Founded by His Highness The Aga Khan more than 25 years ago, FOCUS USA believes in building sustained disaster resilience and keeping the most vulnerable communities, safe from the devastating effects of disasters.

FOCUS USA partners with the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) to improve the lives of people in communities disproportionately affected by climate change and disasters. By training volunteers in various disaster risk reduction programs, FOCUS and AKAH are helping individuals in such vulnerable communities achieve long-term resiliency. With their newly adapted skillsets, they are empowered and able to take charge in emergency situations. 

“This is a level of mobilization that is unbelievable and it’s happening in some of the toughest environments in the world,” said AKAH General Manager Onno Ruhl during a conference celebrating 25 years of FOCUS USA.   

In the United States, FOCUS continues to support the community by training volunteers in disaster risk reduction and by developing emergency preparedness programs for individuals and families to minimize the impact of hazardous weather conditions.

Your support helps FOCUS USA and our partners mobilize community volunteers in times of national need, especially when called upon.
Help us do more.
Preparing ahead saves lives

If you live in a hurricane or flood-prone area, do these simple preparations now:

  • Know your personal hurricane or flood risk
  • Update your Family Emergency Plan
  • Review your flood insurance policies
  • Build or buy an emergency kit for your home, work, and car