The VABA Announces 2025 Legislative Priorities

The 2024 Virginia General Assembly Session convened January 10 and adjourned on March 9, 2024, bringing together Commonwealth policymakers and industry experts. Read more about the results of our work on the aviation and aerospace industries' legislative priorities here.

We now shift our focus to our 2025 legislative priorities, with a focus on addressing issues that arose in the recently concluded session and focusing on our key legislative priorities. Read below to learn more:

Aviation Parts and Supplies Tax Credit:

  • Without action in the 2025 General Assembly, the tax credit will expire on June 30.
  • This credit, which the VABA helped establish in 2017, is achieving results in bringing new business to Virginia maintenance facilities.
  • The VABA will lead the effort, working with airports and aviation maintenance facilities, to gather data to support maintaining this important industry policy.

Real Estate Disclosure Legislation:

  • Virginia airports must have the ability to require notification to homeowners moving into an airport noise zone.
  • The VABA will work with airports and localities to introduce legislation ensuring that noise disclosures are mandated in state law for all civil airports in the Commonwealth.

Workforce Development Funding:

  • The VABA will continue working with education partners to direct more state spending to pilot and aviation maintenance technician programs.
  • These programs will target both the K-12 and higher education systems with the goal of Virginia increasing the number of qualified pilots and aviation maintenance technicians certified each year.

Advanced Air Mobility:

  • AAM infrastructure must be economically sustainable and address needs at the community-level with long-term planning and funding models developed collaboratively between the public and private sector.
  • The VABA will work with the Aerospace and Aviation Caucus to build support for the Secretary of Transportation and the Department of Aviation and to develop legislation to fund community-based pilot programs focused on public digital and physical infrastructure.
  • With Virginia's leadership, the VABA supports the harmonization of policy and infrastructure between states as a means to accelerate adoption and refine guidance and regulations.

Virginia Takes Major Action to Prepare Airport Infrastructure for Advanced Air Mobility

To prepare the 65 public-use airports in Virginia for the arrival of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) vehicles, the Virginia Aviation Board (VAB) and the Virginia Department of Aviation (DOAV) are making funding available to support bringing 3-phase electrical power and broadband connectivity to these airports.


Having 3-phase power and broadband connectivity at all airports in Virginia is vital to the operations of AAM service providers. Three-phase electric enables providers to recharge the batteries that supply power to the aircraft, and broadband connectivity enables command, control and communication features that enhance the safe operation of these aircraft.


The Board’s action makes up to $200,000 available to each airport that is interested in improving its readiness for the launch of AAM services. Under this initiative, eligible projects approved by the VAB during the current calendar year will benefit from a state participation rate of 95 percent, meaning the airport will be responsible for just 5 percent of the project expenditures. (Typically, the DOAV provides up to 80 percent of approved costs of utility-type projects and requires that 20 percent of the cost be borne by the airport owner.)


“Virginia wants to remain a national leader in aviation, and the action of the VAB in approving funding for 3-phase power and broadband connectivity is a tangible demonstration of this,” said Greg Campbell, director of the DOAV. “We want everyone in the nascent AAM industry to know that Virginia not only welcomes them but is financially supporting the industry and our communities by ensuring critical infrastructure is available to them for the safe operation of these vehicles.”

While the Commonwealth of Virginia does not own any of the 65 public-use airports in the state, the DOAV provides about $40 million in annual financial assistance to cities, towns, counties and other governmental subdivisions for the planning, development, construction, and operation of airports, landing fields, and other aviation facilities.


VAB Chairman Randall Burdette said, “Airports are not only important economic engines for their communities, but they also provide tremendous quality of life benefits for everyone in those communities. The aviation industry in Virginia employs more than 146,600 people and generates more than $25 billion in economic activity annually. Studies show that Advanced Air Mobility will add thousands of new high-paying jobs and another $16 billion to the Virginia economy. Investing in critical infrastructure to support AAM at our 65 public-use airports will provide tremendous dividends and change the way Virginians move from point A to point B.”

VABA President Bud Oakey Honored with Joint Resolution

On March 4, Virginia General Assembly Aviation and Aerospace Caucus Co-Chairs Senator Bill DeSteph and Delegate Karrie Delaney presented VABA President Bud Oakey with a Joint Resolution recognizing the lasting and meaningful impact his work has made on the Commonwealth and to the aviation industry. Congratulations and well deserved, Bud!

Click here to read the resolution in full.

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