November 8, 2018 - Cheshvan 30, 5779
This is a Special Year at
The Silver Academy...
75 Years of Exemplary Jewish Education!
Events at a Glance
Don't forget ...During Standard Time, The Silver Academy
dismisses at 2:40 pm on Fridays! (This starts TOMORROW!)
  • Nov 9, 1:45 - Kabbalat Shabbat/Rosh Chodesh
  • Nov 11, 1:00-4:00 - JCC Craft and Gift Fair, Mary Sachs Auditorium
  • Nov 14, 11:30 - Arthur Goldberg Memorial Lecture
  • Nov 21, 11:40 - Dismissal
  • Nov 22-23 - No School, Thanksgiving break
  • Dec 5, 6:45 - Celebration of Light and Learning
A Message from the Head of School
Mrs. Debra Freeburn, Head of School
The past two weeks have been trying and very difficult for all of us, both in Jewish communities and around the world. The violence in Pittsburgh has made us ask many question such as: how can this hatred and brutality exist today? How can innocent people be gunned down while they are praying and not hurting anyone? How can we protect ourselves and our loved ones from these senseless acts? How can we continue to tell our children and grandchildren that everything will be okay when we have our own fears and doubts? How do we continue to approach these sensitive, difficult and complex topics and, “Look for the helpers, you will always find people who are helping” to quote Mr. Rogers? The terror that we all experienced, to some degree, two weeks ago, has deprived us of our sense of security. This terror stripped us of the knowledge that ordinary events can be predicted and controlled. For example, when we kiss a loved one goodbye in the morning, we expect to see that person again at dinner. Or when you send your children to school in the morning, you expect to see them when they return at the end of the school day.

We can assure our children they are safe because as a people, Jews are resilient and have the capacity to focus on helping others to face challenges and to move on with love and compassion. “Every day creation is renewed,” the Jewish morning liturgy teaches. We are instructed to recommit ourselves to living out our Jewish values. And this may be why the Jewish people have survived for millennia. For thousands of years, Jews have been taught the capacity for resilience and it is woven into the fabric of Judaism. How have Holocaust survivors found the strength and courage to recover and redeem Judaism for the next generation? How have survivors found resilience to begin again against horrible odds and then to raise their children to be hopeful and not live with fear? The Jewish people will survive but not without each and every one of us understanding the power of a Jewish education for our children and grandchildren. We can not lose our identity and it’s our responsibility to ensure that our children feel pride in who they are. Perhaps the tragedy in Pittsburgh will help us to comprehend the need to support one another, the necessity of finding our Jewish identity, and the need to be kind.

And perhaps the education that our children and grandchildren are receiving at The Silver Academy will teach them that the Torah commands: One of his brothers should redeem him. Or his uncle, or his uncle’s son, or any other relative should redeem him (Leviticus 25:48-9). Family has the first responsibility, followed by the rest of the nation. This is a beautiful commandment that reflects our universal obligation to our fellow man and the fact that all Jews bear responsibility for each other. Your pain is mine, and you, in turn, would do anything in your power to relieve my distress.

Fred Rogers stated, “One of the greatest dignities of humankind is that each successful generation is invested in the welfare of each new generation.” It is our responsibility to be concerned about the continuity of Jewish communities and the continuation of Jewish education. “We are one people - let’s make sure that every child, every Jewish child in the world knows how proud they should be to be Jews” (Netanyahu, October, 2018).

Shabbat Shalom, 
D'var Torah
D’var Torah on Parshat Toldot
The Courage of Persistence
Good Things Happen Every Day at The Silver Academy
Field Trip to Fort Hunter Mansion
Mrs. Jessica Wenzelberger

The first through fourth grades went on a field trip to Fort Hunter and learned about Native American life and what it would have been like to live in the Fort Hunter Mansion, in the 1700's and 1800's. Upon their arrival, students were excited to enter a replica of a wigwam and were able to see how Native Americans in the area lived. Many artifacts were available for students to learn about the tools and materials used by Native Americans to provide shelter, food, water, and clothing. Bow and arrows, animal hide, and gourds were a few of the artifacts students were able to touch and see up close. The students also engaged in three different games Native American children played to enhance their hand eye coordination: a basket toss game, a target practice game, and a ball catching game. Later in the day, the students toured the mansion and learned that it was originally built in the 1700's, but an addition was added in the 1800's. While in the mansion, students learned about life in the 1800's, saw artifacts such as clothing and cooking utensils, and even got to pump water from a well in the backyard.
A few of the things the students learned from the trip:

