The Rundown-October 2011

Meet, Plan, GO on Tuesday from 5:30-9PM!
The Long Green Line is on HULU!
Touchdown 13.1(11/19) & Accelerate (11/21)-The Value Proposition(s)
You might be a marathoner if..

Meet, Plan, GO on Tuesday from 5:30-9PM! 

Meet Plan Go
Some of you know me well. But, for those of you who don't know me so well, I used to work for Gap Inc. in web systems development and corporate IT.

It was a good job, but it wasn't me at the end of the day. I had the great fortune to have a manager for a couple years named Sherry Ott.

It was my 'one on ones' with Sherry that helped me keep my sanity and contemplate the possibility of something beyond the cube.

In many ways, Sherry helped plant the seeds for what would ultimately become 'Marathon Matt'.

Sherry ultimately jettisoned the cube as well to pursue her passion for traveling.

Sherry's back in town to share her wisdom, experience, and insight with those who are contemplating taking a sabbatical, pondering the possibility of traveling, and dreaming of a bigger, grander life.

So, if you've got a bit of wanderlust in you, mark your calendars for Meet, Plan Go
  taking place on
TUESDAY, 10/18 FROM 5:30PM-9PM at SportsBasement at 1590 Bryant Street.

Sherry and a handful of excellent panelists will enlighten, entertain, and inspire you to realize your travel dreams! 

For the lowdown on Meet, Plan, Go and/or registration (tix are only $15 & benefit the AFAR Foundation), click the link below-

Meet, Plan, Go on Tues., 10/18 from 5:30PM-9PM



The Long Green Line is on HULU! 

Long Green Line

Coach Joe Newton is a living legend. 23 AA state cross country titles (1 state track title), over 50 years of coaching, thousands of successfully motivated young men, and a happy family life are just the surface of this amazing man's life which is the legacy of The Long Green Line.


I had the good fortune to stumble onto The Long Green Line a couple years ago and it IMMEDIATELY struck a chord.  


As someone who coaches (or tries to anyway), I aspire to be the kind of coach Joe Newton is.  


The man is simply a Jedi master. He manages to get the best out of every runner he comes into contact with. He not only teaches the kids on his team how to be the best runners they can be, but how to be men.  


I just discovered this EXCELLENT and INSPIRING documentary is now available on Hulu! Stop reading this article and watch this film NOW!


The Long Green Line on HULU!
Marathon Matt Logo


Nike Womens Marathon is NIGH!


To all the ladies (and handful of men) gearing for the Nike Womens Marathon on SUNDAY, BEST OF LUCK!

Once you've conquered the Nike Womens Marathon (or half), celebrate, get some well earned rest, and perhaps contemplate what's next. I've got some ideas (cough...Touchdown 13.1(11/19) & the Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Half Marathon(2/5).)

If you're not participating in the Nike Womens Marathon this Sunday and you live in San Francisco, I'd STRONGLY encourage you to go out and spectate in Golden Gate Park or along the Great Highway.

Meet, Plan, GO!

Perhaps you're contemplating a journey of an entirely different kind? Maybe you crave a journey away from the comforts of your cube (assuming you work at a cube)? A sabbatical? A road trip of epic proportions?

My friend (and former boss in days of yore), Sherry Ott is part of a very cool event taking place on TUESDAY, 10/18 from 5:30PM-9PM at SportsBasement on Bryant Street called Meet, Plan, Go.  If you've got a little wanderlust, check it out!

The Long Green Line

If you're looking for a more temporary escape (with a running twist) of the celluloid variety, I'd HIGHLY recommend you check out one of my FAVORITE running documentaries, The Long Green Line. I caught it on DVD a few years ago, but now you can watch the entire thing for free on HULU!!

Touchdown 13.1(11/19) & Accelerate (11/21)....The Value Proposition(s)

Super Bowl Sunday 13.1 2009

Touchdown 13.1-The Value Proposition


Everyone's looking for a deal these days. I get it. The advent of Groupon and similar services has everyone looking for an angle.


I field questions and inquiries ALL the time along the lines of 'What does the program include? What do I get for $150?'  


You're getting one of the best value propositions around. $150 gets you 11 weeks of training, 3 workouts per week (Tues/Thurs/Sat), and nearly 33 professionally managed workouts. That comes to about $4.50 per workout (and I haven't mentioned the additional perks/amenities of the program). 


For comparison purposes, a 'grande' Frappuccino at Starbucks runs you about $4 or so. I know many of you order Frappuccinos (or lattes) MULTIPLE times/week.   


Unlike frappuccinos or lattes, Touchdown 13.1(11/19) will actually BURN calories. To boot, you're looking at reduced stress levels, an opportunity to meet some excellent people, score one of my world famous training shirts, and generally have a great time.  

How can you afford Touchdown 13.1? Easy. Order a few less frappuccinos or lattes a week and you're covered!


Register for Touchdown 13.1 Half Marathon Training Program in San Francisco, United States  on Eventbrite


As always, give me a call if the online transaction fees are problematic for you & I can sign you up over the phone-415-572-4437.


BTW, Accelerate launching on 11/21 is a pretty stellar value as well at a mere $100 for 20 runner specific bootcamp workouts.       

Register for *****Accelerate Bootcamp*****                                (Winter 2011) in San Francisco, United States  on Eventbrite

If you pull the trigger on  both, you're looking at 5 workouts/week for less than $24/week! 

You might be a marathoner if.... 


Running impacts people in profound ways. The impact it has on people extends way beyond the physical.  


Running has a way of acting as a catalyst for undertaking audacious goals. The impossible becomes vaguely plausible, if not entirely possible.


Additionally, there are some inevitabilities associated with running. It's inevitable that you will experience muscle soreness. It's inevitable that you will find yourself markedly fatigued. It's inevitable that some friends will think you're crazy. But, perhaps the biggest 'inevitability' when it comes to running is considering the idea of running a marathon.


Tackling 26.2 miles calls out to runners like a siren. It's larger than life. It's mythical. It's epic.  It's terrifying. It's sexy.  But it's not a trivial undertaking.


With marathon season in full swing and the marathon siren calling out loudly to any who will listen, it's inevitable that those who have yet to run 26.2 miles may start to wonder 'if' they're ready.


If you fall into this demographic and your response to the questions below is largely affirmative, you may be ready to tackle the beast known as the marathon.


Are You Ready for a Marathon?



Matt Forsman
Marathon Matt-Personal Coaching for Runners