Events at a Glance

  • May 23, 2:30 & 7:00 pm - Silver Academy Theater Club Musical ("Willy Wonka Kids")
  • May 30, 1:00 pm - 2nd Grade Chumash Celebration
  • May 30, 5:30 pm - Welcome to Kindergarten event
  • May 31, 7:30 pm - Entertainer, Oz Pearlman - Buy Tickets Here
  • June 5, 2:30-3:30pm - Ganeinu Year-End Celebration
  • June 5, 7:00 pm - 8th Grade Graduation
  • June 8, 11:40am - Last Day of School, Early Dismissal
  • August 27 - 1st Day of 2018-19 School Year
Good things happen everyday at The Silver Academy!
Mrs. Lindsay Hameroff, Lead Teacher
We are thrilled that so many of you were able to join us last week for our springtime Celebration of Learning. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to see students from every grade showcase the wonderful lessons they have learned this semester through song, creative writing, and theater. As Lead Teacher, I had the privilege of witnessing not only the final products they shared with you, but also the learning processes that led up to these performances. 

For instance, Mrs. Hurley’s second grade students performed a Reader’s Theater skit about the rainforest. But I was able to see the entirety of her engaging and interactive unit, including the transformation of her entire classroom into a rainforest, complete with a palm tree and twinkling stars. Mr. Cornwell’s students shared excerpts of their writing, which they presented on illustrated scrolls. I was lucky enough to peek in on their entire journey through the Writer’s Workshop process, as they drafted, peer-edited, revised, and polished their work to perfection, before selecting an excerpt to share with all of you. And finally, our middle school students performed a satirical skit on Greek Mythology, but behind the scenes, they spent six weeks reading and analyzing twelve different Greek myths, contemplating creation myths from around the world, and even designing Prezi presentations to illustrate the concept of the Hero’s Journey in modern-day films. These are just a few examples of the many incredible lessons students participate in every day at The Silver Academy, and we are happy that you were able to have a glimpse into your children’s education!

This week, a number of Silver students also expanded their learning beyond the classroom. Fifth and sixth grade students spent the past week at the Pearlstone Center in Maryland, learning about environmentalism from a Jewish perspective through the TEVA program. Be sure to look through some of the pictures of their adventures throughout the Silver Summary. Additionally, our seventh grade Science Fair winners, Josh and Elez, as well as their Science teacher, Mrs. Gaughan, traveled to Pittsburgh on Thursday to attend the International Science and Engineering fair.

Though we have just a few weeks left of the 2017-2018 school year, our students never take a break from the joy of learning. Stay tuned for more great things!

D'var Torah
for Parshat Bamidbar

by Rabbi Gewirtz

to read this week's D'var Torah

Our Students are Learning in Many Ways!
Kindergarten Judaics
Mrs. Yasminah Huberman

Kindergarten is almost ready to take the step from learning Hebrew letters to words! Students have mastered all of the letters of the Alef Bet from Alef to Tav and are learning vowels. This means that students will soon be learning to spell and write small words in Hebrew! Our class has also been busy preparing for Shavuot, the holiday of the harvest. Students counted seven weeks from Passover until Shavuot. We've learned the word Torah which begins with the letter ת (tav). The word Torah is important for our study, because we received the Torah on Shavuot. We made our own mini Torahs and enjoyed eating blintzes! The 10 Commandments remind us how we can live a good life. We also learned about kindness from the Story of Ruth. Chag Sameach!
Recycle Club Field Trip
Mrs. Cheryl Sinoway, Club Advisor

Do you know what composting has to do with the FBI? Well, the Recycling Club can tell you! Last Friday the club had the opportunity to visit the Dickinson College Farm in Carlisle. Our Dickinson student guide, Lena, explained that compost is made up of three components: Fungi, Bacteria and Invertebrate material. She mentioned that every day more than 700 pounds of food waste are composted at the farm daily and turned into fertilizer rather than ending up in a landfill. Besides learning about composting, we collected fresh eggs from the chicken coop, learned how the farm crops are fertilized, and made posters emphasizing the importance of recycling to display in our school. 

Thanks to Dr. Andrea Lieber and the Dickinson College Judaic Studies Ebert Fund, we were treated to a delicious lunch at the kosher cafeteria in the Holland Union Building on the Dickinson Campus. Mrs. Gold, a past teacher at the Silver Academy, was on hand to give us a tour of the composting machine (affectionately named Hobart!) in the kitchen. All of the food scraps and even the paper plates are compostable.

A huge thank you to our parent drivers, Mrs. Konowitch, Mrs. Reid, Mr. Harringer, and Mr. Kushner. We had a beautiful, sunny day of learning and fun. This awesome organic farm provides walking tour brochures at the entrance. Visit this summer, you’ll be glad you did!
Our 5th and 6th Graders are at Teva!

Our 4th and 5th graders are spending four days at Teva, a Jewish-based environmental education program that teaches about Judaism and the environment. They will return to school tomorrow with lots of stories and more pictures that we will share in next week's Silver Summary.
Mark your calendar for our Spring Musical!!
You won't want to miss this amazing show,
presented by The Silver Academy Music and Drama Club!!!
Please join us for either performance (or both)!!!
Development Office News
Buy your tickets today!
Oz Pearlman is launching a show, Oz Knows, on NBC on May 12, just a few short weeks before we get to see him here in Harrisburg!  

Click  here  to see the official show trailer and learn more about this amazing mentalist!

Alumni, please join us!
A Silver Academy Alumni Giving Circle
The Alumni Giving Circle is proud to announce that they have decided to fund some important projects at The Silver Academy. Grants are awarded to Mrs. Gaughan to purchase a new microscope for the science program, to Mrs. Marina Cherepinsky to provide a limited number of scholarships for families who struggle with the costs associated with the school musical and to Jackie Rubin to provide PJ Library programming. Some funds are also being placed into a donor advised fund at the Jewish Community Foundation to be reserved for future projects.

Interested in joining the alumni circle and being part of this amazing group of individuals who are enhancing The Silver Academy experience? Contact Laura Kravitz Novak at  or Samara Sofian at
Summer Music Programs

Instructed by Mrs. Cherepinsky
Offered by Susquehanna Township Rec. Department

For Grades 3 - 12



Order your Challah!
Challah With a Twist 

Offers Weekly Challah Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers

  • Order your challah by Thursday night at this website: It will be delivered to school on Friday.
  • Send check to school, payable to Challah with a Twist, or use Paypal or Venmo .

"Challah With a Twist", (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah for the Harrisburg community for over 20 years.
Varda Gewirtz,  717-919-1358  
Super Silver Snapshots!
Our Celebration of Learning last week was a joyful event! Students gave a peek into their classroom learning through energetic song, creative writing and theater!