Using Our Superpowers

There is an inherent love of superheroes among children and even among most of us older than children. It is even fun to imagine being remarkable and having special abilities that would allow us to save people, or turn negative situations into positive ones, or have some special superpower.
Perhaps you haven't thought of "niceness" as a superpower, but it does seem to be missing from a lot of everyday interactions and on the larger national and world stage. We think of those heroes in our communities and military, but tend to overlook the many everyday heroes who make daily living tolerable, enjoyable, and even amazing by their niceness and everyday activities. 

Do we let them know how important they are to us? 
Do we tell them how thankful we are for the things we appreciate?
How purposeful are we in trying to be nice - to be someone's superhero when they may need a friend, help with a project, a bit of compassion, or even some time together? Let's use our superpowers to better the world, to save the day for someone else, to support the work of your organization, to smile and say something kind to another.
We all have superpowers -- and once given a superpower, there is a responsibility to use it! So live generously by using your superpowers to the benefit of those around you.
(The cape is optional.)  


By Diana Haskell, Treasurer

Earlier this month while attending a committee meeting it was time to break for lunch. As we were preparing for lunch the conversation shifted from the business of the committee to a focus on state chapters. 

What is it that enables chapters to thrive and grow? 

The answer seems to always include: Thriving chapters invite potential members, provide orientation and support, induct and retain members.
Our Constitution and International Standing Rules amendments now open the door to a new classification of membership. Chapters may now introduce Delta Kappa Gamma to collegiate students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels to membership!

Collegiate members must be enrolled in an education program. She will be in her last two years of her undergraduate degree. If she has graduate standing, she will also have the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education.

As a collegiate member of a chapter, she will pay international dues of   $20.00 + state dues of $6.00 + scholarship fee of $1.00. 
Her participation at the chapter level is the same as a reserve member.

When a collegiate member starts her career as a paid educator she will pay active member dues.

As a growing and thriving chapter, 
why not consider the possibility of collegiate members?

Debby Canter, Chair
Alpha Delta State Educational Excellence Committee:  
Providing assistance to children in Ohio's Foster Care System (EEC Goals 1,2,3)

Blanket Project by Gamma Sigma

For the last four years our Gamma Sigma chapter in Perry County has been making fleece blankets for the foster children in our community.   One of our meetings is always devoted to service.  At that meeting, we serve pizza and salad to our members rather than having the meeting catered.  We charge the same amount that we would normally charge for a catered meal that evening.  All of the proceeds are used to purchase fabric for the following year's blankets.  

We have a member who faithfully purchases the fleece throughout the year using her coupons from the fabric store.  During early fall, retired Gamma Sigma members come together to cut the blankets.  We leave nothing to waste!  Even the five inch squares trimmed from the fabric's four corners are quilted together by one of our members who quilts. Those squares make a beautiful baby's blanket!  

At our service meeting, the blankets are tied and a member takes them to the Perry County Children's Service for distribution to foster children in the county.

Melody Blake
President of Gamma Sigma


  • Dr. Mary Jo MacCracken, Gamma Lambda Chapter, a professor in the School of Sport Science and Wellness Education received the 2017-2018 Community Service Award from the UnIversity of Akron. Her focus is on motor development & learning and sports psychology. She has been a part of University staff for 50 years and a DKG member since 1974.
  • Martha Kleinfelter, Delta Chi Chapter in Clermont County, received the Sue Craig Champion Award from the Clermont County League of Women Voters. She originally joined the league to provide her government students with accurate, nonpartisan information to make well-informed decisions on their own and then took on several leadership roles including service on the state league board. In addition, she received the Southern Ohio Outstanding Senior Volunteer Award for her commitment to enhancing the quality of life for people in their communities. She was nominated by CASA for Clermont Kids for her dedicated case work in supporting the best interests of abused and neglected children as well as for helping with fundraising and other events.

By Diana Kirkpatrick, Chair
Question to the Membership Committee

Hello DKG/Ohio Membership Committee,
I have a question about prospective members joining a chapter. Our chapter is aware that we need to vote on potential members before an invitation is issued to join, however we also hold to the practice of potential member/s attending 3 meetings prior to being offered membership. In this 21st century, is there truly a place for keeping this requirement?   Please advise.... our chapter is ready to invite some truly amazing women educators who seem eager to join our chapter, but would like to clarify our situation before proceeding or before they lose interest!
Looking for direction....
A Forward Moving President
P.S. I am also a 40 year member of a local garden club and we recently revised our by-laws to omit the 3 meeting requirement before acceptance by the board for membership. Like our DKG chapter, we were struggling with getting new members and once we dropped this requirement, we immediately began to increase our membership.

