Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost:
September 24, 2023
Jonah 3:10-4:11
Psalm 145:1-8
Philippians 1:21-30
Matthew 20:1-16
Preacher: The Reverend Jennifer Wagner Pavia
Sunday, September 24: Homecoming Sunday with Vestry sponsored Barbecue
Saturday, September 30, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM: Lifeline Screening in Parish Hall
Sunday, October 1, 2:30 PM: Los Angeles Recorder Orchestra concert in Sanctuary
Saturday, October 14, 6:00 PM: Party of Parties in Parish Hall
Saturday, October 21: Jouyssance concert in Parish Hall
Bible and Breakfast
Tuesdays | 9:30 AM
Luther Hall & Zoom
Midweek Eucharist
Wednesdays | 7:00 PM
Adult Forum
Wednesdays | 7:45 PM
Luther Hall & Zoom
The St. Bede's Homecoming Barbecue will be held on Sunday, September 24, after the 10:00 AM service. This is an annual event to mark the end of the summer vacation season, reconnect with the St. Bede's family, and highlight the many opportunities and activities at St. Bede's. The Vestry will provide everything, so it is not necessary to sign up. See you there! | |
If you would like to host an event for Sisters of Bede, all you need to do is pick a theme; create a menu; choose a date, time and place; decide how many guests you’d like to have at your event; and what you’d like to charge. If you have any questions, or need ideas, please see one of the Sisters.
If you would like to be a host, please fill out the form (LINKED HERE) and return it to Daphne Moote by Sunday, Oct. 1. You can either bring it to church or email it to
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Elizabeth Coombs, Carl Townsend, Dr. Lucy Jones and Susan Holder
The parishioners shown in the photo above were blessed to attend the diocesan Climate Change Summit at St. Paul's Commons on September 16. The Summit was hosted by the Bishop’s Commission on Climate Change, and the primary presenter was Dr. Lucy Jones, the Disaster and Resiliency Chair.
It was an honor to hear featured speaker Dr. Lucy Jones share her knowledge, distress, wisdom and hope about the current climate conditions on our fragile earth. As a distinguished seismologist, Dr. Jones is known to most Southern Californians as the “earthquake lady.” Dr. Jones said that in recent years she has gravitated more to researching climate change because “our climate crisis is the most important thing we face on earth.” She reminded us that, as a scientist, she is always in search of the truth and that the data doesn’t lie but always wins.
With regard to the problem of climate change, Dr. Jones said, “As long as our energy systems continue to produce carbon, we’ll never get out of this climate crisis.” She elaborated on the accelerating changes in our earth’s climate, including rising global temperatures, melting glaciers and warming oceans, worsening air pollution and extreme weather resulting in droughts, fires and flooding. “All of these,” she said. “are unpredictable and becoming both more frequent and more intense.” Dr. Jones noted that “all systems are being stressed” and this is leading to “impaired crops and famine, species extinction, higher incidents of illnesses and pandemics, rising sea levels, and eventually mass migrations (move or die) and wars.” The economic impact of all this seems insurmountable. “The good news is that, with the increase in disasters happening all over the world, more people are open to talking about this crisis and finding solutions.”
As for finding solutions, Dr. Jones noted that “the decision to act requires emotional engagement.” She stated, “We must strive to get past our grief, fear and anger to feelings of hope and pride in our community.” She also clearly acknowledged that “the final solution has to be global.” Dr. Jones declared that “some actions, compared to others, have a greater impact, such as electrification.” She announced the goal of electrifying our automobiles and appliances, referring us to the website In addition, Dr. Jones discussed other energy sources such as solar and wind, the need for job re-training as we shift to renewable energy, and risk-reduction activities, especially for those who are most vulnerable. She also spoke about improved adaptation, disaster resilience and preparation and encouraged partnership.
Deacon Daniel Tamm, Advocacy Subcommittee Chair, emphasized the importance of all of us reaching out to our legislators, for “they pay attention to what comes in, especially messages from faith communities.” Tamm also urged us to “speak from our hearts.” Twice we gathered into breakout groups and shared the solutions in which we were already engaging. We also shared our concerns for our children, grandchildren and beyond, and expressed gratitude that many in the younger generation are committed to taking up this cause.
Additional information can be found on the Bishop's Commission on Climate Change and the Climate Change Summit website. Also, see story below from the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles News.
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SEASON OF CREATION 2023 continues . . .
