Morning Kayak trip and taking a break to enjoy a cup of coffee.  Image Credit Charlene Isfeld.

Photo credit: Charlene Isfeld takes us along on her tranquil paddle on Willow Creek.

Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority logo

The Summer Edition 2024

Community Wellness Programs, Classes, Information & Resources

Child on a bike wearing a helmet.

Use the proper and best fitting helmet for summer wheeling!

Contributor: Bonnie Stefansson, Wellness Facilitator with the IERHA Community Wellness Team

Bike helmets can be used for cycling, inline skating and scooter riding! Did you know that Skateboarding has a different, special helmet?

According to Parachute, Canada’s leader in injury prevention, using bike helmets reduces head injuries by more than 40%, serious head injuries by 60% and traumatic brain injury by 53%. Helmet use reduces the total number of killed or seriously injured cyclists by 34%. (Parachute, Nov 2023)

Bike helmets come in different sizes for toddlers, kids, youth and adults. Click here to watch a video and to read more on tips to get a safe fit.

Veuillez cliquer ici pour la version française.

Image Credit: Caleb Oquendo, Pexels

Greek Cucumber Quinoa Salad

Budget Friendly Recipe of the Month: Greek Cucumber Quinoa Salad

Contributors: Dana Mandryk Nursing Student Home for the Summer and Caroline Le Clair, Registered Dietitian and Wellness Facilitator with the IERHA Community Wellness Team

Cucumbers are one of the many vegetables that can be consumed year-round. However, during the summer is when you can find the freshest cucumbers at your local garden center or grown in your home garden. While cucumbers are low in calories and very rich in water, they also contain a wide array of vitamins including Vitamin B, folic acid, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. Make yourself a nice cucumber salad, have some cucumber water, and sit outside and enjoy the sunshine!

Are you hungry for more? Click here for the recipe and tips to help make your money


food on the bbq

Food Safety Tips for a Summer Picnic or BBQ

Contributor: Caroline Le Clair, Registered Dietitian and Wellness Facilitator with the IERHA Community Wellness Team

With the warm weather finally here, we can look forward to eating outside in the sun. But when food safety is ignored at a picnic or barbecue by leaving perishable food out in warm weather, the bacteria flourish and threaten to make everyone sick. Foodborne illness usually results in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or fever caused by bacteria that are lurking on foods and dining surfaces. Symptoms can be fairly mild or quite severe, and they are more likely to affect babies, pregnant women and elderly people. So, what can you do to keep everyone safe? Here are some tips to keep unwanted guests such as bacteria from crashing your party: read more.

Image Credit: Rdne, Pexels

Child in pool with goggles and water wings.

The Brighter, The Better:

Putting Swimsuit colors to the test! The safety test, that is!

Contributor: Caroline Le Clair, Registered Dietitian and Wellness Facilitator with the IERHA Community Wellness Team

Summer is here and we all know that Manitoban’s do not shy away from making the most of the hot weather. So, if you are planning a day trip to enjoy the beaches, going to a wading pool and splash pad with friends or heading over to a friend’s house for dip in their pool, the colour of the swimsuit someone wears could save their life.

ALIVE solutions Inc. tested the colours of swimsuits in 2019 and recently looked at patterned swimsuits in both pool and lake water to determine which ones were the most visible when submerged 18 inches in water. The water was agitated to mimic kids playing. The results - The brighter the better!

Find out which swim suit colours show up with different pool liners and lake water: click here.

Veuillez cliquer ici pour la version française.

Image Credit: Oleksandr, Pexels

Healthy Together Now (HTN) is a community-led grassroots program to help prevent chronic diseases in Manitoba. The program is coordinated by the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority and supported by the Province of Manitoba, Mental Health, Wellness and Recovery/Health Promotion and Wellness Branch. HTN focuses on prevention activities for all ages and strives to engage the highest needs population, individuals, families and communities. Awarded funds are to be used within a year.

