December 2017 ~ Volume 73
This Holiday Time
As we prepare this newsletter, we are in the midst of or just past Thanksgiving and are entering into the Christmas and Hanukkah time. These holiday times seem to run together and I find that very fitting. We begin and then can extend a special time of recognizing family, friends, acquaintances, and those in need. It becomes an extended time of gratitude.
Life is a gift regardless of how great or how troublesome it may seem to be. Express to yourself each morning and again each evening the things you are grateful for. Say thank you to others to show your appreciation for all the small things they do for you. Provide specific examples to yourself and to others for those things that you appreciate. What you focus on grows. Focusing on the many gifts in your life creates more of these gifts.
I am grateful for the many members maintaining their chapters and striving to impact education worldwide. I am grateful for those who have accepted state leadership positions. I am grateful for those who care so much about the importance and value of education and are making a difference in the lives of learners.
To all of you - a huge thank you and a wish for happy holidays!
Cassie, Grace and Grandma
Debby Canter, Educational Excellence Chair
Alpha Delta State Educational Excellence Committee:
Providing assistance to children in Ohio's Foster Care System
(EEC Goals 1,2,3)
How can our chapters and members help?
Find a foster care agency in your area. It can be the local Job and Family Services, a religious organization, a hospital, or a private agency.
Set up a meeting with someone in the organization that has direct contact with the children or the person responsible for assistance to the children. Complete a needs assessment during the meeting. (diapers, car seats, backpacks, books to call their own, clothes, socks, underwear, make-up bags, duffel bags/suitcases)
Invite that person to one of your chapter meetings to speak to your members. Have a discussion about the needs assessment and decide what would be reasonable for your chapter to do.
Make a plan, a timeline and follow through. Report on the progress at every chapter meeting. Share your chapter's story with The Voice.
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
By Sue Eades
The Convention is Coming,
The Convention is Coming!
April 13 - 15, 2018, Columbus Polaris Hilton
There is still time to submit proposals for the Convention Break-Out Sessions!
This will be a jammed-packed convention with special speakers and activities; business meetings; professional development, society business, and personal interest break-out sessions; special music by our choir and others; member and chapter recognition; Chapter Showcase; the Agora; a chance to Explore Columbus! on Friday afternoon; opportunity for recognition of your special members, committees, officers in the program ads; a fun-filled Attitude Adjustment time before the Banquet with an ADSOEF Photo Booth!; a moving and meaningful Celebration of Life Service on Sunday morning; and an opportunity to meet, mingle and visit with friends - the ones you already know and the new ones you will meet!
It's going to be a great time - you won't want to miss it!
We are calling for your proposals and look forward to hearing from you soon, but
no later than December 15th.
Please click on
this link to access the proposal form.
By Diana Haskell, Treasurer
By the numbers.............
- 92% of chapters filed IRS Form 990N on behalf of their chapter or coordinating council by November 15 --- Yippee!!
- 80 chapters sent chapter dues and fees by November 10 --- Bravo!!
Members recommitting to Ohio Chapters:
>>>3046 Active Members (total includes 36 initiates)<<<
>>>352 Reserve Members<<<
~ Alpha Psi ~
Every chapter is encouraged to show-off the good things that your chapter does at this year's State Convention. Begin planning now the program or project that demonstrates the mission or a purpose of DKG, take your pictures, write about it, make it fit on an 8.5 x 11" paper.
A display board will be provided at the Convention.
This is an exciting way to highlight one of your programs or projects, provide ideas for other chapters, and just be a "show-off". The Personal Growth & Services Committee is taking responsibility of the Chapter Showcase and they are hoping that so many chapters will respond that it will be necessary to rotate the displays during the Convention.
Alpha Psi Chapter has already created their display for the
DKG State Convention!
Alpha Psi
Chapter Garage Sale in Muskingum County
The success of our garage sale provided
12 - $500 scholarships in 2 years
By Dr. Norma Kirby, Chair
Do you know anyone attending a State supported university who will be doing student teaching during the 2018-2019 school year? If so, the Esther H. Strickland Student Teaching Grant application may be of interest. Just click on the ADSOEF Esther H. Strickland Student Teaching Grant link and the application is there for the student to apply. Information about these opportunities and the application process can also be found by accessing the link below or by contacting any ADSOEF Scholarship Committee member.
Requirements for All Scholarships
must be Delta Kappa Gamma members in good standing who hold membership in an Ohio chapter, who are pursuing graduate work in education in an approved university, and who meet entrance and grade point requirements of the graduate school.
