Chamber Updates July 1, 2020
Chamber Members-

We've made it to July, and halfway through 2020! My interview with the board back in January seems like a lifetime ago, and given the changes in our world since then, it probably feels like that to you as well. That said, I think we have many wonderful opportunities ahead of us, and I wanted to share some of them in this month’s newsletter.

In my Zoom interview with Sylvia Dwertman, a few weeks ago, I highlighted a small group approach that already has synergies forming around our women’s luncheon, a sales professionals group (Sales Summit) and the start of a Young Professionals (YP) group, which will be working to create their mission statement this week. I will be reaching out to larger businesses and manufacturers across our membership as well as forming a local restaurant round-table, in the coming weeks. This approach is commonplace across other chambers of commerce and will hopefully engage more of our members.

Our networking and new member event at Vinoklet Winery in June was a huge success. We had between 40-50 people in attendance, including five new chamber members that were able to promote their business to those at the event. If you’d like to see pictures from the Third Thursday event click HERE . A special thanks to Chris Armstrong for her photography and support of the chamber! As a chance to meet with other chamber members in less formal setting, I’m offering up a chance to have a “Picnic with the President” at one of our wonderful area parks. Please let me know and we’ll get that scheduled in small groups of 4-6 people.

Last week, the Colerain Chamber board of directors met for its first strategic planning session since my arrival in February. We were able to discuss COVID related challenges still plaguing our community. We discussed future large-scale events (still TBD), including the Hometown Heroes, 911 First Responders Breakfast and our annual Award’s ceremony. We looked closely at a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) and spent time evaluating our mission statement, which can be found on our About Us page.

Additional information will be coming regarding educational programming, event schedules and in person meetings. The July and August events will likely foreshadow future programming, which will include ZOOM meetings like those we’ve held in recent weeks, including:
  • Community insider and educational programs (in person)
  • Young Professional & Sales Summit (both on a monthly basis)
  • Women’s luncheon gatherings
  • Monthly Third Thursday gatherings

While we are bringing back in-person events, we should all be mindful of the additional cases of COVID-19 reported across both Ohio and the rest of the county. Some links to resources and data are included below. Social distancing and masks are still among the best preventative approaches, along with frequent washing of hands, hand sanitizer and prudent decision making when it comes to where, when, and how we each handle personal and professional engagements. Running your business effectively, keeping your employees and customers safe and following Responsible Protocols, as identified by the Ohio Department of Health, should be top of mind.

Thanks as always for your continued involvement in the Colerain Chamber of Commerce. Please let me know how best we can support your business efforts!

All the best!

Dave Moravec
President, Colerain Chamber of Commerce
Welcome New Members
Address Update
PLEASE NOTE: The Chamber of Commerce has a new mailing address. Our office has not moved; however, to expedite mail we've made the following change. Please address all mail and correspondence going forward to:

Colerain Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 532111
Cincinnati, OH 45253
Responsible Restart Reminders
The full Responsible Restart Ohio plan for consumer, retail and services can be found at  c .
The following businesses and operations remain closed as of June 24, 2020, as part of Ohio’s plan to prevent the spread of COVID-19. All open businesses, facilities, and other operations must follow required safety protocols.
  •  K-12 schools.
  • (Excludes all activities related to non-contact and limited contact sports; skills training, practice, and scrimmages for all sports; and pools and aquatic centers.)
  • Older adult day care services and senior centers.
  • Adult day support or vocational habilitation services in congregate settings.
  • Rooming and boarding houses, and workers’ camps.
  • Certain entertainment/recreation sites, including:
  • Auditoriums, stadiums, arenas.
  • Performance theaters and indoor concert and music halls.
  • Parades, fairs, festivals, and carnivals. (County fairs are permitted.)
  • Certain spectator sports, sports tournaments, and organized recreational sports leagues. (Skills training, practice, and scrimmages for all sports is permitted. Non-contact and limited-contact sports are permitted. Batting cages, bowling alleys, tennis facilities, and golf courses are permitted to open.)
  • Some public and private pools. (Public pools and club pools regulated by local health departments are permitted to open. Use of swimming pools for single households also is permitted.)
 For answers to your COVID-19 questions, call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634).
Local Resources
The grant funding application timeline has closed for small businesses across Hamilton County . Additional funds may become available in the future. For more information or to sign up for future announcements, go here for more information.

