March 2021
The Spotlight
Volunteer George Morton
George Morton (November 2019)
George Morton is a 91 year-old United States Air Force veteran who also happens to be a longtime M-NCPPC Department of Parks and Recreation volunteer. George has been actively volunteering with us since 1995. “I’ve enjoyed it," said George. "I’ve had a lot of good outings,” he said. He says his many years of volunteering keep him in great shape! “It gives me exercise." "It gives me something to do.” George is a member of the Department's Senior Green Team. The Senior Green Team is a group of seniors ages 60+ who come together for different projects and activities that help preserve Prince George’s County’s natural resources. “It’s always things to do." "I help build bird cages, and I help with the events,” said George. He volunteers a couple times a week for three or four hours at an outdoor facility. You may catch George at Clearwater Nature Center, Watkins Park or Patuxent River Park. “I get a chance to exercise." "I get out and walk." "The only thing I don’t like is the ticks,” said George. The longtime volunteer does everything from picking up trash to helping at festivals, to his favorite checking and repairing bird (nesting) boxes. “I was down at Clearwater this afternoon getting stuff to put up more bird boxes and repair others,” he said.
Picture above George and his grandson at Clearwater Nature Center. (90s)
With so much volunteer experience, George says the only thing he hasn’t done over the last 25 years is volunteer directly with animals or children. “It’s pretty interesting stuff.” Even at his age he says there’s always something new to learn at outdoor parks and yearly festivals. “I sat with this guy that came from the Eastern Shore and he could make axes and all that kind of stuff, make twine out of reeds, it was just very interesting,” said George. He may be in his 90's but, he stays on top of his stuff! He regularly signs in online to make sure he keeps track of his hours and he says he’s always looking for new volunteer opportunities that fit his lifestyle. George encourages young people in our community to find a volunteering area of service and get involved. “If it’s something they like I think they should do it,” said George. As long as there’s something for George to do as a member of the Senior Green Team, he says he’ll be around! “I plan to keep up as long as I can walk.”
News Flash
Happy Women's History Month
The month of March is Women’s History Month. We like to take this time to celebrate women all around the world and the strides they have made to help keep the world moving forward. It’s about recognizing the contributions women have made in history, society and culture overall. March has been recognized as Women’s History Month since 1987. The idea grew out of a weeklong celebration of women in history, organized by a school district in Sonoma, California in 1978. Eventually other communities followed across the country. Then in 1980 President Jimmy Carter declared the week of March 8th as National Women’s History Week. A year later the U.S. Congress passed a resolution making it a national celebration. Six years later the National Women’s History Project petitioned Congress to make National Women’s Week an entire month, and here we are today still celebrating! We also recognize March 8th as National Women’s Day. It’s a good time to show the women in your life some appreciation!
Mask Up
As we reopen our tennis courts and other indoor and outdoor facilities across the department, we want to remind you that wearing a mask is required. Your mask must cover your mouth and nose. Wearing a mask is mandatory to utilize our facilities. Even as volunteers, you must wear a mask when serving in your area. This makes a safe environment for yourself and others as we continue to fight the spread of COVID-19.
Know The Vaccine Facts
Have you gotten a COVID-19 vaccine? Are you interested in the vaccine? Or maybe you have a few apprehensions about it all. The Prince George's County Health Department has provided "4 Things To Know About The COVID-19 Vaccine" and why it’s important in helping put an end to this pandemic. Check out the chart below.
On the Look Out
Virtual Art Spark
Explore your creative side and register for our teen Virtual Art Spark! It’s a FREE art summit just for teens. The sessions provide young adults the opportunity to broaden their creative juices in the art world. This professional-level workshop features lessons in visual and performing arts, like storytelling, dancing, music and theater, just to name a few! It’s an overall celebration of teen voices in the arts. The program starts this month! Register now! See schedule of events below and click here for registration details!
Keep Your Power On
The state of Maryland recognizes that we are in troubling times and is taking an initiative to help those who may be in need. See the flyer below for more details on how you may qualify for assistance with your energy bill. Check out the Energy Assistance Toolkit and more details here!
In the Loop
Your Opinion Makes A Difference!
Prince George's County wants to hear from you! As a part of the Prince George's County Cultural Arts Study, leaders of the county would like to learn how you connect with the arts and cultural expressions in your community, your interest and what you'd like to see. Your feedback in this quick survey is needed to help make decisions on policies that best suit you. Your feedback helps form a better Prince George's County cultural landscape and creative economy. You only have until April 16, 2021. Take the survey and also share with your friends, associates and family members.
Volunteers Matter
During these unprecedented times, many of our in person volunteering opportunities have come to a standstill. Even though COVID-19 has put a damper on pretty much everything, we’d like to remind you that your services are very much appreciated! Volunteering makes a huge difference in our community and in our organization. Your service not only supports us, but research shows volunteering benefits you as well. It’s known to reduce stress, keep you active, mentally and physically, as well as keep you social. Your service has been a backbone to M-NCPPC and we look forward to seeing you again very soon!

Student Service Learning
Calling all teens! Join us at this year’s Prince George’s County Cultural Arts Study Form! The virtual form takes place Thursday March 25, 2021 from 4-5:30pm ET on Microsoft Teams.

Topics of discussion
  • How to make the County more creative and vibrant.
  • How to use arts and culture to energize neighborhoods.
  • How your involvement in arts and culture will impact the County's future.

By signing up and participating you will earn student service learning hours. Please be advised in order to participate you will need your parent or guardian to sign off on a release form. A link to the event will be provided the day of the virtual forum. Registration ends March 25, 2021 at noon.
If you have questions about volunteering or student learning hours contact
If you have any ideas for upcoming newsletter features contact