Most Holy Trinity

May 26, 2024

"For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a Spirit of adoption, through whom we cry, 'Abba, Father!'" (Rom 8:15)

In this edition:

Marywood University Singers in Concert

Confirmation Mass with Bishop Evelio

Farewell for Fr. John

Opening for Communications Director

Recital by French Organist

Staff Testimonial at Online Solar Workshop

July Weekend Retreat along the Potomac

& more


Saturday, May 25 at 5:30pm (see below)

Sunday, May 26 at 7am, 9am, 11am,

1pm (en español) & 5:30pm

Online Offertory: PayPal | Faith Direct

See Livestreams webpage for links.

2nd Collection for Catholic Communication Campaign and Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Visiting Choir & Concert

The spectacular Chamber Choir of Marywood University of Scranton, PA will provide choral music and a brief concert at this Saturday's 5:30pm Vigil Mass. In addition to singing our Mass hymns and acclamations, they also will perform works of Anton Bruckner, Kevin Allen, Pierre de Manchicourt, Frank Ticheli, and Daniel Elder on this, their first visit to the Cathedral as they make their East Coast tour.

The Trinity and Oneness with God

In this week's Mystical Word reflection on the Trinity, L.J. Milone writes, "The Trinity is not a rarefied doctrine wholly unrelated to our lives. Rather, it is a summons to personal relationship with God because God is relationship." He cites Benedictine monk Sebastian Moore, who points to oneness with God as "the cure for our ineluctable inner loneliness." Read the reflection for this Sunday, and check out the Mystical Word archive.

This Sunday's Meetups

Let us pray:

—for the sick, especially Catherine Parello, Luis Miguel Silva, Dan Evans, Maria da Silva, Paul Fry, Francisca Granados Flores, Soila Manchame, Margaret Judy, Sofía Valero, Dorianne Alvarado, Donald Klawiter, Simona, Halina Mielnik, Camilia Juber Carmona, John Guerriero, Elsa Henderson, Yvette Romero, Enmanuel Del Valle, Patricia Castro, Michael Harrill, Eileen Elvin, Geralda Masi, Katie Roland, Peter Tan, Mary & Carl Milewski, Therese Fergo, Maria Gianino, Yolanda Mendez Acevedo, Anne Rader, Robyn Nishimi, Paul Gruber, Sick of Mufide Rende Family, and Blanca Rose Juarez; and

—for the recently deceased, especially Etelvina Martinez.

To add a name to the prayer list of the sick or recently deceased, email Msgr. Jameson. If asking for prayers for a person who is sick, please first get their permission.

Young Adults

Sunday Night with C†YA

Join us Sunday nights at 6:30pm, following the 5:30pm Mass, in the North Conference Room. Meet other Catholics, talk about the faith, and build friendships!

Tuesday Happy Hour

Come for a C†YA Happy Hour at 6:30pm on Tuesday, May 28 at Aslin Beer Company on 14th Street on Logan Circle, and every other Tuesday through the summer. 

Let's Stay Connected

C†YA uses a WhatsApp Community to plan future events, post updates, and stay in touch! Join using this link. You can also follow C†YA on Instagram and Facebook for events and news from our community.

Parish News

Ordination Anniversaries

Let's pray for our rectory priests as they celebrate their priestly ordination anniversaries:

Msgr. Jameson - May 18, 1968 (56th)

Fr. Hurley - May 29, 1982 (42nd)

Fr. Benson - June 18, 2019 (5th)

Changes in the Cathedral staff coming in late June!

Fr. Benson named Administrator at MD Parish

Fr. John Benson, Parochial Vicar, who helped to lead us all, body and soul, through the pandemic and beyond, has been reassigned as Administrator of St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Prince Frederick, MD. Fond goodbyes begin! Save the date for Fr. John's farewell celebration after the 9am, 11am, 1pm and 5:30pm Masses on June 23 - the date of his last Sunday Mass here as Parochial Vicar! More to come, including news of Fr. John's successor at St. Matthew's.

