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Check out our new website and learn all about the BioSource Integrated Biological & Energy Medicine Model!

Welcome to The Biosanctuary's No-Mystery School!

The Root Cause of Mental Illness - Part l

The root cause of the epidemic of mental illness and health issues is directly connected to biotoxin illness, as well as food, air, water, and environmental chemical exposures. Other contributing factors include blood thickening, brain dehydration, lack of proper balance of electrolytes, psychiatric drugs, chronic brain inflammation, toxic metals, and electronic pollution.

Topics that will be covered in this 6 part series

The Root Causes of Mental Health Issues Part ll

What is highlighted are the topics covered in this segment

Click Here for Part l

It’s Not All in Your Head!

How a Toxic Gut Causes a Long List of Mental Health Issues

Article by Genita M. Mason L.M.P., N.C., H.H.P.


  1. It’s Not All in Your Head!
  2. The Causes of Today’s Epidemic Adverse Mental Health Symptoms
  3. How Neurotoxins Cause Adverse Mental Health Symptoms
  4. What Can Cause Panic Attacks, Mood Swings and Depression
  5. What Can Cause Anxiety, Depression And Bipolar
  6. What Can Cause Psychosis/Schizophrenia
  7. What Can Cause Hyperactivity, ADHD, OCD, etc.
  8. Candida, Parasites, Fungus, Leaky Gut, Bacterial Dysbiosis
  9. Do Not Stop Diagnostics Until You Are Presented with Evidence of the Root Cause!
  10. Underlying Medical Conditions That Can Manifest as Mental Health Problems
  11. What Does Psychiatry Do Instead of Testing for the Underlying Cause of Your Mental Health Complaints?

The Root Cause of Mental Illness - Part 2

What Can Cause Panic Attacks, Mood Swings and Depression

To give an extremely simple broad example of how the physical malfunctioning of an organ can cause adverse mental health symptoms: the hypothalamus produces a hormone called Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone (CRH) that stimulates the pituitary to produce another hormone, Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH). This hormone stimulates release of Cortisol, your stress buffer hormone, from the adrenals. If the hypothalamus, pituitary or adrenals are fatigued, under toxic assault, malnourished or damaged then you will have little to no stress buffer being produced in your body to maintain homeostasis in the brain during periods of time that it would require it.

Loss of homeostasis or balance due to low cortisol levels will produce mental health symptoms such as irritation, increased perception of stress, anxiety, panic, paranoia, depression, nervousness, and fatigue. Depending on blood sugar regulation and the person’s propensity to experience low blood sugar episodes this condition could also cause the person to experience extreme mood swings and emotional outbursts. That is just one very simplified example and remember that this a physical cause of mental health symptoms.

It is important to note here that neurotoxic drugs such as psychiatric drugs are endocrine disruptors and disrupt the body’s blood sugar regulation mechanisms. This should give a good fundamental understanding as to why in many cases psychiatric drugs actually intensify symptoms the patient is trying to medicate as well as cause new ones.

What Can Cause Anxiety, Depression And Bipolar

The pituitary releases the thyroid hormone, TSH which regulates thyroid function. When this hormone goes high it indicates that the thyroid is producing low thyroid hormone which can set a cascade of symptoms and conditions in motion from depression and bipolar to headaches, irritability[ DeGroot, The Thyroid and Its Diseases, 1996 ]and anxiety. Note that all of these are perceived to be “in your head” but they are not. They originated due to low thyroid hormone output.

Scientists now consider thyroid hormone (TH) one of the major “players” in brain chemistry disorders. And as with any brain chemical disorder, until treated correctly, thyroid hormone imbalance has serious effects on the patient’s emotions and behavior. [ Dr. Ridha Arem, The Thyroid Solution: A Mind Body Program for Beating Depression and Regaining Your Emotional and Physical Health.]

TH acts as a neurotransmitter. TH imbalance can mimic psychiatric disease because TH influences levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter integral to moods and behavior. Low levels of TH can cause depression. Some anti-depressants make hypothyroid patients feel even worse because the medications depress TH levels. Paradoxically, some substances labeled depressants such as alcohol or opiates can increase TH levels by impairing the breakdown of TH in the brain, thus lifting mood. This may be one reason why these substances are so addictive.

Next Up: What Can Cause Schizophrenia

Being Symptom-Free is not Enough! Practice a Dietary & Spiritual Lifestyle that Produces Super Consciousness!

The #1 Cause of Disease & Death is Ignorance and / or Knowingly Living a Chronically Ill Lifestyle

Most of what you put in your body is poison! You breath it, eat it, drink it, lather your body in it, and even call some of it medicine!

The number one cause of the disease does not know how to prevent it in today’s toxic and energy-polluted world, and the number one cause of death does not know how to shift from a disease-oriented biological terrain to a health-oriented one.So that means that the TRUTH and the EDUCATION that springs from it is the number one medicine today!

