“The essential ingredient for impacting a life that you self-lead begins with a day that you curate and love. Create today. Drive tomorrow. Infuse a splash of whimsy in the process. Work each day on the nurturing and care of the seeds that you plant now, for what they represent is your growth and legacy.” ~ Randi Levin

Need an antidote for bad news, toxic people and low energy? Infusing whimsy may be the game-changer you are seeking! Leading with whimsy does not mean abandoning your serious side, or compromising your professionalism. Think of whimsy as a serendipitous mindset tool that enables creativity, fosters good will, and promotes an upswing in energy and zest.

Need something to look forward to? It is actually a challenging time to forward think. You may not be doing things exactly as you have always done them, or you may not be changing things up in a way that aligns with your current situation. Boundaries are blurred between home and office, with many of us sharing one roof over both. If work and home have become one place and often one shared entity of co-workers you love and live with, it could be a likely thief of motivation and inspiration. Leading with whimsy is a permission slip for choice and change, and a reminder that a creative approach will not only keep you engaged in the task at hand, it may also reap positive attention and praise from those around you.

As you plant the Seeds of September, the time is NOW to lay the foundation for your next dream or goal. What do you want to grow? If you have a vision for year’s end or for 2021, today is the catalyst to tomorrow. The essential ingredient for impacting a life that you successfully self-lead begins with a day that you curate and love. Create today. Drive tomorrow. Rinse and repeat from next week’s perspective. If you plant the seeds of what you want this month, you cannot simply walk away and expect them to flourish. Instead, you must work each day on the nurturing and care of the seeds that you plant now, for what they represent is your growth and legacy.

Traditionally, waiting for the Seeds of September to blossom can feel synonymous with watching a pot of water boil. It can be a tedious and long process. So injecting a bit a whimsy and perhaps humor into your fall goal plantings can add a welcome change of pace and a best use of the moment at hand.
Here are 3 great ways to lead now:
  • Seek Solutions: How do you want to feel? What problem do you need to solve? Intersect your answer to those two questions and then inject a shot of serendipity into your next action steps. September is the month to try something new, to create a hybrid of ideas based not on what you cannot do, but rather than on what you can create and grow in real time. Seize the moment through a series of minis. Mini agendas keep you forward thinking and today accomplishing. Include one mini agenda that supports the solutions you seek into every day and chart your growth. As long as you stay in the choosing of solutions, you lead in the attainment of goals. Make sure that you add solution focused steps that are creative and innovative into your mini agenda deck. The criteria for this is to allow for the unexpected, to curate what has not been explored, and to ideate and innovate. This keeps things fresh and in-motion and it keeps you nurturing the process.
  • Empower Flex Goals: Unlike traditional set-in-stone goals, experiment with enabling the goals you set to flex with the day you are living. Way too often goals and plans are initiated that no longer align with you or with supporting your dreams. You do this or that action step in auto-pilot and before long, the goal or dream you started out with drops off the edge of incompletion. In order to be meaningful, goals need to be re-evaluated frequently, set in a shorter seasonal or quarterly time range, and like a muscle, they need to expand or contract with the business of the day at hand. Seek the pieces of success you are driving, and lean into more of that type of action. Shed the things that do not resonate, and pivot toward the choice of what is next. The trick, just like with setting mini agendas, is to stay in the power of choice and decision-making. If you have the power to decide, you can change out how things are created, done, processed, and achieved. You can build AND live a legendary life. Every season has a different crop, plant, or flower that grows well in it. Picture applying the same concept to your goals so that you lock in multiple streams of goals that support an overall message or theme.
  • Mindfully Do Differently: Make a wish that sticks. Instead of engaging your head, empower your heart. The difference between wishes and goals is that one has action steps and decisions that support it and carry it forward. So activate your wishes. Make a list of what you want and link every want to a passion filled part of each day. Picture yourself blowing out the candles on your birthday cake or the seeds on a dandelion. Imagine why you are wishing and wanting what you do. Now hold onto that wish and visit it daily. Mindfully lead it forward like a snowball on a hill. Picture yourself picking up speed and momentum with that concept. Then do what is necessary to build out that image, one seed at a time.

