The Virginia Gazette thinks you don't pay enough in taxes.
When the push to impose the largest tax increase in the history of James City County was in full swing earlier this year, the Gazette didn't just support the increase: they championed it. Although the paper publishes only two days a week, they devoted six editorials to argue for it - and to demonize those who stood up against it.
Not content to restrict their enthusiasm for higher taxes to the editorial page, the Gazette's news coverage abandoned even the appearance of impartiality. Those who came forward to propose alternatives or to offer ways government could reduce spending found themselves and their proposals derided in the pages of our local paper. Bullying has long been the Gazette's mode of operation in addressing those who dare disagree with it.
Of course, the Gazette won't be affected by James City County's 10 percent tax hike. Their offices are located in the City of Williamsburg, where the tax rate is much, much lower than ours. Since newspapers are exempt from paying BPOL, the Gazette doesn't have to worry about pesky and burdensome business licensing taxes either. And did you know that newspapers in Virginia collect mandated revenues from local governments, which are required to pay to advertise myriad public notices and transactions in the local paper?
Three women who had the courage to stand up against the tax increase - Mary Jones, Heather Cordasco, and Sue Sadler - are our Republican nominees for the Board of Supervisors. Because they had the temerity to publicly take a principled stand against the Gazette's editorial position and biased reporting, the paper is doing everything in its power to make sure these Republican women aren't victorious on November 3.
An article in today's paper by Austin Bogues illustrates the length to which the Gazette will go to disadvantage our candidates. The story, which was supposed to cover the candidates' positions on growth, implies that our nominees didn't answer or respond to the paper. This is absolutely false.
All three of our nominees submitted their positions on growth to Mr. Bogues, just as they did in last week's story on taxes. But, the Gazette refused to print their answers or to let their readers know our candidates submitted responses. The paper's editorial team - Digby Solomon, Peggy Bellows, and Robert Brauchle - wants to make sure the sensible conservative positions of our candidates never appear in its pages. But you can see the positions on growth our candidates submitted to the Gazette by clicking
The paper complained that our three nominees would not participate in the Gazette's endorsement process. But since the Gazette has repeatedly pronounced its devotion to the tax increase and condescendingly accused our nominees of "underestimating the intelligence" of James City County voters, why would they? Based on the paper's editorial and news coverage, and the fact the Gazette endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 and again in 2012, our nominees' chances of receiving its endorsement were on a par with their receiving donations from the local Democrat committee.
In short, our nominees demonstrated courage that is almost unheard of in James City County: they stood up to The Virginia Gazette.
The Gazette told our nominees they would no longer be allowed to respond to questions or surveys via email. Now, they are expected to respond to Mr. Bogues and answer his questions in person or over the phone at his convenience. The arrogance of the Gazette's new policy - imposed just this week and clearly aimed exclusively at our candidates - is staggering.
Our candidates are wise to only respond to the media - and especially to the Gazette - in writing. Over the years, the Gazette has not become renowned for its accuracy or its ability to correctly quote people. For years, we have advised our nominees to only respond to Gazette inquiries in writing for just this reason. In short, the paper gets it wrong - a lot. And, Mr. Bogues has repeatedly gotten stories wrong throughout his tenure as a reporter.
We are going to need your help as a result of all this. To combat the Gazette's biased, one-sided reporting, we need you to talk to friends and neighbors. Please forward this email to your friends in James City County or post it on your Facebook page. Do whatever you can to get the truth out.
Overcoming the Gazette is going to cost a lot of money. If you can afford to help our nominees, please
donate to the James City County Republican Committee today. Every cent we receive in donations between now and November 3 will go directly to assist our local Republican nominees. We are an entirely volunteer organization, so your donation won't go to paid staff or overhead. It will be spent on contacting the voters who will decide these important elections.
We also need your vote on November 3. And while our outstanding nominees are a great reason to vote Republican this year, there's now another good reason: you get to annoy The Virginia Gazette.