I have rededicated this newsletter to teaching people the cause of disease and providing the best general guidance I can in how to respond to diseases and metabolic disorders for the best possible outcome – which is not just physical health, but super consciousness which is experienced with total mind, body and spirit alignment with the Divine Design.

If you want to live a long, joyful, and productive life, you have to move away from a chronically ill lifestyle to a chronically healthy one. Chronically ill lifestyles create chronic illness, while chronically healthy lifestyles create chronic health. Do the math!

This evening I will be launching my first of a series of short articles about “the invisible crazy makers” that are causing mental illness, uneasiness (correct response to today’s world, do something about it), anxiety, panic, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar, etc…

Remember, I facilitated a psychiatric drug taper and elimination program for 5 years after mentoring with Dr. Abram Hoffer MD who launched my career. Dr. Hoffer was famous for getting people off of psychiatric drugs and well. He was a biochemist and licensed psychiatrist. He knew what he was doing! So much so that the Canadian government gave him nearly two million dollars to document all his work!

Take it or leave it, but if you are suffering and you are willing to do what I suggest at the end of this series, you will dramatically improve your mental health and depending on your condition now, entirely resolve the issue and live the inspiration, clarity and enthusiasm you should be experiencing being on this albeit suffering, but still enchanting planet! Learn how to live on it, do something about it, and thrive!

Genita M. Mason LMP, HHP, NC

Biological Medical Director,

The Biosanctuary

April 8th is the Full Solar Eclipse and We'll be Enjoying it at the Lake!

This month's Treatment Cycle clients will be getting a real treat on April 8th- they will be viewing the eclipse at 1:40 pm at 0.964 Magnitude (1.0 is full). What a treat!

Click here to see what it will look like Lakeside at The Biosanctuary!


The Biosanctuary Now Offers "Float Into the Abyss" Meditations

canoe at The Biosanctuary

I’ve been doing sunrise meditations (during a 5 day water fast!) in my canoe on the lake the last few days and it occurred to me that this would be great for clients to do while in treatment!

So I’ll be offering my canoe to those that want to go out by themselves and just float under the beautiful sky and imagine what they want to do with the ecstatic body, mind and spirit alignment = health they are going to leave the treatment cycle with!

It really is magical to just go out there, lay back, close my eyes and feel the peacefulness in the water carrying me. The feeling I get when I think of how my angels carry me! With one hand of course because their other one has a cup of coffee in it – they have to look over me 24/7!

My daughter and I rented a boat on Lake Lugano in Switzerland a few years back and it the engine stopped while we were in the middle of the lake! After a lot of arm waving (everyone just waved back, thinking we were being friendly- which we were in a needy way :-), we said forget it- what are we stressed out about? We were floating on a beautiful lake in Switzerland, we had a cooler of food and drinks and our bathing suits so we ate and laid in the sun until we fell asleep for a sun-soaked nap. Guess what! We woke up literally about 100 feet from shore – not just that but at the place we rented the boat from!! The guys pulled us in and I didn’t get charged for the rental because of the engine failure!

Now that is life when you let go of the need for control or living in fear from the ego's point of view that things should go a certain way (the ego does not like the unknown!) and just enjoy the ride while living your dreams!!

And here I thought my boat needed an engine!

Now that is the metaphor for a life lived perfectly!


You are welcome to come dream on my canoe and then give your visions shadows with the transmission power of mind, body, heart and spirit alignment – ecstatic health and super consciousness! You do not have to reach for the stars, they are already coming to you! KNOW THIS! You have it all, just claim it!

In service we shine,


Genita M. Mason - LMP, NC, HHP Fractal Environmentalist


Are you feeling the symptoms of Ascension? - The planet's shift into the next dimension- we are

Here are the Symptoms

  • Clarity
  • A feeling that you have no control, yet everything is okay
  • Peacefulness in surrender- while loving your tender vulnerable existence
  • Expansiveness in consciousness. Like there is a magnifying effect to your heart consciousness - a feeling that you can love without reservation no matter the disappointment or outcome - you have released all expectations from those you love
  • That no matter what happens, you are at peace
  • Beyond love- you get windows of total PEACE
  • You don't care anymore. Not that you don't love deeply or what you think is the best may not work out. You don't care about how anything turns out because you know in the end, everything is going to work out for the best for everyone
  • You have simply "Given it to God", released all resistance, and live in the moment of the gift of life you have been given
  • There are no expectations, no regrets (there is the end of psychological counseling!). Just live your life in the moment and love each and every thought, feeling, and view you have ever and will experience. To the point of feeling you are literally one with all of the Gods' Creations. Everyone is feeling the desire to do this. You are not alone. Ascension begins with realizing you are not alone!

