May 25, 2023 | VOLUME 35, ISSUE 19


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Seventh Sunday of Easter

May 28, 2023


Acts 2:1-21

or Numbers 11:24-30

1 Corinthians 12:3b-13

or Acts 2:1-21

John 20:19-23

or John 7:37-39

Psalm 104:25-35, 37

Preacher: The Reverend Jennifer Wagner Pavia

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Upcoming Dates _Orange_.png

Saturday, June 3; 8 AM - 5 PM in Luther Hall

Life Line Health Screening

Saturday, June 3; 8 PM in Sanctuary

Jouyssance Early Choral Music Ensemble

Sunday, June 4; Services in Sanctuary

St. Joseph's Ingathering (see article below)

Sunday, June 4; 4 PM in Sanctuary

Friends of Music Choral Evensong


Bible and Breakfast

Tuesdays | 9:30 AM

Luther Hall & Zoom

Midweek Eucharist

Wednesdays | 7:00 PM


Adult Forum

Wednesdays | 8:00 PM

Luther Hall & Zoom

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Choral Evensong_Trinity Sunday 2023


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Please bring to Sunday service on June 4

  • Cleaning (disinfectant) wipes 
  • Adult diapers 

Women’s: small, medium, large, X-large 

Men’s: medium, large, X-large 

  • Cat and dog food (dry) 
  • Shampoo, conditioner, body wash 
  • Dish soap for washing dishes by hand 
  • Laundry detergent – pods preferred so they can break up and distribute to numerous clients 
  • Baby wipes: non-flushable preferred but both flushable and non-flushable accepted 
  • Note: peanut butter has been removed from preferred items list. 


“Thank you so much for reaching out to us and for your generosity. You all are amazing! 


New Laundry Truck 1_LAN4N_2023.05

The Neighbors 4 Neighbors Resource Center, which provides medical personnel, clothing, food and other services for unhoused people on a monthly basis at St. Bede's, is skipping June and will be returning on July 15, the third Saturday in July. In the meantime, they have aquired a new laundry truck, pictured above with Unberto, its operator. In the second photo, musicians Glen, Paul and Adam entertain clients and staff alike at the last Resource Center event held on May 20. For more information, please contact a member of the Mission Committee or click here.

BREAKFAST AT DINNER: Sisters of Bede Venue

Breakfast at Dinner_2023

Parishioners look very happy as they feast on Breakfast at Dinner, a Sisters of Bede venue hosted by Daphne Moote and Akani Fletcher. Yummmmmm! Below is a bit of history about humanity's relationship with breakfast, dinner and breakfast at dinner.

According to some sources, eating breakfast at dinner is not a very old tradition. It seems to have emerged in the 20th century, when people started to have more flexible and varied schedules, and wanted to enjoy a hearty and comforting meal at the end of the day¹. Some people also eat breakfast foods at dinner for convenience, as they are easy to prepare and often use ingredients that are already available in the pantry or fridge².

However, the concept of breakfast itself has changed a lot over history. In ancient times, the Romans only ate one meal a day around noon, and considered eating in the morning a form of gluttony³. In the Middle Ages, breakfast was frowned upon by the Church, and only eaten by children, the elderly, or the sick⁴. It was not until the 17th century that breakfast became more common among all social classes, especially after the introduction of coffee and tea from Asia⁵. Breakfast was also influenced by religious practices, such as fasting and Lent, which dictated what foods could be eaten and when⁴.

The word breakfast itself comes from the idea of breaking the fast of the night, and it first appeared in English in the 15th century⁶. The word dinner, on the other hand, originally meant breakfast in Old French, but later shifted to mean the main meal of the day, which could be eaten at different times depending on the culture and the era.

(1) Why Do Americans Eat Three Meals a Day? - JSTOR Daily.

(2) A Brief History of Breakfast, the Most Contentious Meal of the Day.

(3) Breakfast, lunch and dinner: Have we always eaten them? - BBC.

(4) Why Do Americans Eat Three Meals a Day? - JSTOR Daily.

(5) The Origins of Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner - Portable Press.

(6) Breakfast - Wikipedia.


Are you planning to attend worship online and want an easy way to make a pledge payment? Do you want to ditch the checkbook and set up reoccurring payments? Are you looking for a convenient way to make a one-time special gift to St. Bede's?

Did you know you can make donations online to St. Bede's, securely and easily?

Visit the St. Bede's website and at the top of every page, look for the "Donate" button. When you click on the "Donate" button, you will be transported to St. Bede's Vanco eGiving and Payment Process Site.

