

Check out these great job prospects!


Meet our academic all-star!


Take a look at a few courses offered for the spring!


Hello, Students!

We are officially the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences! Our new name change is going to open the door for scholarships, fellowships, and more. Make sure to continue checking in with the Student Success Center for internships, campus resources and events.

- Lilly Amechi, SSC Student Intern


We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic American champions who have inspired others to achieve success. Discover documents, exhibits, films, blog posts and more from the National Archives and Presidential Libraries that highlight Hispanic culture.


Joseph Harroz, Jr. has officially been inaugurated as the 15th president of the University of Oklahoma. Read more about the inauguration here!

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Thanks to a generous donation from the Dodge family, the former College of Arts and Sciences has now been renamed the Dodge Family College of Art and Sciences to honor Homer L. Dodge.

Read more about the momentous occasion here!

Student Spotlight: Jordan Jackman

Q: What is your favorite course you have taken in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences?

SOC- 3523, Upper division Criminology: I loved this course because it gave me a lot more insight on how criminology and criminal justice play significant roles in our day to day lives and how as a black woman in this country the content of the course affects my community and demographic specifically! I have always been interested in criminal justice and love how to course clarified a lot of the stereotypes we see in TV shows like Criminal Minds and SVU!

Q: What do you love about the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences?

What I love about the college is the diverse population of students that fall under the college, we have such a broad spectrum of majors and types of students and that makes being part of the college that much more special, every day I am meeting someone completely new and different from me.

Q: What is the most rewarding of receiving a degree from OU?

The most rewarding part of getting a degree from OU is knowing that as a first-generation student and a student of color, I am making space for future generations of black students to come and opening a door of opportunity for other students like myself to receive a good quality education at an institution that is predominately white and not always accommodating for marginalized groups. 

Q: What is one piece of advice that has stuck with you during your time at OU?

One piece of advice that has stuck with me during my time here is "Never feel like you don't belong in a space" More often than not, many students from less privileged backgrounds feel that they do not belong in the spaces we occupy on this campus, feeling a sense of imposture syndrome or invalidation. But getting here to OU was only the first step in this journey; we have the credentials and qualifications and most importantly the capability to do great things regardless of our background, and that is something that I encourage everyone to keep in mind when navigating new spaces as we venture further into our careers.

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Meet Jordan Jackman! Jordan is a junior from Lewisville, Texas, majoring in psychology and chemistry with a minor in African American Studies on the pre-physician's assistant track. In addition to her academic endeavors, Jordan serves as public relations chair for the Black Student Association and the Black Emergency Response Team, on the public relations committee for the High School Leadership Conference and as a Gender Equality Center Peer Educator.


For more internship listings, career development and undergraduate research opportunities, follow the Student Success Center on Twitter.

Earn Credit For Your Internship

For information about how to receive academic credit for your internship, please see your advisor or email us at ssc@ou.edu

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Love's Travel Stops in OKC seeks a paid global sourcing intern for summer 2022. Successful candidate will work with international suppliers and learn about global business practices. For more information and the application, click here.

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The State of Oklahoma seeks a paid disaster grants specialist intern. This sounds like a great opportunity to help your neighbors and learn about emergency management. For more information, click here.


The department of Native American Studies is hiring! We're seeking a student to join the NAS team and help with event planning, creating flyers, maintaining the department library, assisting faculty with special projects, editing the website and more. Click here for more information.


This position is part of the Dodge Family College of Arts & Sciences Dean's Office communication staff. The student will assist w/ communications to stakeholders, marketing, public relations events, publication, campaigns, projects and plans for the College. Apply here.


OU sophomores/juniors: want to spend summer 2022 working in Washington, D.C.? Apply for the Ewing Fellowship! Deadline is Wednesday, Oct. 6. More information can be found here.


National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, CO seeks remote social media Interns. Details on Handshake.


Nextep, a firm that provides HR services to small and mid-sized companies, seeks paid spring human relations interns. Headquartered in beautiful Norman, Oklahoma. Details on Handshake.


American Fidelity seeks a data science intern with experience in at least one statistical programming tool, such as R, SAS, or Python. For more information and the application, click here.


Hilti North America, located in Tulsa, seeks an inside sales intern for summer 2022. Successful interns will be considered for full-time positions upon graduation. You can find the application here.

Partner workshops and job postings distributed by the Student Success Center do not imply the college’s endorsement of the mission of any individual organization external to the university. Students are encouraged to learn for themselves about individual opportunities and organizations and to contact ssc@ou.edu with questions.

College Courses

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The SSC Team

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Victoria Sturtevant, Ph.D.


Student Success Center

Faculty Director


Virginie Perez-Woods


Student Success Center

Assistant Director


Lilly Amechi


Student Success Center

Student Intern

The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution. www.ou.edu/eoo

This publication was produced at no cost to the taxpayers of the State of Oklahoma.

The Student Success Center E-News|https://www.ou.edu/cas/students/SSC

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