The Score
An Adagio Accounting Newsletter Brought to you by...

AccSys Solutions
October 2014 - In This Issue:
How Adagio Helps Accounting Departments Economize
We all know how accounting departments face constant pressure to economize. Here are a number of ways you can use Adagio Accounting to save money...

Eliminate Expensive Preprinted Forms

If you are still buying custom preprinted forms, you should consider using Softrak's inexpensive blank cheque stock to print cheques instead. You don't need any preprinted forms for invoices or customer statements either. All those forms can be printed on blank paper with your Adagio modules. 

Ditch The Snail Mail 

Since Adagio first shipped in October 1999, first class letter rates have climbed significantly. And those window envelopes don't come for free. So why are you still using "snail mail"? Mobile phone companies, cable companies, utilities and banks are all pushing e-billing heavily. Why? Because it saves them a lot of money. With Adagio, you can send all these items electronically:
  • Payables - cheques (using electronic payments; contact us to see if your preferred method is supported)
  • Invoices - credit notes and invoices
  • Receivables - customer statements and letters
  • OrderEntry - order confirmations, picking slips, credit notes, and invoice
  • BankRec - receipts
  • Purchase Orders - purchase orders
  • SalesCQ - quotes and letters
  • Time&Billing - invoices and credit notes
  • Crystal Reports - any reports
  • GridView - views or workspaces (using ExcelDirect)
Not only will electronic transmission save the cost of postage, paper, envelopes, and labour, but the information has more immediacy. In fact, just speeding up your cash flow can have an impact on your bottom line.

Append Electronic Marketing Tools

Since email is free, why not also take further advantage of your outbox, by adding marketing tools to your emails? Attach a PDF document when sending statements or letters, such as a promotional offer or product literature. You save on both postage and professional printing.

Accelerate Your Cash Flow

With computerized accounting, particularly accounts receivable, it is much easier to get aging reports to help identify a pattern of slow- or no-payment by certain customers. By emailing or faxing overdue invoices, you quickly and easily get your overdue invoices the attention you want them to have. But just sending the invoices themselves does not give you a complete collections effort. You should also encourage the customer to communicate with you. You can do this quite easily by sending with the faxed or emailed invoices a cover letter indicating your eagerness to resolve the overdue receivable. Develop a series of at least four or five different collection letters, each building on what the earlier ones have said and each one more firm in your request for payment. The letters should also offer to work out a convenient repayment schedule to help ease the plight of those customers who are in short-term financial difficulties.

Clearly, a small investment in an Adagio product can produce a significant return on investment. Contact Us today if you need help making the most of your Adagio's penny-pinching powers.
AOC 2015 AnnouncedAdagio Opportunity Conference

Softrak has recently announced that the 2015 Adagio Opportunity Conference will take place in Vancouver at the Westin Bayshore Hotel, May 16-19, 2015. Be sure to mark your calendar!

Adagio Technical Tips
Security Clearance Required

Question: I am trying to close my fiscal year. When I click on the maintenance tab, the close income statement/close fiscal year options can't be clicked on. What am I doing wrong?

Answer: You need security clearance to access that function, and if the function can't be accessed, it means you do not currently have that clearance. You need your administrator to grant you access.

Page Breaks in FR

Question: How do I get rid of a blank page in Financial Reporter? Row height adjustments that I make to my prior page don't make it go away. There's only the one page break showing in FR, and I can't even see how I make that page break go away so that I can replace it.

Answer: The first thing to check is whether you have any columns (at the right) or rows (at the bottom) in your report that are completely blank and not used. The Financial Reporter prints all columns, whether they are blank or not, which is different than Excel. If you do, Collapse your report (if you use SmartSheets) and delete those blank columns/rows. You may find that this solves the problem.

To remove a page break, highlight the row that has the red page break indicator and either press Control-B on the keyboard or from the Edit menu, choose Edit Row Page Break. Changing page breaks are not available on the right-click menu, nor does the context change on the Edit menu whether the selected row has a page break or not.

For Column page breaks, the process is identical, except that the keyboard combination is Control-L instead.

Purging Tax Transactions

Question: I've done the period end and year end in AP, and I've purged vendor history, however, when I run a Tax Transaction Report, historical transactions are still printing. How do I get rid of prior year transactions from this report?

Answer: Print the Tax Tracking report to paper or file. When done it will ask you if you want to purge the report. You will find the Tax Tracking report with the transaction reports.

Changing Print To File Type

Question: How do I print the aged trial balance in Receivables to an Excel file? I've tried and it goes to a Word file.

Answer: You can change the type of file that you print to in User Preferences > Report Options.

Bank not recognized by BR

Question: We have set up a new bank in Bank Rec and in Payables. I thought I had set up all the links and integration just like I had the old bank. However, things did not go as expected...

I completed an EFT cheque run in Payables under the new bank. I then opened up Bank Rec, and when it was checking batches to import, Adagio told me that the Payables batch from the new bank was unsuccessfully imported. What is going wrong?

Answer: When you set up a new bank in BankRec, you are required to enter the AP bank code. This is how BR knows which BR bank to import the AP payments into.
It sounds like BR is not able to match the AP bank assigned to the incoming transactions to a BR bank. Double check that code.

Restoring Data

Question: While running through my year-end procedures, I inadvertently selected to purge vendor detail for past years. However I have two complete backup copies of my hard drive data, so I want to restore the Adagio data from before the year end.

Can I just copy the files from the backed up softrak/data directory and replace ones in my C drive?

Answer: Move all the files you don't want (likely all the files in the data Folder) to another Folder before copying the backup files into place. After the copy, run Data Integrity Checks in all the modules, and print the major reports to confirm the numbers are what you expect.
It's usually well worthwhile checking with us when you find yourself in this position, since a mistake in the process can generate days and days of work.

You can find more tips like this in the Softrak Technical Support Forum at, by signing into the Client Portal. 
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