Communications Director Wanted

Maureen Hurley, who has led our parish communications and otherwise served as Assistant to the Rector for many years, also leaves the staff at the end of June to enjoy her family full-time.

See the position opening for a Communications Director.

Please pray for Fr. John Benson and Maureen Hurley and their successors as they make their transitions.

Ordination and First Mass

Deacon Isaac Sagastume will be ordained a priest by Cardinal Gregory, along with 15 other deacons of the Archdiocese of Washington, on Saturday, June 15 at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. On Sunday, June 16, all are welcome as Fr. Isaac celebrates his First Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Matthew's - a bilingual Mass at 11am followed by a reception. Let's pray in thanksgiving for Deacon Isaac and his intentions as he prepares for ordination.

Memorial Day Holiday

Masses are celebrated at 7:30am and 12:10pm, with no Confessions or Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Monday, May 27, Memorial Day. The Cathedral opens at 7am and closes after the 12:10pm Mass, and the rectory office is closed.

Outdoor Masses will be held on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27 at 10am at Gate of Heaven Cemetery (3801 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, MD) and at Mt. Olivet Cemetery (1300 Bladensburg Rd., NE., Washington, DC).

Lector Training in June

Are you interested in serving as a lector at St. Matthew’s? Sign up for an orientation and training session in the West Conference Room on Saturday, June 8, 9am - Noon. Come and learn about this important ministry that enriches our life as a community of faith! To reserve a spot, leave your name and contact information at the rectory office (202-347-3215, or click here to send an email).

Corpus Christi Processions

Procesión de Corpus Christi

Todos son bienvenidos a participar en nuestra Procesión de Corpus Christi después de la Misa de la 1pm el domingo 2 de junio a partir de la Catedral, a las 2:30pm.

Corpus Christ Procession

All are welcome to participate in our Corpus Christi Procession following the 1pm Mass on Sunday, June 2 beginning at the Cathedral, at 2:30pm.

Ministerio Hispano

Misa de la Solemnidad de la Santisima Trinidad en español con el Sacramento de Confirmación, Obispo Evelio Menjivar

domingo 26 de mayo a la 1pm

Vea nuestra página web de transmisiones en vivo para obtener enlaces.


  • Grupo de oración en español – el martes 28 de mayo a las 7pm en el salón de conferencias del oeste 
  • Misa de Corpus Christi en español con Primera Comunión y Procesión de Corpus Christi después de la Misa – domingo 2 de junio a la 1pm
  • Clase de Bautismo en español – domingo 16 de junio a las 11am, salón de conferencias del este; para inscribirse, envíe un email a Fatima Aybar
  • Santo Rosario por teléfono en español – todos los días a las 3pm (347-378-0694, PIN 283 201 937#)

¡Los cambios en el personal de la Catedral llegarán a finales de junio!

El P. Benson es nombrado Administrador de la Parroquia de MD

El P. John Benson, Vicario Parroquial, quien ayudó a guiarnos a todos, en cuerpo y alma, a través de la pandemia y más allá, ha sido reasignado como Administrador de la Iglesia Católica St. John Vianney en Prince Frederick, MD. ¡Comienzan las despedidas cariñosas! Reserve la fecha para la celebración de despedida del P. John después de las misas de las 9am, 11am, 1pm y 5:30pm el 23 de junio, la fecha de su última misa dominical aquí como Vicario Parroquial. Más por venir, incluyendo noticias del sucesor del P. John en St. Matthew's.


Se busca director de comunicaciones

Maureen Hurley, quien ha dirigido las comunicaciones de nuestra parroquia y se ha desempeñado como asistente del rector durante muchos años, también deja el personal a fines de junio para disfrutar de su familia a tiempo completo. 

Véase la vacante para un Director de Comunicaciones.

