August 31, 2023

Today was the first day all our classes came together! We gathered for our opening ceremony to welcome new and returning members of our community.

Meet the Student and Teacher Resource Team

We are thrilled to share with you some updates to our Student and Teacher Resource Team for the 2023-2024 school year.

Our Student and Teacher Resource Team is dedicated to supporting the academic, social, and emotional needs of all our students and teachers. The team is led by Director Beth Shapiro (right) and Facilitator Whitney Greiffenstein (left). Beth and Whitney will work closely together to fine-tune existing systems and create additional processes that will ensure excellence in the Resource department.

Keep reading to learn more about the Resource Team.

Mark Your Calendars!

  • Monday, September 4 - NO SCHOOL: Labor Day
  • Thursday, September 7-Friday, September 8 - Middle School Retreat
  • Monday, September 11 - Middle School Soccer Game, 4 p.m., Heilicher field
  • Tuesday, September 12 - Back-to-School Night, see times below, Heilicher
  • Thursday, September 14 - Middle School Soccer Game, 5 p.m., Heilicher field
  • Friday, September 15 - EARLY DISMISSAL AT 2:45 P.M.: Rosh Hashanah

View the full Heilicher calendar online

Key Dates for 2023-2024

Torah Thoughts From Doc

Read a brief message about this week's Torah portion, Parashat Ki Tavo. All who accept God's sovereignty and Torah are rightful heirs to the Jewish spiritual inheritance.

Middle School Fall Retreat

The middle school will kick off the year with an overnight retreat, Thursday, September 7-Friday, September 8, at Camp Ihduhapi (3425 Ihduhapi Trail, Loretto, MN 55357). This retreat will focus on promoting a leadership outlook, creating a team spirit and sense of community, and introducing new themes/projects for the coming year. 

We will leave school by bus on Thursday, September 7, at 8:30 a.m. Please drop your child off at the front doors at the usual time with retreat bags packed and ready. In addition, please send a bag lunch (dairy or parve) with your child. The rest of the meals and snacks will be provided by the school. We will return to school in time for regular Friday pickup at 3:15 p.m. 

FORMS: Please complete the below forms by Friday, September 1. 

Back-to-School Night

All Heilicher parents are invited to our Back-to-School Night on Tuesday, September 12, at Heilicher. This is a parent-only program. The schedule is as follows:

6:30-7:15 p.m. → Grades K-4

7:15-7:45 p.m. → All School 

7:45-8:30 p.m. → Grades 5-8

Back-to-School Night is an opportunity for you to hear from your child's teachers about the grade-level curricula and educational goals and to build relationships with faculty members and fellow parents. Grades K-5 should meet in your child(ren)'s classroom at the assigned time. Grades 6-8 will be together in the Fiterman Beit Knesset. If you have questions about how to best split your time with multiple children, please reach out directly to their homeroom teachers.  

During the all-school portion, you'll have a chance to speak with our specialists, meet senior administrators, and learn about ways to get involved at Heilicher, including through the Parent Teacher Organization. Specialists will be available in the auditorium beginning at 7 p.m. for any grades 5-8 parents that want to stop in before the all-school portion. They will remain in the auditorium until 8 p.m. for any K-4 parents that want to connect more following the all-school portion.

After-School Schedule and Pickup Locations

All parents: If you need to reach a Heilicher staff member regarding pickup or after-school programs after school hours, call the after-school phone, 763.645.7810.

If your student participates in HaBonim or after-school activities or athletics, please review the after-school schedule and pickup locations for each group.

Girls on the Run

There is still time to sign up for Girls on the Run. GOTR is for girls in grades 3-5. Depending on numbers, this may be the only chance to participate in Girls on the Run this year, so make sure to register now!

GOTR encourages girls to better understand themselves. With emphasis on teamwork and healthy relationships, the program demonstrates how girls can have a positive impact on the world. Physical activity is woven in to inspire an appreciation for fitness and healthy habits, and the girls learn life skills such as treating others with care, practicing gratitude, and managing emotions. The session concludes with a celebratory, noncompetitive 5K event. Join Nurse Katie, Ms. H, and our other coaches for Girls on the Run! Learn more on Jumbula, and reach out to Jeremy Savran with any questions.

School's Out

School's Out is Heilicher's childcare program for non-school days and half days. School's Out provides fun at school and field trips and offers full-day, morning, and afternoon options. Registration for School's Out opens on Monday, September 11, for the entire year. Registering early comes with an early-bird discount and helps School's Out estimate participation numbers to better plan engaging programs for students.

Register and learn more on Jumbula. School's Out will be available on the following dates:

October 18-20: Conferences/MEA

November 6: Professional Development Day

November 22: Thanksgiving Break

February 19-23: Mid-Winter Break

March 15: Conferences

April 22, 25, and 26: Pesach Break

May 1: Professional Development Day

June 6: Afternoon of Last Day of School

Kitchen Reminders

  • If your student brings a lunch from home, please pack silverware with their lunch. The kitchen's silverware cannot be used with outside food as part of Heilicher's kashrut policy.
  • Any food brought from home for snack or lunch must be either dairy or parve (neither milk nor meat). Meat (including poultry) and any kind of shellfish are not permitted. 
  • Milk is available for ALL students, whether they bring lunch from home or get school lunch.
Face Mask 2

COVID-19 Policies

Please read Heilicher's COVID-19 Policies for the 2023-2024 school year.

Volunteer Opportunities

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