Issue 11 | April 2, 2021
Number of Days Until Legislative Session Ends: 66
In this issue:
  • Vegas Chamber Virtual Legislative Day - Last Chance to Register
  • Vaccine Information for Employers
  • Legislative Bill Updates
  • Washington, D.C. Fly-In 2021
  • Recover. Rebuild. Reinvent Nevada Together: BizPAC
Vegas Chamber Virtual Legislative Day
Last Chance to Register!
The Vegas Chamber will be hosting its Virtual Legislative Day on Tuesday, April 6 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Attendees will meet virtually with constitutional officers, legislative leadership and legislators to advocate on behalf of Nevada's business community. Register now.
Join the Vegas Chamber in welcoming the following guest speakers (subject to change): 
  • Governor Steve Sisolak
  • Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske
  • State Treasurer Zach Conine
  • Michael Brown, Director of Governor’s Office of Economic Development
  • Senator Nicole Cannizzaro, Senate Majority Leader
  • Senator James Settelmeyer, Senate Minority Leader
  • Senator Dina Neal, Chair of Senate Committee on Revenue and Economic Development
  • Senator Marilyn Dondero Loop, Chair of Senate Committee on Growth and Transportation
  • Speaker of the Assembly Jason Frierson
  • Assemblyman Tom Roberts, Co-Deputy Assembly Minority Leader
  • Assemblywoman Jill Tolles, Co-Deputy Assembly Minority Leader
  • Assemblywoman Maggie Carlton, Chair of Assembly Committee on Ways and Means
  • Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno, Chair of Assembly Committee on Growth and Transportation
  • Assemblywoman Sandra Jauregui, Chair of Assembly Committee on Commerce and Labor
  • Assemblywoman Rochelle Nguyen, Chair of Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services
Questions? Contact Erica Valdriz or call 702.245.8465.
This event is exclusively open to President's Club and Advocacy Impact members, Board of Trustees and Government Affairs Committee members.


Vaccine Information for Employers
Southern Nevada Health District recently announced that restaurant, hospitality and food service workers will now be eligible to receive the COVID vaccine, along with individuals 55 years of age and older who have underlying health conditions.

Since that time, it has also been announced that all Nevadans over the age of 16 will be eligible to receive vaccinations as of April 5.
Go to to schedule a vaccination appointment and check out the full list of eligible employees and employers.
Legislative Bill Updates
Assembly Bill 221
Enacts provisions relating to the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment.
Legislative Summary: AB 221 would require manufacturers of certain digital electronic equipment to make certain documentation, parts and tools available to owners and service providers related to the diagnosis, maintenance and repair of such equipment. Digital electronic equipment under $5,000 would be included in the provisions of the bill. 
The Chamber is opposed to AB 221 due to concerns about data security for customers with turning their phones or computers for repair and that data being compromised along with proper training to repair such equipment. In addition, the Chamber is concerned with a business’s ability to recover research and development costs associated with new products or updates. 
Primary Bill Sponsor: Assemblywoman Selena Torres
Position: Opposed

Assembly Bill 246
Revises provisions relating to the wages and working conditions of certain employees.
Legislative Summary: AB 246 would require additional notification processes for employers regarding potential COVID-19 exposure in the workplace. The bill would also require employers to maintain COVID-19 mitigation plans on file for inspection by OSHA.
The Chamber is opposed to AB 246 because of the logistical challenges associated with the bill. The broadness, methods and lack of flexibility of the notification process are all concerns from the Chamber.
To codify additional requirements on employers into law is an issue the state’s COVID-19 response is constantly adapting and changing. The reality is that employers must follow standards from the federal government, comply with the Governor’s emergency directives, local government and health district guidelines along with Senate Bill 4 provisions that were adopted during the Summer 2020 Special Session.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Assemblyman Edgar Flores 
Position: Opposed 

Assembly Bill 303
Removes certain exceptions relating to certain requirements for paid leave.
Legislative Summary: AB 303 would change provisions to Nevada’s paid leave policy for employers with 50 or more employees. Currently, those employees are entitled to 40 hours of paid leave during the year.
The Chamber is concerned about any changes to Nevada’s paid leave at this time because of the impact it would have to employers as they attempt to recover and bring employers back to work.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Assemblywoman Shondra Summer Armstrong   
Position: Opposed
Assembly Bill 435
Revises provisions governing the commerce tax.
Legislative Summary: AB 435 would clarify that Nevada’s Commerce Tax would not apply to an exhibition, trade show, industry, corporate meeting or similar event, including an organizer, manager or sponsor of such an event or an exhibitor.
The Chamber is in support of AB 435 as it would provide clarity to the original intent of the Commerce Tax as it applies to trade shows and events from the 2015 Legislative Session,
This clarification to Nevada’s tax law is important to supporting the tourism and convention industry as part of our economic recovery.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Assembly Committee on Revenue and Economic Development
Position: Support

Senate Bill 200
Provides for the establishment of a retirement savings program for private sector employees.
Legislative Summary: SB 200 would establish a Board of Trustees of the Nevada Employee Savings Trust, a State operated retirement savings plan that would mandate deposits from private sector employees. While provisions of the legislation allow for any employee to opt out of the program within a prescribed amount of time from their start date, the default would be a mandate to participate. 

