What has been your favorite class at OU? Or maybe a favorite professor?
OU has so many amazing professors whose passions show within the classrooms! Although it is hard to pick a favorite, the people who have impacted me the most within this educational journey have been Dr. Andrea Benjamin and Dr. Rodney Bates. Dr. Benjamin has inspired me in a way of gaining hopefulness as an unapologetic Black woman emerging into policy and advocacy. Dr. Bates has challenged me to think abstractly as well as to be strategic in how I advocate. These two people have poured so much knowledge into me that I will always be grateful for my time spent with them.
My all-time favorite organization on campus is Miracle Mindset, an early college access program for first-generation/low-income students. Changing dreams to realities is our mission, which includes programming that encompasses a multitude of resources that help to bridge the gaps of educational inequity.
Another favorite is the Grant Writers Association of Oklahoma (GWA). As one of the co-founders of GWA, I might be a little biased but I absolutely love the work that we do. GWA helps to provide resources to nonprofits by utilizing the opportunity to develop grant-writing skills in undergraduate and graduate students.
What advice would you give fellow students pursuing degrees in Public & Nonprofit Administration or Women & Gender Studies?
The best advice I can give to anyone pursuing either or both of these degrees is simply not to limit yourself to the knowledge you are gaining. In many other majors, specifying your path of studies is best, but these are very broad degrees. Take advantage of this and lean into your interests and gain holistic skill sets. You can always specify your skills on your resume, within interviews, and during your job search. This advice was extremely beneficial as I am a current accelerated MPA student. I have knowledge of how different policies and management work which now I get to specify in this master’s degree.
Could you describe Take Control Initiative? What kind of work do you do? How did you find out about it?
Take Control Initiative (TCI) works to remove barriers and increase access to birth control in Tulsa County. In this work, we envision a community where all people have equitable access to birth control, promoting community health and economic opportunity.
I'm currently a summer intern through the George Kaiser Family Foundation, where I was placed with the TCI family. A good friend interned with both of them in the past and told me about this opportunity. Within TCI, I work with the Education and Outreach team where I get to directly engage with community members and have conversations surrounding resources that provide free birth control options. These conversations exist as education sessions, tabling at community events, and even in random conversations prompted by our vulva and ovary merch. My favorite engagement has been interacting with youth, as many people are excited and thankful for the resources we provide.
I've been working on a research project for the majority of my time here in Tulsa. This project investigates how impactful TCI’s current resources are and how we can develop information that caters to those receiving it. I’ll be conducting focus groups and having conversations with youth–predominantly in marginalized communities–to better advocate for them and continue removing barriers to birth control access.
I've already gained so much insightful knowledge on reproductive health and the foundational aspects in nonprofits. This is such an amazing opportunity to live in a city I knew so little about and work for such an intentional, inspiring, and resilient organization. Although the work can be overwhelming at times, the TCI team has been nothing short of supportive and uplifting. Even though my internship will be coming to an end soon, I’ll always be cheering on this team and the mission they serve. This is not just a working team but a work family. This experience has definitely set the tone for what type of work environment I wish to work in in the future, and the bar is high!