Community organizations can apply for funding for prevention activities in the areas of:

  • Mental Well-Being
  • Healthy Eating
  • Tobacco Prevention and Reduction
  • Physical Activity

There are limited funds available. Projects that address the Social Determinants of Health and a Health Equity Approach will receive priority for funding. 

There will be a regional Healthy Together Now intake in the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority in the fall of 2024. More detailed information coming mid-August 2024. Please call your IERHA Healthy Together now contact for more details.

Please do not fill out the online application until you have discussed your project with your Healthy Together Now contact.

Review the Funding Guidelines to make sure your idea meets the funding criteria.

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En santé ensemble, aujourd’hui est un programme d’inspiration communautaire ayant pour objectif d’aider à prévenir les maladies chroniques au Manitoba. Le programme En santé ensemble, aujourd’hui est coordonné par l’Office régional de la santé d’Entre-les-Lacs et de l’Est et appuyé par Santé mentale, Mieux-être et Rétablissement / Service de la promotion de la santé et du mieux-être de la province du Manitoba. Le programme En santé ensemble, aujourd’hui est axé sur les activités de prévention qui s’adresse aux personnes de tout âge et vise à assurer la participation des populations, des personnes, des familles et des communautés qui en ont le plus besoin. Des fonds limités sont consacrés à chaque collectivité et doivent être utilisés pendant l’année en cours.

Les organismes communautaires peuvent présenter une demande de financement pour les activités de prévention dans les domaines suivants :

  • Le bien-être mental  
  • L’alimentation saine
  • La prévention et réduction du tabagisme
  • L’activité physique

Le montant des fonds disponibles est limité. La priorité de financement sera donnée aux projets abordant la question des déterminants sociaux de la santé et de l’équité en matière de santé.

L’ORS d'Entre-les-Lacs et de l'Est organisera une admission régionale pour le programme En santé ensemble, aujourd’hui à l'automne 2024. Des informations plus détaillées seront disponibles à la mi-août 2024. Veuillez appeler votre personne ressource de l’ORS d'Entre-les-Lacs et de l'Est pour plus de détails.

Veuillez ne pas remplir la demande en ligne avant d'avoir discuté de votre projet avec votre personne ressource de l’ORS d'Entre-les-Lacs et de l'Est.

Examinez les lignes directrices pour le financement afin de vous assurer que votre idée répond aux critères de financement.

Visit our Website for more information on HTN.
Gimli Healing Garden collage of photos.

Have you visited the central courtyard Healing Garden at the Gimli Community Health Centre? It's a beautiful space for patients, visitors and staff to all enjoy the sounds of trickling water, the feel of the sun and fresh air and a quiet spot to take a break from the day.

Thank you to the volunteers of Healing Garden Committee in Gimli who plant the annuals and tend the perennials for all to enjoy.

And did you know that the Healing Garden occupies the space that was once the original Gimli Hospital? Read more about the history.

Read about the connection between nature and health.

Schedule of Treaty Days in Manitoba - Summer 2024
Click here for more information on Treaty Days in Manitoba.

Image Credit: Southern Chiefs' Organization, Inc

Senior holding a cane.

Manitoba Safe and Healthy Home for Seniors

Funded by the Manitoba Government Department of Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care, the Safe and Healthy Home for Seniors Program provides funding for basic and essential devices or adaptations for seniors facing barriers within their homes. 

The goal of the program is to create an accessible, barrier-free living space where a low-moderate income senior with a condition or limitation can complete basic activities of daily living (eating, bathing, toileting, transferring, and mobility) or getting in and out of their home to access essential medical care and community services safely, independently and with dignity. 

Visit the website for more information.

Safe and Healthy Home for Seniors Application

Image Credit: Sabine Vanerp, Pixabay

Community Safety & Wellbeing Survey

Community Safety & Wellbeing Plan for Selkirk

Input is needed for Selkirk's Community Safety And Well Being Plan! No sign up required.