Rogation for a Healthy Earth:
On September 13, parishioners attended a beautiful Rogation Day Procession similar to traversing the Stations of the Cross. Each of the stations exhibited images of people, places and elements essential to human survival (see examples below: #5 where food is served, #10 places of healing, #12 public safety workers). We moved from station to station reading scripture and offering prayers for creation, for all who labor, for the fruitfulness of the land and waters and for deliverance in time of war, disaster, and epidemic disease. These stations, along with the prayer bulletin, will remain in the Sanctuary through the end of the Season of Creation, and we encourage all parishioners to participate in this touching experience.
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Adult Education (Wednesdays 7:45 PM):
September 27 - The Letter Movie–A Message for Our Earth
In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si', an encyclical letter about the environmental crisis to every single person in the world. A few years later, four voices that have gone unheard in global conversations have been invited to an unprecedented dialogue with the Pope. This documentary follows their journey to Rome and tells their powerful personal stories alongside the latest information about the planetary crisis and the toll it’s taking on nature and people.
October 4 - Take Action!
Inspiration from the season will move us forward in our peace and justice work for all creation.
An Offering in our community:
Ballona Creek Freshwater Marsh Tour
Sunday, September 24 from 10am-12pm
Registration required at
Ballona Discovery Park 13110 Bluff Creek Drive, Los Angeles
The Freshwater Marsh is a restored wetland that was previously filled and farmed for decades. Now it is a flourishing marsh filled with native plants providing habitat for more than 250 species of migratory and resident birds. This marsh is one of Los Angeles ’birding hot spots!
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Prayer for Creation
Creator God, you formed this world in your loving hands. With a resonant word you brought forth life: beautiful plants and beloved creatures you called good. From the soil, you shaped humankind and breathed the spark of life into our lungs. Placing our feet on this Earth, our home, your desire has always been for us to walk alongside you, mindfully engaging with, tending to, delighting in, and caring for creation.
All too often we have failed to live into this call. We have not loved as you love. We have been selfish and shortsighted. We have been blind to the consequences of extraction, consumption, waste and pollution. Forgive us these shortcomings and open our eyes once again to the beauty of this world you have created.
Set our hearts and guide our hands this day to move once more into balanced relationship with Earth so that all you have touched and stirred into life might be loved as you have taught us to love.
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Sisters of Bede members Liz Mohler, Mary Deutsche and Penny Jennings
The Sisters of Bede members seen in the photo above showcase the delectable treats offered to parishioners for Coffee Hour on September 17. The food was delicious and the donations were plentiful. Thank you to all who contributed to the success of this endeavor! We as a parish thank all who contribute to our weekly Coffee Hour fellowships. Both the Vestry and the Sisters of Bede provide yummy delights on a monthly basis, while groups of individual parishioners contribute to the remaining weeks. All parishioners are invited to join in the fun. The entire congregation wishes to express its sincere gratitude to all parishioners who participate in these Coffee Hour efforts throughout the year. THANK YOU!
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Music Director Frank Basile with choir members Joe Montgomery, Daphne Moote, Connie Smith, Cynthia Rothschild, Kathy Russell and Yaya Vasquez-Lopez
During the service last Sunday, 9/17/23, Music Director Frank Basile joined our choir in singing an animated version of the traditional spiritual, "O Mary, Don't You Weep" to a lively applause. Thank you Frank and choir members for all you give to brighten and enhance the emotional and spiritual impact of each and every Sunday service!
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Visit the St. Bede's website and at the top of every page, look for the "Donate" button. When you click on the "Donate" button, you will be transported to St. Bede's Vanco eGiving and Payment Process Site.
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You are invited to set up one-time or recurring gifts using credit, debit, or bank transfer on Vanco's secure payment processing platform. Giving online through the Vanco site saves time and the hassle of remembering to bring your offering. In addition, you decrease the expense incurred by St. Bede’s from handling and processing checks and cash.
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A newsletter serving the Diocese of LA
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Lucy Jones, scientist and senior warden at St. James’ Church, South Pasadena, leads the diocese’s first Climate Change Summit, held on Sept. 16 at St. Paul’s Commons. (The artwork seen in the background of this and other photos is from “Crossings,” an exhibition of paintings on the theme of refugees by Katharine Gould – a benefit for IRIS, the diocese’s refugee ministry.) Photos: Janet Kawamoto
First, move away from fossil fuels, says scientist and Episcopalian Lucy Jones at diocese’s first Climate Change Summit
By Pat McCaughan
Moving from fossil fuel to electric energy is crucial for reducing carbon emissions to save the planet and can begin by simply switching appliances, Dr. Lucy Jones told attendees Sept. 16 at the first diocesan Climate Change Summit.
