! Spaces are limited, so be sure to sign up early. Learn about all the trips by visiting the College Outdoors website, or pick up a brochure outside Fowler 239.

Sticker Design Contest

Are you interested in designing the next sticker for this year’s Ray Warren Symposium on Race and Ethnic Studies? We are looking for current L&C students to design a sticker that captures this year’s theme of borders. The winning design will also be shared on our social media and other print/digital publicity for the symposium. The winner will receive a $50 gift card. Apply by Sunday, September 15.

Additional Student Life Newsletters
Student Resources

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