As you may know, I often don’t write and publish my monthly newsletter until the last couple days of the month. However, this morning, Spirit showed me what the topic would be, what each article block would contain, and what music to include—and I hadn’t even asked for the guidance since month-end was a week out! But “hearing” it all come together got me inspired and passionate, and most eager to put it together despite a number of somewhat urgent items on today's To Do list. Nevertheless, I’ve learned to follow my inspiration and let the creative juices flow when they appear. So, welcome to my September 2023 newsletter a bit earlier than usual!
As I went to spoon out some coconut oil to fry today’s breakfast eggs in, I noticed how it was no longer pure liquid, but starting to congeal. Ah yes, the cooler weather is here. Welcome to autumn 2023, which started today!
In addition to another revolution around the sun each year, the passing of one season to another is a powerful time to reflect on one’s life. I have to admit that these days I often reflect about how I’ve grown older and am amazed at how many years—decades, in fact—have passed. And, I keep growing older and older! I know I’m not alone in this. That is just part of life, but when I was younger I rarely gave thought to the subject. Still, it’s the natural order of things and I am s-l-o-w-l-y coming to accept it.
I’ve always thought that since I chose not to have children (no regrets there, for sure!) and had little interaction with other peoples’ children over the decades, I didn’t go through their milestones of life which I think would’ve gotten my mind to internalize this concept of the progression of birth to death.
We can still contribute much to life no matter our age, no matter what the physical or mental disposition. This month’s newsletter focuses on the latter part of the life cycle, showing that joy and usefulness are possible. With Spirit present, in any moment, at any age, joy and beauty exist and are possible to be aware of in some way.
The following song was the first and only one Spirit conveyed to me to incorporate into this month's newsletter, and it made perfect sense!
In her song “The Circle Game,” Joni Mitchell tells the story of a child's journey to adulthood. She uses a carousel as a metaphor for the years that go by, pointing out how we can look back, but we can't return to our past.