Dear Forward Moving President,

Thanks for your insightful question. The tradition (attending 3 meetings prior to being considered for chapter membership) you mentioned in your letter changed some time ago and is not perceived as viable protocol for DKG chapters to follow or keep in today's culture. DKG has come a long way in embracing diversity, uniqueness and individuality plus has worked especially hard to help simplify the membership process to make it an acceptable and efficient process for chapters to follow.

Like your garden club, DKG recognized and realized a while ago the need for change and as a result revised its recruitment plan. In fact, Alpha Delta State's Membership Committee recommends chapters to follow the current Membership/Recruitment Plan promoted by International. This simplified plan makes a lot of sense and is also explained, in its entirety, on the International website and in your chapter's membership committee chair's printed copy of
Guidelines for Membership Committee Chairs. This more modern version of "growing membership" is an obvious change from what we deemed appropriate and have done in the past (realize....there will always be those who will find it difficult to accept change and be reluctant to do "things" in a different manner), but if we really stop to think about our ability to influence and exhibit relevance as an International is truly a welcomed and needed change. We all need to be mindful of the fact that "growth" does not occur without "change" being the catalyst or driving force. With all of the many constitutional changes that occurred at the International convention this summer, this would be the perfect opportunity (and our recommendation) to review your chapter's bylaws and chapter rules (which, by the way, all chapters should and will be doing....and in your particular case....we would also suggest taking a closer look at your chapter's current membership practices) and view it as a means and avenue to bring your chapter into the 21st century.
We are hoping this helps to clarify the path your chapter needs to initiate. If you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact us....your state officers and committees are here to assist and support our Ohio chapters in any way we can.

Wishing you and your chapter a happy fall, 
but more importantly,  a very successful year!


Warmest Regards,
The DKG/Ohio Membership Committee:
Mary Callahan, Beta Lambda;                        Stephanie Davey, Alpha Delta
Kim Lewis, Delta Epsilon                              Linda Porteus, Delta Phi       
Diana L. Kirkpatrick, Alpha Delta, Chair            
 Dr. Norma Kirby, Chair

ADSOEF Scholarship/Grant Committee Update
It is that time of the year when members may be considering 
an ADSOEF grant or scholarship. 

If you have former students or relatives attending state supported universities, please encourage them to apply for the Esther H. Strickland Student Teaching Grant. All applications and directions are all on the ADSOEF website at and are due February 1, 2019.

The Society Constitution was amended at the 2018 International Convention to add Collegiate Membership, a third membership classification. An undergraduate student within the last two years of their undergraduate education degree and with the intent to continue in the field of education may become a Collegiate chapter member; and a graduate student with the intent to continue in the field of education may also become a Collegiate chapter member. When these members begin their careers as paid educators, they will then pay Active member dues and become active members. If these members do not pursue a career as an educator, their Collegiate membership will expire upon graduation. This opportunity for membership growth can become a very rewarding tool for chapters and the Society.

These Collegiate members are eligible for ADSOEF grants. The Esther H. Strickland Student Teaching Grant is awarded to college students attending a state-supported university the semester they are student teaching. With this new classification of membership, this awardee could now be a Collegiate chapter member. In sharing our Society's membership information with the 2018-19 Strickland recipients, they were extremely excited and expressed interest in becoming Collegiate members. At the present time, one of the recipients has become a Collegiate member of Alpha Nu Chapter! Another grant recipient has requested information regarding Collegiate membership.

If there are universities in your area, please consider strengthening your chapter's membership with Collegiate members. Let's offer programs that are relevant to excellence in education and will satisfy the needs of today's aspiring educators!
Communications and Marketing Committee
Ann Todd, Chair
Ann M. Todd, Committee Chairman

Using Social Media to Your Chapter's Advantage

If 128 million people in the U.S. (according to Huffington Post) are using Facebook as a platform to share information, YOUR CHAPTER should join in. This is just one social network tool great for sharing your chapter's story and building relationships. Perhaps there is a prospective member looming out there in the cloud. Maximize your presence by following (or like) other groups to remain 'in the loop' on current topics.
Access Ohio's Facebook page at; the DKGSI Facebook page at If you already have an account, simply search the said organizations and "like" to receive frequent posts and be aware of the latest news.
Creating and managing a chapter Facebook page would be an excellent way to engage younger members. Social media is what they know .. it is a WIN, WIN situation!
Utilizing a SWOT Analysis to Set Chapter Goals

At the Fall Executive Board meeting, participants received a copy of a SWOT analysis chart (also available on the state website). This simple marketing tool is a place to record Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of an organization. Any chapter willing to have discussions and fill in the chart, are able to discover more about themselves and be able to set goals for continued success.
* Reminder *

Nominations committee needs your application for state officer or foundation director by December 1, 2018.   Applications can be found on the web site or if you want Tammy Schroeder, Nominations Chair, would be happy to mail you one.    Don't forget to include a wallet size picture with your application.