I am supporting your beliefs and next steps as well as mine as we plant the Seeds of September! Let me know how I can be a resource for you as you power into fall. Let’s manifest together!

As you plant the Seeds of September...

There are members in The Recalibration Network from all over the United States and all over the world. To date, we have members from NY, NJ, CT, DC, MN, OH, SC, NC, FL, CA, PA, CO, TX, MA, VT, Panama and Israel. This is your virtual forum to collaborate, share, network and recalibrate next steps. Register in advance for this month’s events. All will be posted inside The Recalibration Network Community for your ongoing reference.

Please register in advance for all events here:

9/1 @ 3pm ET: Zoom-i-Fications Success Interview LIVE/ Jean Terman
Join us LIVE here at 3pm: Click to Join

9/2 @ 12pm ET:

9/10 @ 12pm ET:



10/6 @ 12pm ET:

10/7 @ 12pm ET:

10/8 @ 12pm ET:
Exclusive for Luminary Brightly Members Only
If you are not a Luminary Member and would like to attend, please email me for possible VIP tickets for non-members.

What are members saying about The Recalibration Network?

“Thank you so much for the Recalibration Circle Zoom call today - it was energizing and thought provoking, with some good networking all wrapped up into one hour. It was my first time seeing you in action and you are great !!” ~ Diana Polack

"Randi Levin, you have been a positive light ever since I "virtually" met you last fall. Your energy, inspiration and collaboration efforts (just to name a few) bring a spark in so many ways and to so many people!
Keep up the good work!" ~ Dottie Soland

"After Randi's Recalibration Network Circle group today, I left feeling wonderful and grateful. I feel grateful first for having Randi in my life and also for being able to attend as many of Randi's events as I can. The gathering of people that are around her and come to her events is always special. This is a testament to Randi. During this time especially, when we need connection, support , non-judgmental acceptance, and compassion, it is nice to know that I can always come to Recalibration Circles and to this group, and walk away feeling complete and whole." ~ Jessica Bush

'Randi, you have attracted and put together a wonderful group of people in your Recalibration Network.You make members feel like they are in a safe and supportive space in which to share. Synergies between attendees abound, nudged by Randi's encouragement. Randi is a thought leader and inspiration. She has encouraged me to forge forward with a new initiative that will help people with their financial future. Thank you Randi for being a constant source of support, encouragement, and inspiration." ~ Ella T. Newman

"Great event today! Great quality of members and inspiring conversations all around the virtual "room." I look forward to future opportunities." ~ Anne Akers

"Randi Levin is a true thought leader. Inspired by disruption during the pandemic, Randi created her Recalibration Circles, and invited community in from her various networks to interact, connect, and share wisdom through a Facebook page and Zoom meetings. Finding ways to encourage new relationships and positive directions has been her gift to us all. I am grateful to know Randi and I encourage anyone seeking clarity to avail themselves of her guidance." ~Tracey Lawrence

"Thank you Randi for your group session today. Your Recalibration Circle was uplifting and my energy was so great afterwards. All your Circles have been awesome and the other members make me think out of the box about different things in my life. You have a way of opening up a stream of thoughts that change perspectives and shift our lives for the best. Being a part of this group has helped me during a difficult time." ~ Zahava Schwartz

"I have been participating in Randi's virtual Recalibration Circles and finding them inspiring and thoughtful. I appreciate Randi's laid back leadership style and insightful feedback. She clearly enjoys doing this work and offering her expertise to others.The group also offers opportunities to connect with other like-minded people, and I have made some business connections as well. I suggest checking out her work and seeing if it may be a good fit for you." ~ Gary Powsner
Not already a Recalibration Network Member? Join us here.