SB 200 ignores the recent changes to federal law that allow business entities like the Vegas Chamber and other Chambers of Commerce across that nation to provide private 401(k) programs to employers and employees. These programs have been enthusiastically embraced by small businesses wanting to provide competitive benefits to potential employees.

The Vegas Chamber is opposed to SB 200 as written on the grounds that any State managed retirement saving program should be voluntarily opt-in only, and that the product described is already being offered by the private sector. 
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Dallas Harris
Position: Oppose

Senate Bill 260
Revises provisions relating to businesses engaged in the development of emerging technologies.
Legislative Summary: SB 260 relates to Nevada’s data privacy laws and website operators. The bill as introduced provides for a definition of a “data broker” and changes the time that a business had to correct an issue from 30 days to 10 days.
The Chamber had concerns with the bill as introduced because of the broadness of what constituted as a “data broker” and reducing the amount of time that a business had to address an issue. However, the Chamber’s concerns were removed based on an amendment that would narrow the definition of a “data broker” and restore the time period to 30 days.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Nicole Cannizzaro  
Position: Concerns mitigated 

Senate Bill 284
Revises provisions relating to transferable tax credits for affordable housing.
Legislative Summary: SB 284 is the continuation of legislation allocating $40 million in transferable tax credits to private affordable housing developers to incentivize affordable housing projects. SB 284 provides reauthorization to the tax credits which were temporarily suspended during the pandemic and removes the sunset provisions from the original legislation, instead of allowing the tax credits to remain available until such time as all $40 million has been expended. Additionally, SB 284 allows affordable housing developers to apply for the transferable tax credits at the beginning of projects, rather than upon completion. This provision allows developers to avoid having to apply for bridge loans to complete projects. 

The Vegas Chamber is in support of SB 284 because it incentivizes private developers of affordable housing to build additional projects and increase the supply of affordable housing units in the state. 
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Julia Ratti
Position: Support

Senate Bill 287
Revises provisions relating to higher education.
Legislative Summary: SB 287 directly addresses the land grant status of the Desert Research Institute (DRI), University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) and University of Nevada Reno (UNR) under the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). While it has been the published opinion of the Nevada Attorney General since 1969 that these institutions all fall under the federal designation of land grant institutions, SB 287 provides clarity and codifies this language in the statute. 

This is an important clarification as the federal government provides various federal grants and research dollars to state land grant institutions with designated state matching funds. The clarification of the land grant designation opens up significant federal dollars in grants and research funding for DRI, UNLV and UNR in future funding cycles. 

The Vegas Chamber is in strong support of codifying in statute the land grant status of these institutions and supports SB 287.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Dallas Harris
Position: Support 
Senate Bill 293
Revises provisions relating to the wages and working conditions of certain employees.
Legislative Summary: SB 293 would codify a ruling from the 9th Circuit Court Rizo vs. Yovino as it relates to wage history and pay inequity based on gender. The bill would prohibit employers from asking about wage history from prospective employees as part of the application process.
The Chamber supports the principle that there should be equal pay between employees for equal work regardless of gender. The Chamber had no concerns with the bill as introduced as it does not place additional burdens on employees or egregious legal action against employers.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Nicole Cannizzaro 
Position: Neutral 

Senate Bill 314
Provides for the regulation of high-volume marketplace sellers.
Legislative Summary: SB 314 relates to online trade practices for high-volume marketplace sellers. The bill would require high-volume sellers to provide or disclose certain information pertaining to online marketplaces. The bill would also require a high-volume marketplace seller to provide certain identifying information to an online marketplace and verify such information.

The Chamber supports SB 314 about parity amongst businesses, greater transparency and protecting Nevada’s families and consumers from fraudulent products and goods from criminal activities. Counterfeit products are a public safety and health hazard for Nevada families.