Importance is attached to the contributions of the candidate to Delta Kappa Gamma and to education. Applicants for the White and Grimes scholarships must also meet any additional specifications of the university as set forth in the scholarship agreement with the university.
Margaret L. White Scholarship was established at The Ohio State University in 1943. It is named for the first President and Executive Secretary of Alpha Delta State who was a student of Annie Webb Blanton. A supervisor of English in the Cleveland Schools, she was installed as State President by Annie Webb Blanton and served from 1938 - 1940. This scholarship provides a stipend for graduate work in education with the amount being dependent upon length of the period of study and university costs. The Scholarship Committee must follow specifications and requirements for selection and notification of recipients as set forth in the scholarship agreement with The Ohio State University.
Ruth Grimes Scholarship was established at Miami University, Oxford, in 1951. It is named for Ruth Grimes, who was a dedicated Treasurer of Alpha Delta State from 1942 - 1951. She was recognized by the Ohio Senate as an exceptional educator. It provides a stipend for graduate work in education at Miami University. The Scholarship Committee must follow specifications and requirements for selection and notification of recipients as set forth in the scholarship agreement with Miami University.
The Annie Webb Blanton Scholarship was established in 1946. It honors the first President of Delta Kappa Gamma, the first female State Superintendent of Education, and the first female to be elected to public office in the state of Texas. It provides stipends for graduate study in education at any accredited university. The amount of this award varies.
Application Procedures
The candidate for a scholarship should direct inquires to the Scholarship Chairperson. Applications are
due February 1. Announcement of awards is made at the State Convention. Recipients may use their awards no earlier than the summer term after the State Convention. Immediately following the completion of her work, a scholarship recipient shall prepare and send to the editor of
The Voice of Alpha Delta State an article describing her study and achievements while using the scholarship.
Awards from the Margaret L. White and the Ruth Grimes Scholarships are funded directly by the university. The Scholarship Chairperson works with the university representatives to ensure necessary paperwork is received.
Mail application to:
Marilyn Slusser, Scholarship Committee Chairperson
2721 Pine Valley Court, Dayton, Ohio 45414
E-mail: hmstreas@gmail.com
Applications are due February 1
to the ADSOEF Scholarship Chairperson.
Need Money for Projects or Professional Growth?
Go the
and use your computer bookmark to connect you to the website of the Educational Foundation of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. Take advantage of the opportunities to apply for funds that are available to individuals and chapters. Deadlines to apply for the funds are on or before:
- January 3, 2018: Up to $10,000 may be awarded to groups or individuals for projects that not only benefit children and education but also encourage intercultural understanding and educational excellence.
Leadership Management Seminar - DUE TODAY!
The Golden Gift Fund Leadership Management Seminar will be held July 1-13, 2018, at The University of Texas - Austin. The seminar is offered to all members to develop leadership, communications and management skills. The award covers all but a $600 registration fee for which participants are responsible. Electronically submitted applications are due by December 1, 2017. The application and information can be found at
on the Golden Gift Fund Committee page.
Ohio members rave about the training and keep in touch with their classmates from the seminar. The most recent Ohio participants were Eileen McNally in 2014 and Ann Todd in 2012.
Shirley Harper ~ Past State President
It is with great sadness that we note the passing of Past State President Shirley Harper on November 9th. Shirley had been an elementary principal in Massillon schools. She held several positions in Alpha Delta State Ohio, serving as State President, 1981 - 1984 and on the International Eunah Temple Holden Leadership Fund Committee, 1984 - 1986. Shirley emphasized, "We want a vibrant organization with enthusiastic, knowledgeable members who are making a difference in the lives of all they touch."
Nita Scott - New International Executive Director
Congratulations to Nita Scott who has been named the new Executive Director of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International commencing
January 1, 2018. Ohio was fortunate to have Nita as our International Representative at the the 2016 Convention. Best wishes to Nita and we look forward to working with her!
In April of 2017
Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation was brought into existence by you, the members of Alpha Delta State Ohio. Since then, the Directors have been working diligently to make the Foundation work for your benefit! Now, ADSOEF is looking for visual identity and needs your help! We are seeking current members who can design a creative, innovative and professional logo design. The logo should be visually appealing, recognizable and help promote what the Foundation represents.
The winner of this contest will receive public recognition as well as recognition among peers within Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation at the 2018 Convention.
Follow this link to find the official guidelines and rules.
Sally Gillmore, Alpha Delta State Historian
Keep, keep, toss? What should we do with all this stuff?
