Volume 96 - Issue 5 | November 2023
Cathy Tenney, Editor
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A Message From
OSO President Melodie McGee
Greetings. . .It's a beautiful day today in our OSO Delta Kappa Gamma Society neighborhood!
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As we enter the month of November, we reflect on the many things for and ways we can gather. Some people visit farms, outdoor markets, and festivals during this season. They enjoy gathering apples from tree orchards, picking a variety of sizes/weights of pumpkins from patches, collecting colorful clusters of Indian corn, and choosing an array of unusual sometimes shapely, bumpy, colorful gourds in all shapes and sizes.
During this gathering season let’s remember to gather together and connect as chapter members. Let’s reflect on the unique and valuable qualities each member has/contributes to create your chapter environment.
While you are gathering together…don’t forget to reach out and embrace perspective new members to become a part of your chapter’s crop too! Remember we are in harvest season! As we gather together during this season, let’s reflect on the words from Helen Keller who said…“Alone we can do so little; but together we can do so much.”
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Melodies’ Meaningful Memoirs…
We gathered together recently at our September 30, 2023, Fall OSO Executive Board Meeting that was an event to be remembered. If you were not able to be there in person you really missed a meeting filled with…
- An informative guest speaker who shared insights about our biennium initiative-Domestic Violence Prevention
- Interactive committee reports from committee chairs which also included materials to take back to OSO chapters
- Information was given about present and future plans for OSO
During a Fall Raffle lots of Love Prizes provided by the OSO President were received by attendees at the meeting
- Luncheon food delights were consumed including a delicious assortment of sandwiches, chips, cookies, and ice-cold water
- And a fun game completed the day with a surprise treat too!
I would like to say a very special thank you to all of those individuals who helped in special ways so that our Fall OSO Executive Board Meeting was a success. I would like to thank all of the OSO officers on the OSO Admin Committee, The OSO Advisory Committee, The OSO Vocal Trio, the flag bearers, The OSO committee chairs, the pages, the readers, ADSOEF, the special 2023 Steering Committee which included the following OSO chapters…Alpha Psi, Beta Iota, Beta Rho, Delta Upsilon, Gamma Eta, Gamma Nu, and Mu.
I would also like to thank my supportive family who helped me with this meeting, my oldest daughter, Mia and my beloved husband, Michael.
During this Gathering Season remember to…
Keep On Trying~ Aim to Be Thriving ~Always Striving~ And Never Give Up!
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“May each of you have a bouquet of red roses in your lives every day…” | |
September 30, 2023 OSO Executive Board Meeting
There were 84 OSO members present at the September 30th Executive Board Meeting at the New Hope Church Pavilion - all administrative team members, 9 past state presidents, and 50 chapter presidents or representatives.
The following Executive Board actions were approved:
- Accepted the request of Beta Pi Chapter to dissolve
- Accepted the request of Gamma Rho Chapter to dissolve
- The chartering of a new chapter, Epsilon Alpha, in Adams County (Area 4)
- Established a $1,500.00 designated reserve fund to provide for the orientation and chartering of Epsilon Alpha Chapter during 2023-2024 fiscal year.
Meier Bauer, Gamma Phi
Recording Secretary
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Delta Kappa Gamma Ohio State Organization
Membership Campaign
Our membership campaign was jump started at our Fall Executive Board meeting. The theme of Let the Treasures of Delta Kappa Gamma Ohio State Organization S.H.I.N.E.! was introduced in a fun, but informative presentation. The campaign includes a challenge for each chapter to seek out new treasures including gems collegiate members, diamond sreturning members, and rubies new members actively teaching. A treasure chest was given out to keep handy at chapter meetings to record new members' names. Special recognition will be given to chapters who are able to find new treasures and to those who collect the most treasures overall. Marketing posters, the International Recruiting Plan, Annie Calling Map, important membership forms, and a recruiting bookmark were given out in a membership packet. Many reasons why Delta Kappa Gamma is full of treasures were shared. These reasons will be shared in future articles. The membership presentation, marketing posters, forms, and recruiting bookmark can be found under the membership committee on our OSO website.
Get out those spy glasses and look for those treasures! Please never forget your Ohio State Membership Committee and Admin Team are here to help!
Michele Maniskas, Alpha Xi
First Vice President
Membership Chair
Link to Membership Posters
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Linda Lorraine Bell
Alpha Omega
Patricia L. Hooks
Martha Ann Puterbaugh
Beta Psi
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DKG Ohio Membership and Chapter Update | |
Paid Membership | 2,567 | Ohio Chapters | 70 | | |
Statement of Financial Activity | |
Revenue | $36,663.00 | Expenses | $16,770.00 | Epsilon Alpha Expenses | $ 424.00 | Net Income | $19,469.00 | | |
Statement of Financial Position | |
Assets | $236,919.00 | Board Designated | $ 1,076.00 | Total Assets | $237,995.00 | Liabilities | $ 1,131.00 | Total Equity | $236,864.00 | | |
The Executive Board voted to commit $1,500 during 2023 – 2024 to fund the orientation and chartering expenses of Epsilon Alpha Chapter. The vote ensures that funding up to $1,500 is available for these expenses. The expenses are shown in the Statement of Financial Activity. The remaining funds are shown as a Board Designated asset in the Statement of Financial Position.