The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County has compiled a HUGE list of local community and social service organizations for area residents in need. Some of them are Colerain Chamber members or available in our community. You can view that amazing list here .
The US Chamber of Commerce Resources has resources for our members that can be found here.
Let's Get Social!
Chamber Intern Ana Lu Gehner gets a huge THANK YOU for her help with the Colerain Chamber of Commerce Facebook and LinkedIn pages. We would be glad to promote your businesses on our webpage, in our newsletters and on social media as well as during our membership events held in the community. Be sure to send your latest news, specials, highlights, awards and other information to and
Chamber Programming
WEDNESDAYS, Golf League, 4:45 pm at Pebble Creek Golf Club - We will continue weekly play throughout the summer.  If you have an interest in playing from time-to-time (not regularly), we welcome you to do so; please reach out to Dave Moravec at 309-838-1947 or . For more information visit Chamber Golf Details

WEDNESDAY, July 8, 9 – 10 am – Sales Summit Meeting – The Sales Summit concept brings together sales professionals from the business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketplaces to look at sales from a human-to-human perspective (H2H). Sales is a profession and should be looked at this way...Last month we had 20 people participate and discussed referral networking. We will continue the topic talking about centers of influence and will again meet in July via ZOOM. Contact Dave Moravec or visit our REGISTRATION PAGE.

THURSDAY, July 9 , 11 am – Networking Event – Life in Colerain During COVID-19 Our Friday session will move to Thursday with a presentation from local resource Priya D. Klocek from Consultants on the Go. Priya has a high energy and caring approach diversity that is sure to be engaging from beginning to end. This is another opportunity to network with other professionals and build on your knowledge about diversity initiatives in the workplace today. ZOOM login/call-in information can be found on the right side of the REGISTRATION PAGE.

TUESDAY, July 14, Tuesday Women’s Networking Luncheon – This will be an in-person networking event with social distancing at Pebble Creek Golf Club. Sylvia Dwertman from Visiting Angels hosts this event on the second Tuesday each month. This is a chance for the women of our community to gather and share ideas and network. For more information follow the link to our REGISTRATION PAGE.

THURSDAY, July 16, 5 pm – 7:30 pm - Third Thursday After Hours – The Colerain Chamber of Commerce will be continuing its face-to-face networking with social distancing, outdoors at the Willow Event Center on Colerain Avenue. The gardens are beautiful, the outside deck is tremendous and the old gravel parking has been replaced by wonderful blacktop. Food and drink will be available. For more information and registration, please visit our REGISTRATION PAGE .

TUESDAY, JULY 21, 7 am Chamber Board Meeting – Location TBD

THURSDAY, July 23, LUNCH AND LEARN - Due to logistical challenges, additional information will have to follow regarding this particular event. Be sure to watch for more details here . This will be held in person from 11:30 am – 1 pm. 

August Event Schedule
Tuesday, August 4 – Northgate Mall – Membership Drive kickoff
Tuesday, August 11 - Women’s Networking Group Luncheon (Clovernook C.C)
Wednesday, August 12 – Sales Summit
Friday, August 14 – Networking Event – ZOOM Conference Call
Tuesday, August 18 – Board Meeting, 7 am
Thursday, August 20 – Third Thursday Networking (LaRosa’s)
Thursday, August 27 – Insider Info Breakfast (open to non-members)
Thank You to Our Sponsors
President Level Sustaining Sponsor
Rumpke Waste & Recycling

Team Level Sustaining Sponsors
Cincinnati Mine Machinery
Duke Energy
Mercy Health
Miami Valley Gaming
Colerain Chamber of Commerce |