Is your chapter having a birthday in 2018? Of course it is. If your chapter is more than 10 years old...how much stuff have you gathered? How many scrapbooks with unlabeled pictures do you have? How many convention booklets,etc. First, label pictures if you can!
The question is: what should you keep?
of all meetings, general membership and executive board -- minutes should include official motions and resolutions, including resignations, new memberships and all other governing actions.
>Yearbooks * Newsletters * Meeting notices and/or yearly program schedule
>Treasurer's yearly reports and/or budgets
There should be ONE file of each, not one for each president. So you shouldn't have Mary's box, Susie's box, Margie's file cabinet, etc. Instead, one file that flows from 1938 - now on each topic.
>Label pictures if you can!
My new jobs with Alpha Delta State, Historian, and Liaison to The Ohio History Center (where we have our state archives) causes me to look again at this problem.
Personal experiences As I begin to sort Sigma's materials, I started with the earliest scrapbooks, the first of which has wooden covers and takes us through the 40s and 50s, with a lot of material not inserted in their body, folded at the back of the scrapbook.
I am photographing the items,
then I intend to convert them into photo books
of uniform size.
INTERESTING FINDING: there are many newspaper articles featuring our members, as well as many written by our members and published in educational journals and Ohio Schools Magazine (OEA).
Finding treasures I have a list of items held in our state archives and many of our early convention booklets, banquet programs, are missing. I found four of those in Sigma's early scrapbooks, I have asked permission to donate those to the state collection, and received overwhelming "do it!"
Is That All?
This is the first of a series of articles to let you know what the archives need FROM YOU and if we can help you with your sorting. You will know where I am with mine, as I move through the process I will keep you posted. If you find a missing item, let me know and we will find a way to get it to the archives. I will be working on filing on the Friday morning of the State Convention.
Missing State Convention Booklets and related materials:
1947 (Cincinnati), 1948 (Cleveland), 1954 (Dayton), 1956 (Canton),
1958 (Toledo), 1965 (Columbus), 1966 (Akron), 1968 (Cincinnati), 1969 (Cleveland), 1970 (Toledo), 2008 (Cincinnati), 2009 (Cincinnati), more next time!
Sally Gillmore, Sigma President Alpha Delta State Historian and
Liaison to The Ohio History Center
In Honor of Our Alpha Delta Sisters:
Virginia Brant-Krichbaum
Mary Louise King
Psi |
10/7/17 |
Winona Smith
Alpha Phi |
09/19/17 |
Shirley Harper
Past State President
Delta Tau |
11/8/17 |
Eleanor B. Baker
Gamma Theta |
02/12/17 |
~ Mark Your Calendar ~
Alpha Delta State Conventions at Columbus Polaris Hilton
Fall Executive Board Meetings at Trinity United Methodist Church, Columbus
Alpha Delta State Conventions at Columbus Polaris Hilton
Meier Bauer, President - Gamma Phi- 465 Woodlands Ridge Drive Cincinnati, OH 45238 (513) 941-4461,
Email Meier
Diana Kirkpatrick, First Vice - President Alpha Delta- 554 Washington Avenue Washington CH, OH 43160-2048 (740) 335-2593,
Email Diana K.
Debby Canter, Second Vice-President - Delta Epsilon P.O. Box 143 Oak Hill, OH 45656 (740)-688-1604,
Email Debby
Diana Haskell, Treasurer - Gamma Phi 8726 Redcloud Court Cincinnati, OH 45249-2317 Home: (513) 489-4069 Cell: (513) 607-3212,
Karen S. Dombrowski, Recording Secretary - Alpha Nu - 684 Manchester Circle N Pickerington, OH 43147 (614) 837-0891 (614) 563 -0495,
Ann M. Todd, Corresponding Secretary Zeta - 3621 Butler Rd. Wakeman, OH 44889 (440)839-2069 (440) 577-5228,
Email Ann
Joyce Jones-Weinkam, Parliamentarian - Gamma Xi - E-mail:
Email Joyce
Patricia Cermak, Immediate Past President - Gamma Rho - 9504 Greenhaven Parkway Brecksville, OH 44141-1607 (440) 526-8934,
Eileen McNally, Webmaster - Beta Delta - E-Mail:
Email Eileen
Margaret Archangel, Editor - Gamma Phi 4754 Hirth Hill Rd. W Grove City, OH 43123
All the best to all of you,
Margaret Archangel, Editor
New Members?
Changed email addresses?
Just let me know ~ Thank you!
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