Diana Haskell, OSO Treasurer
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Alpha Delta
Stephanie K. Starkey
Reinstated Members
Alpha Delta
Linda Kay-McCoy
Michelle A Thorp
Transferred Member
Gamma Xi
Donna Sliney
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Alpha Gamma Chapter is excited to welcome new member, Brenda Southworth (foreground). She is seen here with her sponsor, Jean Ziogas. | |
Alpha Tau Chapter inducted new member Angie Howell at their October meeting. Angie’s mother, Mary Howell was also recognized for celebrating 50 years of DKG membership. | |
Domestic Violence Prevention
The 2023-2025 biennium OSO initiative was formally announced by President Melodie McGee at the Fall Executive Board meeting held on September 30. The initiative will be domestic violence prevention. Melodie distributed various information about this initiative to chapter presidents and members who were present at the meeting.
There is a wealth of reliable and valid information that can be readily obtained from numerous resources. Try to read research that is evidence based. Ohio Domestic Violence Network (odvn.org) and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ncadv.org) are two organizations with websites that are chock full of statistics, educational materials, legislative action, and many other resources. Take time to explore these two websites and go ahead and conduct your own searches regarding domestic violence.
How can you help a victim of domestic violence? Use these nine suggestions to help you support the victim.
Continue reading
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Education News
Happy November! Two main points to be on the watch for in education and our government this month are the Federal Infrastructure Bill and in Ohio the future of the State Board of Education.
You can read more about both of these on my blog, by following the link : https://www.smore.com/01s8g
Sharon Scheidegger, Beta Delta
Legislative Liaison UN & US Forum
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Upcoming Dates to Remember
November 2023
DKG News available at dkg.org
(available odd numbered months)
November 1, 2023
Chapter Yearbooks Due - Gold Key Requirement
November 15, 2023
IRS 990-N Filing Deadline for All Treasurers
February 1, 2024
Chapter Necrology Report Due - Gold Key Requirement
March 10-13, 2024
National Legislative Seminar
Arlington, Virginia
Registration Information on U.S. Forum, dkgusforum.org
April 6, 2024
OSO Executive Board Meeting
New Hope Church, 4739 W. Powell Rd.
July 9-13, 2024
DKG International Convention
Gaylord Resort & Convention Center
National Harbor, Maryland
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Beta Alpha Chapter Scholarship Chairman, Karen Waugh presents Rachal Colburn with a check. Rachal is a senior at the University of Rio Grande who is currently completing her student teaching at Southwestern Elementary. She is majoring in Primary Education (PK-5) and Early Intervention. Her ultimate goal is to complete her masters degree in reading that will enable to teach reading in any grade level. | |
Alpha Psi Chapter presented a bench to Robert Dalton, high school principal in Maysville 6-12 building. Pictured with Robert Dalton is Beth Duff, Alpha Psi member and seventh grade teacher in the building. This was the second bench presented to a county school made possible through the collection of 500 pounds of plastic in the Trex Recycling Film Challenge. Alpha Psi’s goal is to present a bench to each Muskingum County school district. Members are currently collecting plastic toward their third bench. | |
Beta Eta Chapter member Mary Recker shares a moment of inspiration with a poem from Autum’s So Fancy and Free by Linda Grazalis. | |
Mary Beth Ions, professional violinist/storyteller, and former student of several members, set the right tone for Tau Chapter’s new year with beautiful music and memorable stories.
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Beta Zeta members Kathleen Neidhart, Cathy Croninger and Jacky Bair fill welcome bags for first year teachers. Beta Zeta chapter filled and delivered over 60 Welcome to Education gift bags to first year teachers in September. | |
Beta Kappa Chapter members learned about various quilts and services offered by Kari Roberts of Kari's Custom Quilts. | |
Gamma Iota Chapter members commune with nature at their September meeting at Lake Erie Bluffs as they work on tying blankets to be given to children at Hope Chest. | |
Alpha Phi Chapter recognized members who joined between 1980 and 1990 with a gift and a rose. Members recognized were Susanne LeFeber (1990), Genell Benner (1983) and sitting Pat Lewis (1983). Jyl Dwyer (1990) was unable to attend.
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Alpha Xi Chapter recently assembled birthday bags to donate to the Smith Chapel Food and Clothing Mission. The chapter created bags containing a disposable cake pan, cake mix, frosting, birthday candles, party horns, birthday banner, and a birthday card signed by their friends of Alpha Xi. | |
MU Chapter member Ruth Rojas stands with Mr. Frank DeRhodes, former member of the Army Old Guard, assigned to Arlington National Cemetery, who spoke on his experiences with the unit in the late 1960's. | |
Seventeen members of Alpha Theta Chapter met for their Day Out field trip at Lavender Trails in Orrville. Lavender Trails is the creation of Jim and Amy Duxbury, who are teachers at Orrville High School. Lavender Trails if the first lavender farm in Wayne County. The two-and-a-half-acre farm was created on a brownfield that had originally been a dumping site for concrete and metal waste, They have over 11 varieties of lavender in shades of purple, pink, and white planted in diamond shape beautiful gardens.
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Ohio State Organization Related Links | | | |
Delta Kappa Gamma promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. | | | | |