The center of the Shift relies on love and only true love to carry you through the massive energetic shift coming to us all. Many people know it is coming but are they preparing? This is what the TRUE SHAMANS told me in regards to preparing for the shift: "Release all resistance and prepare your cells". This message is not coming from a white boy or girl who learned some rituals and pretends or thinks they are a Shaman. This comes directly from traditional wise men and women - Seers / Shamans from South America. You will not find them on the internet nor are they for hire. They stay far away from the illusion/matrix.

Their consciousness is interdimensional - as was common thousands of years ago when extraterrestrial/interdimensional experiences were as common to people as the illusion/matrix is to you today!

It is Time to Release All Resistance & Prepare Your Cells!

My New Medical Perspective – Super Consciousness is the Ultimate Goal of True Health

Stop Rearranging Furniture on the Titanic by just going for physical health -Instead, Never Die Again

above: The Biosanctuary's HOCATT New Home while we explore areas for our BioSource Health Educational & Treatment Center

Welcome to The Biosanctuary’s operations center while we review options for a BioSource Integrated health educational and treatment center!I get my best work done by the water – and that is important these days because I’m improving on an already award-winning medical model and using myself as my own favorite lab rat – that’s how I crush out 15 to 20 miles a day for 8 days in a row at 64 yrs on intermediate mountain biking trails at Northwoods Trails in Hot Springs, AR!

I am improving on the HOCATT Sauna system by using light photon sensitizers for the light therapy and electrolyte complexes to enhance the microcurrent frequency treatments included in the HOCATT system during the treatment cycle and am improving on PEMF treatments as I am now researching how not only to make the body ecstatically healthy but I am including what I’m in this health game for and that is Super Consciousness! I am using unique PEMF frequencies combined with specific crystal complexes to activate pineal/pituitary communication! There are also dietary considerations involving monoatomic minerals, Ormus, and suspended colloids.

I have had a number of out-of-body and super consciousness events happen to me this year during my private Spirit Quest while I learned and practiced all I could with meditation (extreme biking for me), reconstructed water, electrically charged water, Sacred Plant Medicines, Energy Medicine (highlighted by a Light Body Activation), Shamanic assistance, water fasting, ancient gut / ancient consciousness eating, Theraphi Cosmic Plasma Wave technology, and now I am modifying my 35K torus producing PEMF machine while using specific crystals strategically placed to initiate what is called “hemi-sync” where your left and right brain lobes bridge “sync” and you go into super consciousness. I am translating ancient pyramid construction into today’s technologies that can be used to emulate the effects that the pyramids were built for.

When I “go in”, I go ALL IN! And I am in medicine to deliver the most body, mind and spiritual ecstatic experience possible – the goals I set for myself are the ones set for you; delivered in my BioSource Integrated Biological and Energy Medicine Model!

So for now, I’m sweating out the stupid (toxins and frequencies delivered by them that dumb us down) with my HOCATT and sleeping in my modified PEMF bed to open consciousness for the answers I seek for all of us in how to Mindfully Ascend while living to truly enjoy Heaven On Earth through Coherent Body, Mind and Spirit Health perfectly aligned with the Divine Design!

I’m home, Texas!!

In service we shine, Shine!

Genita M. Mason LMP, HHP, NC Medical Director, The Biosasnctuary 


Next Treatment Cycle is May 25th ~ June 1st in Lake Conroe, Texas!

The Medicine & The Experience...


The BioSource Radical Transformation & Health Optimization Package 

Individually Targeted for Your Health Challenges & Goals

Treatments Included

  • 1 10 Pass Ozone Blood Detoxification 2.2 liters of blood treated
  • 7 HOCATT Ozone / Carbonic Acid Saunas
  • 6 NAD Brain Restorative Treatments
  • 12 NAD SubQ Injections
  • 3 Custom Vitamin & Mineral IVs
  • Brain Protective Phosphatidylcholine IVs
  • 3 IV Ultraviolet & IR Fiber Optic IVs
  • 2 Reiki Sessions
  • 2 Colonics
  • 5 PEMF CellWell Pulse Electric Magnetic Frequency Treatments
  • 5 Medical Grade Hydrogen Sessions
  • 5 Bioharmonics VIBE Bed
  • High Dose Antioxidant IVs
  • Organic Food & Superfood Nutritional Supplementation
  • Education / Lectures
  • Ongoing Targeted Nutritional Therapy Protocol
  • 30 Day Post Treatment Support

Recovering from Spike Protein Damage & Progressive Bioaccumulation of Graphene Hydroxide and other NanoTech features of the Shots and Long Haul COVID?

We are and always have been on the cutting edge of helping people whose Cardiovascular and Neurological Health have been compromised as a result of the shot.

If you have any concerns and wish to have these foreign bodies removed from your body and the health issues that they can impose, please contact us to discuss your treatment option

The Sedona Treatment Cycle!

Every treatment cycle is a unique combination of learning, playing, working, collaborating, healing, shining, testing one's inner resolve for true health, celebrating, exploring, and literally climbing the stairway to Heaven - Super Consciousness here on earth!