Por favor, oren por el P. John Benson y Maureen Hurley y sus sucesores mientras hacen sus transiciones.

Ordenación y Primera Misa

El diácono Isaac Sagastume será ordenado sacerdote por el cardenal Gregory, junto con otros 15 diáconos de la Arquidiócesis de Washington, el sábado 15 de junio en el Santuario Nacional de la Inmaculada Concepción. El domingo 16 de junio, todos son bienvenidos mientras el P. Isaac celebra su Primera Misa de Acción de Gracias en San Mateo, una Misa bilingüe a las 11am seguida de una recepción. Oremos en acción de gracias por el diácono Isaac y por sus intenciones, mientras se prepara para la ordenación.

Peregrinación Eucarística Nacional

Le invitamos a registrarse en línea antes del 1 de junio para participar en la próxima Peregrinación Eucarística Nacional, que viajará a través de la Arquidiócesis de Washington durante el período del 7 al 9 de junio, con una Misa pública y Procesión en DC el sábado 8 de junio. .

Para más información envíe un email a Fátima AybarPadre John Benson o llame a la oficina de la rectoría al 202-347-3215.

Liturgy and Music

Cathedral Parish Choirs

The Schola Cantorum, Contemporary Choir, and the Spanish Choir will begin their summer hiatus on June 3 after singing for Corpus Christi, and will return September 22 for the Feast of St. Matthew. The Schola also will also sing for the June 8 Transitional Diaconate Ordination and the First Mass of Fr. Isaac Sagastume on June 16 at 11am.

Auditions for the Schola's Fall Season

The Schola Cantorum has openings for experienced singers in all voice parts. Auditions can be scheduled throughout the summer. Contact Tom Stehle for more information.

Easter Mission

This year's Easter Mission follow-up with Fr. John is held Thursday evenings through June 6 at 7pm in the North Conference Room. Drop by on May 23 or 30!

Celebration of the Word

Join us Wednesday evenings (next gathering, May 29) at 7:30pm in the East Conference Room for a simple liturgy: readings, a homily, and prayers.

May Recital by French Organist

St. Matthew's welcomes David Hirst, Organist of Notre-Dame Collegiate Church, Mantes-la-Jolie (Paris), France for a 40-minute recital on Wednesday, May 29. Join us in the cool of the Cathedral at 12:40pm for his performance of Symphony No. 5 in F minor for organ, Op. 42 No. 1 by Charles-Marie Widor.

First Friday and First Saturday

First Friday Adoration next month falls on June 7, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Find solitude and silence before the Blessed Sacrament, exposed in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament until 5pm. Saturday, June 8 is the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, though First Saturday Devotions fall on June 1, held at 12:45pm, following the 12:10pm Mass.

June Holy Hour for ADW Ordinandi

Save the date for a Eucharistic Holy in the Cathedral on Monday, June 10 (6 - 7pm) to pray for the 16 men to be ordained this year as priests for the Archdiocese of Washington.

Faith Formation

May Book Club Selection

Join the Cathedral Book Club led by Fr. Jack Hurley on Thursday, May 23 in the West Conference Room, 7 - 8pm, to discuss "Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America," by Heather Cox Richardson. Filmmaker Ken Burns commends the "cogent, challenging, thoughtful, riveting, and beautiful narrative.”

Coming up in June and July

***NEW*** Tuesday Night Series

L.J. Milone begins a Tuesday evening series of classes in which we reflect on the path of pure love as the way to realize oneness with God. Meetings are 7 to 8:30pm in the East Conference Room on June 11, 18 and 25 (click above for the flier in PDF)

Register for Weekend Retreat at Loyola on the Potomac

Join us July 26 – July 28 for "Light of Christ," a weekend retreat for St. Matthew's parishioners and friends at Loyola Retreat House in Faulkner, MD. (click above for the flier in PDF)


Christian Meditation

Drop in for a meditation session offered by L.J. Milone twice a week on Zoom (Sunday afternoons at 1:30pm and Wednesday evenings at 8pm), and in-person in the St. Francis Chapel (Mondays & Wednesdays at 12:45pm).

