December 2020
Grainstand Market Schedule
Find the Grainstand at the GrowNYC Greenmarkets listed below:

Union Square Greenmarket every Wednesday and Saturday year-round.

Additional market dates:

December 26: Not attending markets
December 27: Not attending markets

January 2: Inwood (Manhattan)
January 3: Carroll Gardens (Brooklyn)
January 9: Grand Army Plaza (Brooklyn)
January 16: McCarren Park (Brooklyn)
January 17: Jackson Heights (Queens)
January 23: Fort Greene (Brooklyn)
January 24: 79th Street (Manhattan)
January 24: Columbia (Manhattan)
Find the full schedule here.
Pre-ordered bulk bags are available at any of our locations upon request. Check availability and pricing here. 
Gratitude, and Hope for the Future
Resiliency and the Micro-bakery
How do you close out a year like 2020?
With sorrow and gratitude, and hope for the future.
In so many ways, we continue to grieve for our City, which has been so deeply and profoundly impacted by the COVID crisis. As restaurants closed, lines at our Greenmarkets started earlier and grew longer, and markets have become a place of refuge in these dark times.
One bright spot, a sign of certain renewal, are the many micro-bakeries that have been popping up, most, dedicated to using local ingredients that demonstrate a deeper commitment and connection to the source of our food.
When Tyler Steinbrenner of ACQ Bakery (short for Anti-Conquest Bread Co.), an experienced chef and fermentation expert, found himself furloughed at his restaurant job, he decided that this was the perfect time to start baking for his neighbors. We had a chance to talk to Tyler about this project, how it came to be, and why using local ingredients is crucial to its resiliency.
A Conversation with Tyler of ACQ Bakery
GrowNYC Grains: What does the structure of your bakery look like right now? About how many loaves a week are you baking?

Tyler: I am baking 100 loaves 6 days a week. I have a double-decker convection oven and bake everything in cast irons. Folks can pre-order bread for pick up Tuesday-Saturday 4pm-7pm in Carroll Gardens. We have a table out front with a bell to ring when picking up pre-ordered bread. Whatever is leftover will be frozen, and I’ll give it out if people reach out for community events.

GG: What role has the pandemic played in bringing this project, of baking bread for your neighbors, to fruition?

TS: I have seen a large psychological shift to people buying locally. Local food has been treated more seriously since the pandemic. People are thinking critically about how they want to spend their money. This shift to hyper-local small scale embodies everything I wanted in a bakery. There is an insane amount of inherent compromise being made for the convenience we became accustomed to when it comes to the super grocery store. I am trying to position (ACQ) at the opposite end of the spectrum, working on building a model that works for small independent bakers, but is also sustainable. The strongest impulse about business is that if it’s not growing, it’s dying. The truth is, it doesn’t need to be done as rapidly or in such an inflated way. You can grow slow and steadily, and that’s the way to build a real community. Instagram has been useful to spread localized news, but people have learned about ACQ largely through word of mouth. 
GG: What role does using local ingredients play in your business? Have there been any obstacles you've had to overcome due to availability, and how did you handle that?

TS: I believe the only way to nourish oneself and community successfully in our current capitalist form of society is to literally use capital to support your neighbors. I’m very much of the belief that all systems that negotiate power must be decentralized. You have to be supporting your local organic farmers if you’re eating food, unless you want everything to be consolidated into corporate mono-cropping. Local organic agriculture is the only way we should be eating. There are cool luxuries we can mess around with if we feel like being decadent, but those should never overpower the local infrastructure of food. If rye berries run out, I will switch to another whole grain. If I have to change einkorn to red fife or spelt due to seasonality of harvest, that’s fine, that’s great. It keeps me engaged with the process, and everyone gets to taste something different. My model is simple with only three loaves of bread on the menu. And being the owner and laborer means I can be more fluid and dynamic about the process.
GG: What is your hope for your bakery in the next couple of years?

ST: Having a Greenmarket stall would be fun. As it is, I am at the market twice a week shopping, so it would be cool to be integrated into it and engage with the Greenmarket more. I want to continue focusing on skills and making better and better bread. I want to prove a point about organic agriculture by making extremely beautiful bread. With the right pairing of good farming with good baking, using ethically sourced organically grown produce, and hard work, exceptional things can be created. An underlying goal I have is to take on more apprentices and have them open their own micro bakeries. Taking the time to train people about this craft enables them to have this operation in their own community. Ideally, there would be hundreds sprinkled around the city. My bakery is being put on a pedestal right now because it feels unique. It shouldn’t be unique; community bakeries sourcing locally should be an implicit part of our urban society.

This is a shortened version, find the full interview here.

Photos from ACQ Instagram: @antiquest_baker
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