  • “Couches were stuffed with horse hair instead of stuffing,” Alexa
  • “They used sheep to mow their lawn,” Adam
  • “They bathed in a small bucket while people poured water in them,” Rena
  • “The saying sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite, was good advice because they stuffed their beds with hay and hay has bed bugs,” C’nai
  • “People slept more upright because they thought if you laid down flat, it was bad for their lungs,” Avi
  • “Native Americans planted the three sisters: corn, beans, and squash,” Michael

THANK YOU to our parent chaperones. Students had a great day learning at this historical gem right here in Harrisburg! 
Student Council Elections

Our students had first-hand experience with the election process on Election Day, as they elected their student government. On Monday, the candidates did a fabulous job during their campaign speeches. On Tuesday, everyone had a chance to vote...we even had a few absentee ballots! Mazel Tov to our newely elected Student Council Officers: President, Joshua Jackson; Vice President, Sasha Tsimmerman; Secretary, Gilad Goldman; Treasurer, Moshe Schertz.
Grandparent/Grandfriend Day

On Friday, October 26th The Silver Academy students shared the afternoon with 46 of their wonderful Grandparents and Grandfriends. Everyone had a chance to enjoy science with Mrs. Gaughan, Hebrew music and dance with Morah Alla, and making Challah covers with Morah Tamara. The afternoon culminated with a beautiful school wide Kabbalat Shabbat ceremony. We can't wait for our Grandparents and Grandfriends to visit again soon!

Watch this fun video of our special day!
We are thankful!

Thank you to Debra and Dick Freeburn for hosting The Silver Academy parents and board members at their home for a lovely Saturday evening together.

Thank you to the PTO for providing meals and snacks for our teachers during Parent-Teacher conferences 

Thank you to everyone who donated to the 7th and 8th grade Israel Trip Election Day Bake Sale. Students collected over $1,000!

Thank you to Jenn Ross for speaking to the 5th-8th grade Jewish Ethics Class and teaching them about the role of The Jewish Federation and the JCC in our community. 

Important Dates and Reminders!
Visit Our PTO's Chanukah Stand at the
JCC Craft and Gift Fair
Please show your support for The Silver Academy PTO by visiting their booth at the JCC Craft and Gift Fair this Sunday, November 11th, from 1-4 in the Mary Sachs. There will be Chanukah items, games, toys, etc for sale. Please come support the school and the JCC. There will be a variety of vendors, food, raffles and more. Admission is free. 
Arthur Goldberg Lecture Series

On Wednesday, November 14, Attorney Elisabeth S. Shuster will be speaking  to our middle school students about Law and the Environment as we continue our Arthur Goldberg Memorial Lecture series. Lunch will be served in the Henry Miller at 11:30 followed by Ms. Shuster's  presentation at approximately 12:15-1:00. Everyone is invited. Please RSVP to  or by calling the office at  717-238-8775 .

Take a Peek at the Past!

In honor of the 75th anniversary year, we will occasionally include photos and memories from our archives. Take a may see some familiar faces!
Support The Silver Academy!
Don't Miss This
EASY, Ongoing Fundraising Opportunity!
Giant Gift Cards

  • Purchase these dollar for dollar in the school office, and then spend them the same as cash.
  • The Silver Academy earns 5% - that's $50 earned for every $1,000 sold!
  • You may also purchase by calling Susan at 717-608-0190
Order your Challah!
Challah With a Twist 

Offers Weekly Challah Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers

  • Order your challah by 8:30 pm Thursday evening at The fresh baked challah will be given to your child to take home on Friday.
  • To pay, please send an envelope with your name on it to the school office, including cash, or a check payable to Challah with a Twist, or use Paypal or Venmo.

Challah With a Twist, (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah to the Harrisburg community for over 2 4 years.
For any questions, please call or text Varda Gewirtz at   717-919-1358   .
Silver Snapshot
Our 1st-4th Graders Visited the Historical Fort Hunter Mansion