Election Day volunteers needed:
sign up today to help on November 3!
Did you know....
that candidates for local office (Sheriff, Circuit Court Clerk, Commonwealth's Attorney, Board of Supervisors & School Board)
are not identified by party on the ballot?
We need your help to spread the word about our Republican nominees on Election Day.
Annual JCCRC Reception at the Williamsburg Winery
Featuring Guest Speaker
Congressman Rob Wittman
Sunday, October 18, 2015
6:00 p.m. Private Reception
6:30 p.m. General Reception
Wessex Hall at The Williamsburg Winery
5800 Wessex Hundred
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Tickets: $40
Sponsorships available
All funds raised will support our local Republican candidates!
Upcoming candidate events
Lara Overy, House of Delegates, 93rd District candidate
Reception sponsored by the Hampton Roads Republican Women's Club
When: 6:00 p.m. on Friday, September 11
Where: Home of Robert & Susan Long, 106 Charter Drive, Yorktown
Cost: $25 per ticket; sponsorships available
For details, call 757-817-2988 or email
Senator Tommy Norment, 3rd Senate District
Annual Pig Pickin'
When: 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 1
Where: Carlton Farms and Drummond's Field, 3516 Mott Lane, Williamsburg
Cost: FREE, but RSVP is required.
Candidate forums: show your support!
WJCC School Board Candidate Forum
Hosted by: WJCC Parent Teacher Association Council
When: 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 8
Where: Williamsburg Regional Library, 515 Scotland Street, Williamsburg
JCC Board of Supervisor Candidate Meet & Greet
Hosted by: League of Women Voters-Williamsburg Area
When: 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 15
Where: Board Room, Building F, James City County Government Center, 101 Mounts Bay Road, Williamsburg
JCC Board of Supervisor Candidate Forum
Hosted by: The Virginia Gazette
When: 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 21
Where: Legacy Hall in New Town, 4301 New Town Avenue, Williamsburg, VA 23188
93rd House District candidate forum: Lara Overy & Monty Mason
Hosted by: League of Women Voters-Williamsburg Area
When: 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 29
Where: Williamsburg Regional Library, 515 Scotland Street, Williamsburg
Local Republican Club Meetings
Colonial Area Republican Men's Association (CARMA)
11:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 15, 2015
Where: Giuseppe's on Olde Towne Road
Program: Lara Overy, Republican nominee for the Virginia House of Delegates, District 93
for a printable RSVP form with lunch selections. Mail form to CARMA, P.O. Box 814, Williamsburg, VA 23187. Lunch costs $17
Jamestown Heritage Republican Women
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
11:00 a.m.: Business meeting
12:00 p.m.: Lunch
12:30 p.m.: Program--
Nate Green, Williamsburg James City County Commonwealth's Attorney & Mary Jones, James City County Supervisor, Berkeley District
Where: Ford's Colony Country Club
New attendees, please call Sandra Young at 757-345-2088. Current members will be contacted by the reservations committee. Lunch costs $19.00.
Historic Triangle Republican Women
When: 7
:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 8, 2015
Triangle (Restaurant),
601 Prince George St, Williamsburg, VA 23185
Program: TBA
RSVP: Not required
Amanda Johnston
Chair, James City County Republican Committee
Visit Our Website

Current Republican Nominees
1st Senate District:
3rd Senate District:
93rd House District:
96th House District:
Clerk of the Circuit Court:
Mona Foley
WJCC Sheriff:
WJCC Commonwealth's Attorney:
Nate Green
Berkeley Supervisor:
Mary Jones
Roberts Supervisor:
Stonehouse Supervisor:
Republican Endorsed Candidates
WJCC School Board, Berkeley District:
WJCC School Board, Roberts District:
WJCC School Board, Stonehouse District:
Current Republican Congressional Representatives
1st Congressional District:
Current Republican Local Elected Officials (not up for re-election in 2015)
Powhatan Supervisor
Michael Hipple