News & Updates
April 2021
Our virtual meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 8, 2021, 10:00 am

April showers bring May flowers!! The warmer weather is a nice change from the winter months, for sure. Hopefully most of us have been able to get the vaccine and able to get out more and engage with friends and family. The vaccine roll out has gone rather quickly and local clinics are seeing success getting "shots in arms". We'll hear more about the pandemic and vaccinations from Dr. Kirk Tucker, Chief Clinical Officer at Adena Medical Center, when he joins us for our Safety Council meeting. He will be taking questions, so come prepared.
Don't forget to join the Coalition to Stop the Spread and check out the Coalitions website for important resources to share with your workers.
Our key presentation in April will take us on a socialogical journey as we about the different generations that make up our workforce. We'll hear from Nicholas Coia from BWC as he demonstrates ways to understand and utilize the work ethic, skills, and mindset of millennials. Millennials now represent the largest generation in the US workforce.
Hope to see everyone at the meeting!

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Engaging Millennials in the Workforce
Meet Our March Presenter!
Nicholas Coia, Industial Safety Consultant Specialist, Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation
Nicholas Coia is an Industrial Safety Consultant Specialist with the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. Nicholas provides consulting services for companies in Northeast Ohio related to both manufacturing and construction safety. Nicholas received his B.S. degree in Business Administration with a focus in Project Management from Columbia Southern University and completed his Master of Public Administration from Columbia Southern University. Prior to working for the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Nicholas worked as a Safety Inspector and Trainer for Portage County Government providing safety and management training to various divisions. In his spare time Nicholas is actively involved with community projects including redevelopment of parks and recs areas. 
Changes in OSHA are on the way!!
With the change of every administration in Washington, there comes a change in government policy. With this change there will be no exception. This includes OSHA will look very different under the Biden Administration
Hunter Consulting Safety Seminars
May 12th, 9:20-11:30am Developing Management & Supervisor Safety Responsibilities
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Commit to driving distraction-free by taking the NSC Just Drive pledge!
April 26-30, 2021 is National Work Zone Awareness Week! This is an annual spring campaign, the beginning of construction season, that encourages safe driving through highway work zones.
New Facilities Eligible for Indoor Air Quality Funding
Indoor Air Quality funding is available and has been expanded to include: Intermediate care facilities, hospices, senior centers, adult care facilities, waiver setting (group homes), and substance use treatment centers. If your facility is eligible, please apply. The applications are open until June 30, 2021.
April is also...