Selkirk is one of 11 communities selected to participate in the Government of Manitoba’s Community Safety and Well-being (CSWB) Pilot Project. As such, the city will be developing and implementing a local CSWB plan and is seeking input from as many people as possible in order to capture different perspectives and lived experiences.

The survey will help identify what programs and best practices already exist in Selkirk as well as system gaps so that we can work together to create a safe and healthy environment for everyone.

The deadline to complete the survey is July 31, 2024.

Read more about the survey plan.

Click here to complete the survey.

Image Credit: City of Selkirk

Self-care spelled out with letter tiles

International Self-Care Day - July 24


What does self-care look like for you?

On July 24th, help us celebrate International Self-Care Day and the importance of self-care to the health of Canadians and to the health care system.

"Self-care is a lifelong habit and culture. It is the practice of individuals looking after their own health based on the knowledge and information available to them. It is a decision-making process that empowers individuals to look after their own health efficiently and conveniently, in collaboration with health and social care professionals as needed." – Global Self-Care Federation

7 Pillars of Self-Care:

  • Health Literacy
  • Self-Awareness
  • Physical Activity
  • Healthy Eating
  • Risk Avoidance
  • Good Hygiene
  • Optimal Use of Products and Services

To learn more, click here.

Image Credit: WOKANDAPIX, Pixabay

Community Wellness Team.

Community Wellness Programs

Explore FREE Classes for Healthy Living

To Register for Wellness Classes:

Call Toll Free 1-877-979-9355 or email

Photo of Jan Keryluk and Lindsey Grandmont at the Viking Statue in Gimli.

Home for the Summer

Lindsey Grandmont (right) is a Home For The Summer Student and is working with the Community Wellness team this summer. She is shadowing Wellness Facilitators and getting to see what programs are offered in the region. Lindsey will be starting nursing school in the fall.

Lindsey was recently in Gimli working with Wellness Facilitator Jan Keryluk. And when you are visiting Gimli, a selfie with the Viking Statue is a requirement!

Congratulations on being accepted into nursing school Lindsey!

COVID-19 Vaccine Update:

COVID-19 vaccine is no longer readily available at public health offices across the Interlake-Eastern region until the fall 2024 influenza and COVID-19 immunization program. This is to minimize the impact of getting a late COVID-19 vaccine dose during peak flu season in the fall. It is recommended that clients have a discussion with their physician or primary health care practitioner to determine if they are considered high risk and need to have a booster prior to fall 2024. In order to obtain a dose of COVID-19 vaccine, clients should receive a recommendation from their primary care provider or clinic specialist.

Covid-19 and Meningococcal Vaccine Update

Meningococcal Vaccine Update:

Due to an increase of invasive meningococcal disease, Manitoba has changed the meningococcal vaccine program. Men-C-ACYW-135 vaccine will be administered to those that are eligible to ensure greater protection against invasive meningococcal disease. Infants at 12 months of age are eligible to receive a Men-C-ACYW-135 vaccine regardless if they have received a previous Men-C-C vaccine. Those children born between January 1, 2020 and February 28, 2023 are also eligible for a dose of Men-C-ACYW-135. . If you are unsure if your child is eligible to receive the recommended Men-C-ACYW-135 vaccine or to schedule an appointment, please contact your local public health office. Find a Community Health Office near you.

Image credit: Hrc Erl, Pixabay

Have a great summer!

Coming this Fall:

  • Healthy Together Now (HTN) Fall intake of community project applications
  • New Class in our Relaxation Series - Practicing Gratitude
  • Craving Change Classes for people who want to change their behaviors with food
  • Get Better Together Classes for people living with chronic conditions
  • Steppin' Up Physical Activity Leader Training from Active Aging
  • In October, we'll be 'Celebrating Seniors Month' with an Aging Well Class Series
  • No Gym Required Physical Activity Classes
  • And more!
A summer camp fire!

This information is available in alternate formats on request. 

Our next issue will be in circulation in September 2024.

Community Wellness Team | Toll Free 1-877-979-9355 |

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