A Christian community of all ages

grounded in worship, well-being, and service.

June 8 - June 14, 2024

From the Associate Rector

Dear Friends,

This week we will officially begin our Fruits of the Spirit, Fruits of the Summer program here at St. Mary’s!  I hope you’ll read carefully below to learn about all of the wonderful opportunities we have to share music, friendship, joy, and yummy food together in the coming months. I’m especially excited for our concert in St. George’s Chapel this Wednesday with Caroline Cotter, and hope you will RSVP today if you haven’t done so already!

While we are looking forward to the fruit that we will bear and share this summer, I can’t help but reflect with gratitude on last weekend, when we welcomed so many new members to our church. God’s abundance is already all around us, and we are experiencing the fruits of the spirit all the time in this sacred place.  It was so meaningful to mark some of that abundance with a shared meal on Saturday and special prayers for our new members in our worship services. I wasn’t quite ready for the events of last weekend to be in the rearview mirror, so I hope you will enjoy this short video capturing some of the moments of the weekend. 

As we are told in Galations chapter 5, the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. I know if we stay close to God and one another we will continue to bear this fruit in our community, just as we have experienced it so many times before. 

With gratitude, 



in the

Coming Weeks

Weekly worship services:

Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and

Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in

the historic church

Wednesday, 6.12

  • 4:30 p.m., Parish House, Adult Ed Room -- The Universal Christ discussion
  • 6:00 p.m., Parish House, St. George's Chapel -- Caroline Cotter Concert

Thursday, 6.13, St. Paul's UMC, Newport -- Soup Kitchen. Sign-up online. NOTE DATE CHANGE.

Wednesday, 6.19, Juneteenth -- Church office closed.

  • 5:00 p.m., Parish House, Adult Ed Room -- The Universal Christ discussion

Sunday, 6.23

  • Worship moves to St. George's Chapel for the summer.
  • 11:00 a.m., Community Garden -- Blessing of the garden
  • 6:00 p.m., 3rd Beach, Middletown -- Beach Dinner

For a calendar of all of St. Mary's activities visit our website.

Mark your Calendars!

Our Fruits of the Spirit, Fruits of the Summer program begins this week, and will include many wonderful opportunities to be together over the next few months!

The details of the events can be found below, with links to sign up and help provided. A flyer of our summer events is also available.

Fruit Sundays

Join us for worship and special treats.

  • June 30 - Strawberry Sunday - sign up to help!
  • July 28 - Blueberry Sunday
  • August 25 - Peach Sunday
  • September 29 - Apple Sunday

Summer Concerts

Bring your lawn chair and a picnic dinner to enjoy music and lawn games from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. on the lawn.

  • June 12 – Caroline Cotter in St. George's Chapel - sign up to help!
  • July 10 – The Good Living Band
  • August 14 – Bar Fly

Beach Dinners

Meet friends from St. Mary’s at Third Beach in Middletown at 6 p.m. on Sunday for a picnic dinner and a beautiful and brief evening prayer.

  • June 23
  • July 21
  • August 18

Community Garden

Help us celebrate and bless the abundance in our garden

  • June 23: Garden blessing, 11a.m.
  • August 3: Garden Reception Refreshments and live music provided

Jazz Eucharist

Worship in St. George's Chapel featuring the Lois Vaughan Quintet.

  • July 14: Music begins at 9:40 a.m.

Rest and Return Retreat

Afternoon retreat in the Parish House led by the Reverend Jennifer Pedrick and Jenny Williams. All welcome.

  • August 4, 2-5 p.m.

Bring your own snacks, dinner, or drinks for a "picnic dinner" in St. George's Chapel.

Please RSVP before time and seating run out!

You can familiarize yourself with Caroline's music on Spotify.

Or those who want to share a favorite recipe!

We are looking forward to all the memories our parish will be creating together this summer, and to commemorate the Fruits of the Summer theme, we would like to invite you to share a favorite recipe which features a summer fruit. If your recipe is a family favorite, please share your memories/photos around the dish and why it is special.

We will compile all the recipes and share them in early September, both as an electronic link or a hard copy. While our events together will feature berries, peaches, and apples, remember that not all fruits are sweet- tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, eggplants all qualify! Please email all recipes to Jennifer Zanetti, and the deadline for submissions is August 15th.


Click on the image above for the weekly bulletin.

Liturgical Ministers for Saturday at 5:00 and Sunday at 10:00 are listed in the bulletin.

Worship on Sundays at 10:00  is live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube. Use the comment section to say hello if you use Facebook. We are trying to make better connections between those who are in person and those who are at home.

Prayer requests for individuals can be added to the prayers of the people on Sunday mornings and in the daily evening prayers by contacting Parish Administrator, Karen Laroche. We typically keep people in the prayers for one month.


The Community Outreach Team is sponsoring a Day of Service at the Church Beyond Walls in Providence on Saturday, June 29.

A group of St. Mary's parishioners will be participating in a worship service and providing lunch for approximately 75 unhoused citizens.

There are still opportunities to help with this project! Please use the Sign-Up Genius to donate items and/or to assist with preparing food.

If you have questions, please contact Lynn Carlson.

Communication & Other Announcements
Have an announcement?

Please use this form to digitally share information about your ministry. This enables those who are working on the eNews, website, and Facebook (and other social media) to have the information in one place and accessible to everyone who needs it. The deadline for publication in eNews is noon on Wednesday before publication on Friday. If you have questions, please contact website@smcportsmouth.org.
For all other types of communication:

Contact the rector if you'd like it verbally announced at worship. 
Contact parish administrator Karen Laroche to be included in writing in the weekly worship bulletin.

St. Mary's Staff

Rector: The Rev. Jennifer L. Pedrick, jennifer@smcportsmouth.org

Associate Rector: The Rev. Meaghan Brower, meaghan@smcportsmouth.org

Pastoral Musician: Michael DiMucci, michael@smcportsmouth.org

Parish Administrator: Karen Laroche, karen@smcportsmouth.org

Property Manager: Jon Walker, jon@smcportsmouth.org

St. Mary's Officers

To contact an officer of the vestry, please see our website.

Image credits: Richard Grosvenor, Historic Church, watercolor, used with permission.

Stay Connected:


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