A Christian community of all ages

grounded in worship, well-being, and service.

May 11 - May 1, 2024

From the Rector

Dear Friends,

Yesterday was the Feast of the Ascension. It’s a major feast day in the Christian church, even though I didn’t hear about too many Ascension Day parties going on. 

Ascension Day recalls the moment that Jesus was lifted into the air heavenward while his disciples remained on the ground watching him ascend. Can you imagine what it was like for them after all they had already been through in the last 50 days or so? 

They had been with Jesus having so many different experiences: entering Jerusalem, his passion, death, and then his resurrection. And then they had 40 days with their friend and leader after he was raised from the dead. They must’ve been thinking when they saw him lifted into heaven, "What now?"

What’s next for us as we move through this final week of Eastertide and especially as we prepare for worship on Sunday this weekend? I invite you to think about these questions:  

  • What else is possible? 
  • What else is possible in my life? My church? My community? This broken and beautiful world? 

See you at church, 



in the

Coming Weeks

Weekly worship services:

Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and

Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in

the historic church

Wednesday, 5.15, 5:00 p.m., Parish House, Southside Classroom -- The Universal Christ discussion. (See below under Well-Being). Read the 1st 2 chapters for this session.

Sunday, 5.19 - Pentecost

Wednesday, 5.22, 5:00 p.m., Parish House, Southside Classroom -- The Universal Christ discussion.

Saturday, 6.1 -- Tuck Fund Application deadline. (See below under Well-Being.)

Wednesday, 6.12, 6:00 p.m., Parish House, St. George's Chapel -- Caroline Cotter Concert

For a calendar of all of St. Mary's activities visit our website.

Mark your Calendars!

Join us for our first Fruits of the Spirit ~ Fruits of the Summer event, a concert by Caroline Cotter. A native Rhode Islander, Caroline studied with Fran McKendree, and she has performed around the country and world!

Bring your own snacks, dinner, or drinks for a "picnic dinner" in St. George's Chapel.

Please RSVP so we can be sure to provide enough seating.

You can familiarize yourself with Caroline's music on Spotify.


Click on the image above for the weekly bulletin.

Liturgical Ministers for Saturday at 5:00 and Sunday at 10:00 are listed in the bulletin.

Worship on Sundays at 10:00  is live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube. Use the comment section to say hello if you use Facebook. We are trying to make better connections between those who are in person and those who are at home.

Lay leaders offer Evening Prayer Monday through Friday at 5:30 p.m. online via Facebook Live. You do not need to have Facebook in order to participate. If you cannot make it at 5:30, the service will be recorded and remain on the St. Mary's Facebook page until the next Evening Prayer.

Prayer requests for individuals can be added to the prayers of the people on Sunday mornings and in the daily evening prayers by contacting Parish Administrator, Karen Laroche. We typically keep people in the prayers for one month.


Tuck Fund Scholarship Applications Due!

Members or children of members are eligible to apply for the Tuck Fund Scholarship for trade school, technical school, professional certification, or undergraduate or graduate school. A member of the parish means that an applicant has received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, is registered as a member of the parish, is a regular worshiper in the parish, and that the member or the applicant's family is not in arrears in the fulfillment of the pledge to support the Parish.

Tuck Fund applicants demonstrate a willingness to engage in an ongoing relationship with St. Mary’s as evidenced by their commitment to our mission: worship, well-being and service.

The deadline for this application is June 1 for summer school and the fall semester and January 4 for the spring semester.  

Apply online!

Questions? Contact us at tuckfund@smcportsmouth.org.

Thank you to everyone who contributed time, talent, and treasure to the collation for Gordon Stenning's family and friends on Saturday, May 4. We can safely say that we provided outstanding hospitality to at least 175 people! 

We received many compliments on the quality, quantity, and presentation of what we served.  According to Gordon's children, "Dad would have been pleased."

As a data point, we had very few leftovers, and all of the deviled eggs (96 halves) were eaten.

I was even asked if St. Mary's catered out to which I replied with a firm and smiling, "No."

Again, many thanks to those who offered hospitality and helped create a sense of community while serving the Stenning family.

Murry Edwards

P.S. Don't forget to pickup your dishes in the kitchen if you left it with us!

Faith & Friends Book Group

The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe

by Richard Rohr 

Wednesdays at 5:00 pm

May 15, 22, 29

June 5, 12, 19, 26

Please join the Rev. Meaghan Brower, Jenny Williams, and Claire Hebert for a weekly book study of Richard Rohr's The Universal Christ in the southside classroom (lower level of the Parish House) this spring!

The book can be purchased online. If you are not able to purchase a copy, please let Meaghan and Jenny know!

Please read chapters 1 and 2 before we meet on Wednesday, May 15.


Last month, St. Mary's members and friends donated 90 pounds of nutritious food and useful personal care and household products to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center Food Pantry, which serves all of Newport County.

Please consider dropping off donations at church, which each week are brought to the Center by member volunteers. All items are welcome, but the Food Pantry is in particular need of

  • canned protein (e.g. tuna, beef stew),
  • nut butters, olive / canola / peanut oils,
  • canned / bagged beans, and
  • tomato sauce / canned tomatoes.

If you have any questions, please contact Jon Edwards.

For this year's Day of Service will support the needs of the food and housing insecure, St. Mary's will work along with the Church Beyond the Walls in Providence to provide a worship service and meal on Saturday, June 29.

A team of 10 - 12 will prepare the sandwiches, salads, dessert, etc. at St. Mary's from about 9-11 a.m. on the 29th. Another team of 8 will bring the food to Providence, assist with setting up for worship, serve the meal and clean up the site. Those who go to Providence will need to be at the Diocese Office by 12:30 (carpooling from St. Mary's possible) to prepare for worship at 2:00. They will serve a meal at 2:45, assist with clean up, process the day, and leave Providence at 4:00.

WHAT DO WE NEED NOW? Please email Lynn Carlson ASAP if you are willing to help with either of these two teams.

Communication & Other Announcements
Have an announcement?

Please use this form to digitally share information about your ministry. This enables those who are working on the eNews, website, and Facebook (and other social media) to have the information in one place and accessible to everyone who needs it. The deadline for publication in eNews is noon on Wednesday before publication on Friday. If you have questions, please contact website@smcportsmouth.org.
For all other types of communication:

Contact the rector if you'd like it verbally announced at worship. 
Contact parish administrator Karen Laroche to be included in writing in the weekly worship bulletin.

St. Mary's Staff

Rector: The Rev. Jennifer L. Pedrick, jennifer@smcportsmouth.org

Associate Rector: The Rev. Meaghan Brower, meaghan@smcportsmouth.org

Parish Administrator: Karen Laroche, karen@smcportsmouth.org

Property Manager: Jon Walker, jon@smcportsmouth.org

St. Mary's Officers

To contact an officer of the vestry, please see our website.

Image credits: Richard Grosvenor, Historic Church, watercolor, used with permission.

Stay Connected:


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