National Eucharistic Revival

This year, the U.S. bishops are sponsoring a National Eucharistic Revival. The aim is to kindle love for the Risen Jesus in the Eucharist and revitalize the Catholic people’s participation in Sunday Mass. To this end, we present brief weekly meditations on the Eucharist until the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 2, 2024.


From the writings of Ruth Burrows

Ruth Burrows, The Essence of Prayer


Do we see going to Mass or going to Confession merely as religious duties, obligations imposed on us? Why, really, do I go to Mass? Why do I go to Confession? Would I be afraid not to go? And if so, of what? Do we have an anxiety about our Confession? What we have to understand is that in the sacraments Jesus comes to us immediately, directly, to heal and transform us and bring us into full union with himself and his Father. We receive the sacraments, not to give something to God, but to allow God to do and to become everything to us.


…Christian prayer is nothing other than being present to God so that God can give to us. The only thing that matters is that we believe this and stay there with Him, regardless of how we feel or don't feel. I suggest that the most profound expression we can give to faith is to set aside an inviolable time each day, no matter how short, when we deliberately affirm God's, Jesus' absolute love for me here and now and that we stay there in blind trusting faith, receiving it. This will mean learning the precious lesson that, in fact, we have no inner resources of our own; it will mean learning to live happily without any assurances from within ourselves but casting our whole weight on to infinite love. This is to glorify God for it glorifies God's true nature, which is love.


…prayer is communion with the God and Father of Jesus, through Jesus in the Holy Spirit – a communion that is there, for us to be taken into. We do not have to discover the secret of gaining entrance; we are already within that encircling love. All we have to do is to affirm it. Our faithful `attendance' on it, day after day, ensures that we are drawn ever more deeply into it. What we register in our mind and in our emotions is no criterion of failure or success. `Success' is guaranteed. The weight of it is on God, not on us - on the God of absolute fidelity. God has sworn total self-commitment to us. Our prayer is Amen. Our staying `there', refusing to be self-important in prayer or anxious about how we are doing, is a wonderful affirmation of the sheer goodness and fidelity of God.

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage

You are invited to register online by June 1 to participate in the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, which will travel through the Archdiocese of Washington June 7 – 9, with a public Mass and Procession in DC on Saturday, June 8. 

Social Justice

Laudato Si' Week with the Green Team

St. Matthew's Creation Care Green Team invites us to gather in community to celebrate Laudato Si' Week (May 19 - 26), and to contemplate and nurture seeds of hope for our “suffering planet” (LD 2) in daily 30-minute Zoom reflections, 12 to 12:30pm.

Click here for Zoom link. Meeting ID: 861 8157 4570; call in: 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Online Catholic Home Solar Workshop

St. Matthew's Creation Care Green Team & 7 other parishes co-host with Interfaith Power & Light an online Catholic Home Solar Workshop on Thursday, May 30 at 7pm. Join and hear Tom Stehle's testimonialour Music Director and Creation Care supporter installed solar panels on his DC home in 2012 and shares his experience and tips!

Monday Morning Ministry

Interested in supporting our outreach to the homeless and those in need? Make a monetary donation, or purchase needed items from our Amazon Wishlist for shipping directly to St. Matthew's. You also may sign up to—

  • donate breakfast food or bagged lunches
  • donate clothing
  • volunteer to serve, set up, or clean up

To volunteer, contact Ricardo Tobar. Thank you for your support!

Liturgies & Events Calendar

Check out upcoming events on our website calendar or view the event listing.

See you 'round the Cathedral!





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For our registered parishioners: Have you moved? Gotten a new phone number? Been married? Had a child, or otherwise added someone to your household? IF SO, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEND US YOUR NEW INFORMATION FOR OUR RECORDS. Thank you!

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