“Buy electric, instead of gas,” advised Jones, a member of the Los Angeles Bishop’s Commission on Climate Change, organizers of the event, which drew about 70 participants to St. Paul’s Commons and another 40 online. “If all of us made a pledge … to make our next car electric, our next stove induction, not gas … we’d meet our emissions goals.”
The summit focused on history, current status, Christian perspective and congregational resources to engage what Jones called “the greatest moral issue facing humanity.”
Describing her own faith journey in the light of her scientific training, Jones asked, “What does God demand of us when we are already looking at what’s happened to the climate?”
“We have very stressed ecosystems,” said Jones, who served for 33 years as a seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. She is the senior warden at St. James Church in South Pasadena, one of several congregations creating a program to help congregations prepare for the natural disasters whose frequency is increasing because of climate change. The program will be made available soon, she said.
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Retired Indianapolis Bishop Cate Waynick, center, speaks about the impact of domestic abuse and gun violence during a news conference Sept. 18 at St. John’s in Royal Oak, Michigan. Michigan Bishop Bonnie Perry stands behind her (third from right). Photo: Via Facebook livestream
Michigan: Two Episcopal bishops join call for action against domestic abuse and gun violence
By Melodie Woerman
The Rt. Rev. Cate Waynick, retired bishop of Indianapolis, shared a personal story about her brother who is incarcerated for killing his wife of 42 years last February with a gun.
“There’s no way to sugarcoat this,” Waynick told those attending a news conference Sept. 18 at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Royal Oak, Michigan. “There’s no excuse, no rational explanation for it.
“They were in disagreement. They were both tired. They were sick. She was just hours out of the hospital. And he says she wouldn’t stop talking. So he took the handgun, stored in an unlocked picture frame on the bedroom wall, and shot her. He says he doesn’t remember that part.”
The news conference at St. John’s sponsored by End Gun Violence Michigan was one of seven held statewide that urged passage of bills currently before the state Legislature that would prohibit anyone convicted of felony or misdemeanor domestic violence from purchasing or possessing firearms for eight years after their sentence.
In addition to her 20 years serving the Diocese of Indianapolis, Waynick also was provisional bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan from 2017 to 2019.
She was joined by other speakers in describing how relatives, friends and coworkers who were victims of domestic violence were killed by their abusers with guns, sometimes in front of their children. Kelly Deliha, a member of End Gun Violence Michigan’s steering committee, said that two-thirds of mass shootings involve domestic violence, most often men killing their families, adding, “When women try to leave, that’s often when the violence gets worse.”
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Episcopalians participated in the March to End Fossil Fuels on Sept. 17, 2023, in New York. Photo: Phoebe Chatfield
Episcopalians march to ‘End Fossil Fuels’ ahead of UN climate summit
By Shireen Korkzan
Episcopalians joined some 75,000 people who participated in the March to End Fossil Fuels Sept. 17 in New York.
The march took place three days before delegates are scheduled to convene at the U.N. headquarters Sept. 20 for a climate action summit. The summit’s goal is to push countries “to accelerate action by governments, business, finance, local authorities and civil society.”
A coalition of local and national organizations, including GreenFaith, planned the march, which featured speeches from politicians and celebrities. Protestors focused intently on the fossil fuel industry for the first time, according to news reports. The march wasn’t an official event observed by The Episcopal Church, but according to Phoebe Chatfield, program associate for creation care and justice, Episcopalians from more than 21 different congregations and over seven dioceses attended the march.
“There’s no higher duty than to be stewards of Earth,” said the Rev. Matthew Moore, the Diocese of Long Island’s missioner for environmental justice. “Our journey of spirituality is a journey of reconciliation, and part of that reconciliation needs to happen with our relationship with the planet.”
U.N Secretary-General António Guterres called for this week’s climate action summit in 2022, setting countries’ participation requirement at having a concrete plan to phase out fossil fuels. It’s a requirement that rules out U.S. participation, the Rev. Fletcher Harper, executive director of GreenFaith, an international, community-led climate and environmental organization based in New York, told ENS.
“The United States does not have anything approaching that kind of plan … and that’s utterly unacceptable, from any kind of spiritual, ethical, moral perspective you want to take,” he said.
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