Melodies’ Meaningful Memoirs…
During our July Leadership Chairs and Related Personnel Training we revealed our new OSO initiative that will be promoted and implemented during the 2023-2025 biennium. All of the OSO chapter presidents will receive the detailed information about the new initiative at the Fall OSO Executive Board Meeting on Sept. 30, 2023.
Our state committees are now 99 percent complete! We have almost reached 100 percent with one more chair position available! As we begin the biennium, let’s fill and complete every OSO chair position! So, I need just one more person to say, YES! and respond to serving as a Chair! We need a willing OSO chapter member to serve as our Legislative Advocate/Liaison to the UN and U.S. Forum. As our OSO Legislative Advocate/Liaison to the UN and U.S. Forum you will report to the OSO membership about current legislative news and issues of importance to our members along with investigating the latest STRS updates. You will also receive email updates periodically from the NE UN Liaison from the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International!
I will be watching and waiting in the Delta Kappa Gamma Society OSO Rose Garden both (day and night) for the Willing Worker Rose who will respond to this need of service and blossom with the call in the Delta Kappa Gamma Society Ohio State Organization by contacting me at 614-519-8707 or at before September 30!
Here are some updates from our OSO Administrative Leadership Team:
Some of your new 2023-25 Biennum OSO Administration Leadership Team members have been on the road this summer traveling, attending, learning and receiving valuable training at the 2023 State Organization Leadership Training in Irving, Texas and the 2023 DKG International Conference in Detroit, Michigan. We are bringing back practices that we learned from our sessions in order to develop and implement a stronger Ohio State Organization.
Committee Chairs will soon be contacting each of their committee members to meet with them by Zoom to discuss planning and leadership strategies before our Fall Executive Board Meeting on September 30! (More information will be coming soon on the website)