By accident, our May newsletter was sent out instead of the September edition.Our apologies for sending two emails in the same day. Thank you for your support of Athletes Connected and student-athlete mental health.

The Athletes Connected Newsletter: September 2019

Each quarter we share updates surrounding our program and other student-athlete mental health initiatives. This issue features a new original piece about transitioning out of sport and creating a foundation for wellness, a new coping skills video about moving on from a negative play as well as student spotlights from across the country.
Life After Sports Series
Transition Out of Sport: A Foundation for Wellness

"Succeeding post-playing career often comes down to working smarter, not necessarily harder, than you did in college.  "
- Will Heininger

As you transition out of organized sport, how do we continue to take care of our well-being? Will Heininger shares some tips on creating a foundation for wellness in our latest article.  [ Read More ]

For more life after sports resources, visit the Life After Sports section.
New Coping Skills Video
Flipping the Switch

In our most recent video, Maggie Bettez, the 2018 captain of the University of Michigan field hockey team, shares a positive coping skill that helps her move from one play to the next, regardless of the outcome.  [ Watch the Video ]

Athletes Connected now has 10 feature films and five coping skills videos. View them all in one place. 
Athletes Connected Updates
Restorative Yoga and Mental Fitness Groups Return for Fall 2019 Semester

The wait is over. The popular Restorative Yoga: Mindful Relaxation sessions have returned. Athletes Connected will lead seven such sessions this semester starting Sept. 18. These sessions are exclusive to U-M student-athletes and invitations will be sent via email and text message. 

Athletes Connected will also be leading mental fitness groups this year. More information on those will be announced later this semester.   [ Learn More ]
Athlete Mental Health In the News
Spotlight: Other Student-Athlete Mental Health Initiatives
Boise State Launches #BroncoBOLD, a Mental Health Initiative

Boise State recently created #BroncoBOLD to showcase its mental health programming for student-athletes, coaches, and staff focused on reducing stigma, increasing awareness, and cultivating resiliency.  
Oklahoma University Athletics Starts "Your Mental Health Matters" Campaign

Initiated by student-athletes after a Big 12 SAAC meeting, "Your Mental Health Matters" raises mental health awareness through designated Oklahoma athletics events and videos sharing student-athlete stories.  [ Read More ]
Athletes Connected is a partnership between the University of Michigan Depression Center, School of Public Health, and Athletic Department.