The direct financial and safety impact on consumers and retailers is a growing concern as these organized crime groups become more sophisticated in operation and scope. 
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Dina Neal
Position: Support

Senate Bill 320
Enacts various provisions relating to food delivery service platforms.
Legislative Summary: SB 320 relates to restaurants and third-party delivery platforms. The bill would require restaurants to provide consent to be listed on a 3rd party delivery platform. The bill would also require the disclosure of fees paid, food purchase price, taxes, gratuity, and any commission charges. The bill would also temporarily cap fees by 20 percent during a declared state of emergency.
The Chamber supported the bill because of the negative economic impact that restaurants have experienced during the pandemic. The bill brings transparency parity between the interested parties, which benefits Nevada’s consumers.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Dina Neal
Position: Support 

Senate Bill 325
Revises provisions relating to professional and occupational licensing.
Legislative Summary: SB 325 addresses several recommendations of the Sunset Commission, including the operation and scope of several professional licensing boards within the State. While the scope of SB 325 covers several licensing boards, it focuses on several boards governing medical caregivers such as physician assistants. By streamlining licensing and review processes that govern these professions, SB 325 is designed to make the regulatory environment for medical caregivers in Nevada more welcoming and competitive with neighboring states such as Utah and Arizona. 

The Chamber is in support of SB 325, as one of the goals of the Southern Nevada Forum’s committee on healthcare was to streamline medical caregiver licensing while focusing on improving retention through the regulatory environment. 
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Joseph Hardy
Position: Support

Senate Bill 329
Revises provisions relating to competition in health care markets
Legislative Summary: SB 329 as introduced, would require a hospital or physician group practice to notify Nevada’s Department of Health and Human Services of certain transactions. The bill would also prohibit an insurer, a physician, or a healthcare facility from entering a contract that contains certain provisions. Finally, the bill would authorize certain administrative sanctions against the business entity.
The Chamber’s concerns about SB 329 include the mandate for additional reporting requirements to HHS since such transactional matters are conducted and reviewed by the Attorney General’s office. The bill's proponents introduced an extensive amendment at the hearing and the Chamber is currently reviewing the language.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Roberta Lange
Position: Opposed

Senate Bill 362
Revises provisions relating to public transit systems.
Legislative Summary: SB 362 would allow Regional Transportation Commissions (RTC) in Clark and Washoe County to provide microtransit services as part of their public transit services portfolio. SB 362 would allow for RTCs in both Clark and Washoe to provide on-call public transit services without a specific determination from the Nevada Transit Authority. 

Expanding public microtransit services has been a priority of the Southern Nevada Forum, as these services allow the RTC to make fewer and more specific expenditures that more specifically and directly serve the needs of members of the public who utilize public transportation options. The resulting efficiencies and savings help small businesses by saving tax dollars and the flexibility microtransit provides to bring customers directly to storefronts.
The Vegas Chamber is in support of SB 362. 
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senate Committee on Growth and Infrastructure
Position: Support
Washington, D.C. Fly-In 2021
Monday, Sept. 20 - Thursday, Sept. 23
We look forward to welcoming back our guests to an in-person experience at our annual Washington D.C. Fly-In, in partnership with the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance, from Sept. 20-23.

This year, Chamber and LVGEA members will have the opportunity to attend the Washington, D.C. Fly-In in-person or virtually to interact with our federal policymakers from the comfort of their home or office. The Fly-In will offer a variety of meetings with decision-makers and policy experts throughout the week and receptions to build relationships and strengthen existing connections with Congressional leadership.
Whether it is online or in-person, we are ready to give you an overview of the app, events, and answer any questions you may have about the policy meetings during our Fly-In this year. Most importantly, this will be a great opportunity to get to know your fellow chamber members attending the Fly-In either in person or virtually.

Early Bird Pricing/Registration Fees: Now – Aug. 1, 2021
  • $1,495 In-person Policy Registration per person
  • $649 Virtual Policy Registration per person

Early Bird Spouse Program Registration Fees: Now – Aug. 1, 2021
  • $895 In-person Registration per person
  • This does not include any of the policy briefing, think-tank discussions or congressional meetings.
  • Virtual attendance is not available for the Spouse Program.


Recover. Rebuild. Reinvent Nevada Together: BizPAC
Recover. Rebuild. Reinvent Nevada Together is BizPAC’s campaign to ensure that the business community’s needs are well represented in the 2021 Legislative Session. By contributing through the Recover. Rebuild. Reinvent Nevada Together initiative, you are helping to ensure that the individuals serving in office support Nevada’s employers and employees. With your support of BizPAC, you are uniting with other business leaders in demonstrating to candidates for public office that the business community in Nevada is actively engaged in the political process and are willing to stand against onerous bills that will hurt the business community.
Through BizPAC, a bipartisan political action committee, the Vegas Chamber:
  • Supports pro-economy policymakers
  • Works to protect laws that support the business community
  • Ensures your interests and concerns are kept in front of elected officials
  • Champions legislation that supports economic growth and job creation for the state

To learn more about contributing to BizPAC or sponsoring an upcoming event, please contact Erica Valdriz or 702.245.8465, or click here to donate now.
Additional Legislative Resources
Vegas Chamber
Information is subject to change