February, 2018
(516) 542-0404
24/7 Hotline
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
In honor of survivors of dating violence, The Safe Center has facilitated several workshops throughout Nassau County to raise awareness.
Teens letter to describe their journey with The Safe Center...
Dear Lauren, Child Counselor,
I want to
thank you for suggesting Healthy Relationships Dating Violence Group to me because if it wasn't for you I would still be
trapped in the
circle that I finally got cut out of. The skills I have learned in group I intend on passing it on to those that need it most and keep applying it for myself. Everything is a learning experience. Now I am more self aware of my feelings, the
red flags, and most importantly
unhealthy relationships.
... I hope I impacted my fellow group members as much as they impacted me.
This year's
"Love Shouldn't Hurt"
workshop will be @The Safe Center on
Tuesday, February 13th 2018 6-7:30pm
This year's campaign is
"Go Orange".
Teens will be invited to enter a contest to design a logo for the New York State Network to End Dating Abuse
Bringing the Power of #MeToo to LI
Following this day of awareness and discussion, we will be creating a 10x10x10 initiative that mimics the UN #HeForShe program. 10 Long Island governments and/or policy makers, 10
businesses, and 10 youth based programs/schools/universities will be selected to help lead a year long focus on gender equality on Long Island.
Our goal is to drive action from awareness...
is a serious crime that affects about 7.5 million people each year in the United States alone. Although our society tends to be slightly desensitized to the word,
is defined as a pattern of behavior that may cause
fear or concern for the person who is the focus of the behavior.
Here are some signs to look out for...
- Following you or randomly showing up where you are.
- Posting personal information or rumors about you online.
- Attempting to monitor or track your calls and computer use.
- Hanging around your school or home
- Sending unwanted/ unrequited gifts or messages.
If you recognize these
signs, or feel like
some one could potentially be in danger, visit
TSCLI.org for more information and resources or
call The Safe Center's 24/7 Hotline:
Human Trafficking Awareness Month
The Safe Center is celebrating the efforts of the agency's Human Trafficking Department which provides compassionate, supportive services to survivors of sex and labor trafficking, and youth who are at risk of being commercially sexually exploited. The Department serves adults as well as youth and children.
A Safe Haven for Survivors
Human Trafficking
▸ 6 years of service
▸ 500 adults & youth served in 2017
▸ Human Trafficking Court Advocates
▸Translation Services:
Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish,
Group and Individual
"Step Into My Shoes"
In Honor of Human Trafficking Awareness Month,
The Safe Center shared this powerful exhibit featuring a collection of shoes,
representing people who have been victimized by sex and labor trafficking. We spoke at a fundraiser with White Field Farms
who offer job, training, and employment to survivors of human trafficking that hand-craft each product with hope.
Each story represents an individual survivor of trafficking.
Last year, The Safe Center started a pilot sponsorship program inviting those of our major donors that had consistently supported all three of our fundraising events and campaigns to become champions for our agency by pledging guardian status.
Pledges incl
ude sponsorship benefits associated wit
h t
hree Safe Center fundr
aising events, acknowledgement
on all email campaigns and special recognition in our annual report.
This is an excellent way for Corporate and Major Gift Partners to demonstrate their commitment to and faith in the work The Safe Center is doing every day.
We appreciate your support!
For more information about becoming a Guardian Sponsor,
Thanks to the counselors and secretarial staff helping us out with the
Police Project.
We are now able to enter call out to cases within days of being received, which was the initial goal of the project. This took months of hard work by all, and I cannot express to you all what it has done for the moral of the room and the stress level. In turn, we are committed to maintaining the current status, and we could not have even considered that possibility one year ago.
- Leigh Buchman, Director of 24/7 Crisis Center
The Police Project
includes a group of trained volunteers who spend time making outreach calls to victims of domestic violence, who have been identified as such by the Nassau County Police Department.
Grant Awarded from WE CARE Fund
Our heartfelt appreciation is extended to Co-Chairs Marc Gann and Sarika Kapoor as well as members of the Nassau County Bar Foundation's
for a generous grant in the amount of $15,000 to support the agency's Language Line.
Language Line
provides a timely language translation service to domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, and trafficking survivors who do not speak English and are seeking assistance from the Safe Center.
WE CARE Fund has been
supporting Language Line since its inception in 2006.
Since then, the WE CARE Fund has raised more than $3 million
that has gone directly to assist
more than
100 charitable causes.
Lois Schwaeber
Director of Legal Services,
The Safe Center
with Marc Gann (right) and Sarika Kapoor (left)
Co-Chairs of Nassau County Bar Foundation
Give the gift of
as a hospital advocate
"...Do children lie? Absolutely;
they lie that it isn't happening.
It is far more common for children to
minimize or deny the extent of abuse they have experienced." -
Tracy Stopler
they have begun an exciting initiative which is making a significant difference in the lives of the children on Long Island. The Enough Abuse Campaign helps adults understand how to protect children from sexual abuse. Its mission is to stop adults from sexually abusing children today and to prevent children from developing sexually abusive behaviors in the future.
: Tracy Stopler, Enough Abuse
Campaign Coordinator/ Author with Diane Harvey, Associate Director of Education, The Safe Center
"Millennial activists on Long Island"
The Safe Center's Elizabeth Osowiecki
The Safe Center has been providing successful housing
assistance to survivors of domestic violence for over 10 years?
You can help!
Do you know someone who is a landlord or a broker?
Please contact Nicole Maggiotta:
The program is able to pay the security deposit and last month's rent in advance
as well as provide rental assistance and case management services for participants.
We are now able to rent in Nassau and Suffolk Counties as well as Queens!
Check Out Our Wish-List On
This list contains critical items needed by The Safe Center to assist domestic violence victims.
Purchasing an item is a perfect way of knowing exactly how your contribution is being used.
Any item you purchase will automatically be sent directly to The Safe Center.
DomesticShelters.org makes finding the right shelter and information about domestic violence easier.
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Get Involved...Give Dating Violence a Voice...
Dear Future Healthy Relationships Group Members,
If you made it this far, I am proud of you.
Each and every one of you has taken a step forward in your self-awareness and your relationships.
There's not much I can actually say to you because at the end of the day,
it is you who will be making changes for yourself....
I just hope you have the will power to be good and honest to yourself.
It is going to be hard, but whoever said it was going to be easy?
Sometimes the right thing is the hardest thing.
Upcoming Events & Trainings
Make a dona
tion in honor of someone
you love or admire this Valentines Day.
A special card acknowledging your gift in their
will be mailed by February 14th
Deadline: February 7th
Food a
nd Beverage Tasting
Monday, April 9, 2018
The Carltun in Eisenhower Park,
East Meadow,
Friday, April 13, 2018
Long Islan
d University, C.W. Post Campus
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
(5 Social Work CEU's available
Monday, June 12, 2017
North Shore Country Club, Glen Head
All-Day Event 10am-8pm
Ticket includes full brunch, full day of golf,
BBQ, cocktail reception and buffet dinner.
Learn how to prevent child sexual abuse
at home, at school and in the community.
Sign up for our free ENOUGH ABUSE training today.
This 90 minute training will give you the tools you need
to help create safer spaces for children to learn, play and grow.
To register for a training, email: