When: Saturday, March 25, 2023 8:45am-4:30pm
Where: In person at the Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center
*virtual option available
Who: Parents, caretakers, family members, educators and clinicians are all welcome to attend.
A one-day in person conference for parents, educators and care providers of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders. Our annual update will focus on new research and services for individuals with autism to optimize their long term functioning.
Please note: This conference will provide scientific information to families who are seeking interventions and therapeutic support for their children and to professionals working with individuals who need a significant level of support.
Registration Fees:
$75 In person
$25 Virtual
click here to register
SCHOLARSHIPS available, click here for info
Key Note Speakers:
Sally Rogers, PhD “Where early intervention has been and where it needs to go: Supporting young autistic children and their families in a time of change”
Shulamite Green, PhD "Sensory challenges in autism: Where are the areas of greatest need and how can neuroscience help us fill in the gaps?"
James McCracken, MD "Pharmacological Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Focus on Adolescents and Transitional age group"
New Trends in Autism Research at Stanford
Philippe Mourrain, PhD "Can sleep disruptions in fish shine a new light on neurodevelopment relevant to autism?"
Allessandro Morganti, MD "How to design Autism-friendly healthcare spaces: evidence and experience based research"
Joachim Hallmayer, MD & Antonio Hardan, MD
"Sleep physiology in autism: From clinical to research investigation"
Grace Gengoux, PhD, BCBA-D & Tatyana Lark, M.S.
"Teaching PRT via Telehealth"
Breakout Sessions
(in person attendees choose one to attend, one breakout will be streamed for virtual attendees)
Sally Rogers, PhD: Dialogues involving supports for young autistic children and their families.
Shulamite Green, PhD: Sensory challenges in autism: Where are the areas of greatest need and how can neuroscience help us fill in the gaps?
James McCracken, MD: Questions and answers about pharmacological treatment of autism spectrum disorder
Registration Fees:
$75 In person
$25 Virtual
click here to register
For scholarship info, click here