Email applications should be sent to Tammy Schroeder at or Box 415, Kalida, Ohio 45853.   If using the US Postal Service, your application must be post marked December 1, 2018 and email must also have the December 1 date.

Alpha Delta State needs you and You need Alpha Delta State!!

Nominations Committee:
Linda Diltz (
Karyn Kern-Lazear (
Patricia Miles (
Marilyn Okoye (
Tammy Schroeder (


Hear Ye! Hear Ye!   
Alpha Delta State Members ---

We Want YOU!  

We are looking for outstanding speakers and topics for the 2019 Alpha Delta State  Convention.  You could be one of those people.

There are three Convention Strands:
  • Continuing Professional Education 
  • Society Business 
  • Personal Interests
Do you have a topic or project you are passionate about?  Have you heard someone  give a WOW! presentation?  

We really want to hear from you!
So, there is one thing you must do:
Go to the website without delay-- 
Click on PROPOSAL and you're on your way! 
Sessions filled with knowledge and fun,
Deadline to submit is DECEMBER 1.
Send proposals to:  
Sue Eades 
12060 Lawnview Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45246 

hosted by the Communications and Marketing Committee
Saturday, November 17   9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Newark Digital Academy, Newark OH
Morning Session = Gmail Basics
LUNCH = $15.00
Afternoon Session = All Things Graphic
For more information and to register go to
Those in attendance must have a Gmail account.
A smartphone or similar device will be helpful, but not required.

 REGISTER HERE! No mail-in registration accepted.
Deadline is November 10 or when 30 people are registered.
Questions can be directed to Eileen at
In Honor of Our Alpha Delta Sisters

Mary Keisler -- Gamma Lambda -- 1-23-18

Margery Gregg -- 
Alpha Mu -- 8-06-18

Wanda McCollum -- Gamma Phi -- 9-17-18

Cicely Worthington -- Alpha Mu -- 10-14-18

 Jane Sampson -- Gamma Theta - 10-26-18

~ Mark Your Calendar ~

April 5-7, 2019 - Alpha Delta State Convention 
Polaris Hilton Hotel 
Columbus, OH

Calendar of Chapter Responsiblities - click below:

Meier Bauer,  Gamma Phi  
465 Woodlands Ridge Drive Cincinnati, OH 45238 
513-941-4461, 513-368-0286

First Vice President/Membership Chair:
Diana Kirkpatrick Alpha Delta  
554 Washington Avenue Washington CH, OH 43160-2048 
740-335-2593,  740-505-3918

Second Vice President/Educational Excellence:
Debby Canter,  Delta Epsilon 
P.O. Box 143 Oak Hill, OH 45656 

Re cording Secretary/Gold Key Coordinator:  
Karen S. Dombrowski,  Alpha Nu  
684 Manchester Circle N Pickerington, OH 43147 
614-837-0891, 614-563 -0495;

Corresponding Secretary
Communications and Marketing Committee Chair:
Ann Todd,  Zeta 
3621 Butler Rd. Wakeman, OH 44889 
440-839-2069, 419-577-5228;

Nominations Committee Chair:
Tammy Schroeder,  Beta Eta
P.O. Box 415 Kalida, OH 45853

Diana Haskell,  Gamma Phi 
8726 Redcloud Court Cincinnati, OH 45249-2317 
513-489-4069, 513-607-3212,

Joyce Jones-Weinkam, Gamma Xi
6341 Strathaven Drive West Chester, OH 45069

Immediate Past President:
Patricia Cermak,  Gamma Rho
9504 Greenhaven Parkway Brecksville, OH 44141-1607 

Scholarship & Grants Chair:
Marilyn Slusser, Delta Kappa
2721 Pine Valley Court Dayton, OH 45414

Eileen McNally , Beta Delta 
25335 Martinsburg Rd Newark, OH  43055
740-345-6625, 740-404-9926

Editor, The Voice:
Margaret Archangel, Gamma Phi
4754 Hirth Hill Rd. W. Grove City, OH 43123 

Your Editor...
All the best to all of you,
Margaret Archangel, Editor

New Members?
Changed email addresses?
Just let me know ~ Thank you!

Visit our Alpha Delta State website 

 Visit and "Like" our Facebook page!

Send a tweet to @ADSOhio
Let's be friends...

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Does your chapter have a Facebook page?

Please send your chapter's Facebook URL to our Webmaster Eileen: