Congregation members, it is because of your commitment that we can provide a FIN-TASTIC VBS experience for the children of Smyrna First and the community. We are asking for your help in serving our wonderful children. Volunteer for 3 or more days and receive a VBS T-Shirt! In Person training will be on Sunday, June 2, 4pm-5pm.
If you have a child not old enough to participate in VBS, we offer a complimentary nursery for the days you are signed up to volunteer. Contact Marie Smith for a nursery reservation.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Dive Captains: will lead participants to rotation stations.
Welcome Team: assist with directions and questions from 8:40-9:15am
Imagination Station: lead each group in per-kid gizmos, different eye-popping experiments that crews experience themselves in a hands-on way.
Bible Adventure/Sticky Scripture: lead each group with Sticky Scripture and Bible Adventure, you’ll help kids deepen their Bible literacy skills in surprising ways. They’ll dive into God’s Word with multiple senses, understanding the words, where they are in Scripture, and how the verse applies to them today. That’s Bible-deep, and it changes everything!
Games: lead each group in high energy games.
Snacks: provide refuel-themed snacks for each group.
Crafts: lead each group in daily theme crafts to take home daily.
Music: assist Ms. Kim in music.
You may still signup your child to attend VBS from link: Vacation Bible School (