Vanco is an industry leader in online payments. More than 40,000 churches, faith-based groups, nonprofits, schools, and educational organizations trust Vanco to securely complete transactions every day. Vanco complies with PCI Level 1 standards, the highest security standard in the payment processing industry.

You are invited to set up one-time or recurring gifts using credit, debit, or bank transfer on Vanco's secure payment processing platform. Giving online through the Vanco site saves time and the hassle of remembering to bring your offering. In addition, you decrease the expense incurred by St. Bede’s from handling and processing checks and cash.


A newsletter serving the Diocese of LA

St. Barnabas’ Church, Pasadena. Photo: John Taylor

Historically Black St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church, Pasadena, to celebrate 100th anniversary

Bishop Diocesan John Harvey Taylor and a phalanx of parishioners, civic leaders and friends will be present as St. Barnabas' Church, Pasadena, celebrates its 100th anniversary as a historically Black congregation of the Diocese of Los Angeles on Sunday, June 11, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

The celebration, themed "St. Barnabas 100 – Still We Rise!" will include a program, featuring commemorations from dignitaries and testimonials from church members. Event chair Marco White says that the homecoming event will be held with "love, St. Barnabas style," with a luncheon barbecue, peach cobbler, music and the "beautifulest" centennial birthday cake.

Expected to attend are U.S. House of Representatives member Judy Chu, Pasadena Councilmember Justin Jones and California Assembly Member Chris Holden.

“St. Barnabas, Pasadena was founded in the early 1900s because of the Jim Crow era,” said the Rev. V.R. Marianne Zahn, priest-in-charge. “Black Americans fled the South and its racial segregation as part of the Great Migration, settling in the Los Angeles area with hopes of finding favorable economic opportunities and social acceptance. Not all religious institutions, however, were welcoming.

"All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena would not allow Black parishioners to attend services at that time,” she said. All Saints, now a bastion of inclusion, has worked with St. Barnabas in recent years to mend their relationship's racist beginnings. 

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Flames burn through the roof of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Douglas Arizona, in a May 22 fire that destroyed the building. Photo: Brad Munroe

Arizona Episcopal church on the US-Mexico border destroyed by fire

By Melodie Woerman

A late morning fire destroyed St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Douglas, Arizona, on May 22. A church-owned house next door also was destroyed. First Presbyterian Church, next door to the church house, also suffered severe fire damage. No one was injured. The cause of the blazes that hit both buildings remains under investigation, Arizona Bishop Jennifer Reddall told Episcopal News Service on May 23.

The fire at St. Stephen’s was discovered at about 11 a.m. on May 22, with flames visible both in the church and the church house. Minutes later observers noticed that the Presbyterian church also was on fire. The co-minister of First Presbyterian, the Rev. Peggy Christiansen, told a Tucson TV station that the two fires appear to have begun separately. “As the day went on, we were told [our] fire did not start from the Episcopal church. But rather, it was an independent fire. Somehow our fire started inside our church, and theirs started in theirs,” she said.

In a May 23 email to the diocese, Reddall said local police and fire officials and representatives from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, began investigating the evening of the fire. Douglas is a town of about 16,000 people located on the U.S.-Mexican border. The town’s mayor, Donald Huish, on May 23 told a Tucson TV station that the origin of the two fires “does look suspicious.”

St. Stephen’s church itself is a total loss, Reddall said. “The walls caved in,” she told ENS. The office was heavily damaged and the church house also was a total loss. The parish hall is still standing and appears to be intact, although until there is access to the building, that remains unclear, she added.

The welcome sign at Church of the Redeemer in Morristown, New Jersey, was found vandalized the morning of May 20. Photo: Cynthia Black

Congregation that posted Pride flags now concerned for community’s safety after welcome sign vandalized

By Shireen Korkzan

Each year in commemoration of June’s Pride Month, Church of the Redeemer in Morristown, New Jersey, displays Pride flags on its property. 

This year, the Rev. Cynthia Black, the church’s rector, told Episcopal News Service they put the flags up on May 19, earlier than usual, in honor of a lesbian parishioner who recently died from COVID-19. The next day, on the morning of the parishioner’s funeral, the church’s “all are welcome” sign was found split in two.

“Clearly, across our country, a rise in anti-LGBTQ sentiment, whether it’s in places like Florida — or what I hope is a small minority of people in local towns near Morristown — it’s real and all it takes is for one person doing something like this,” Black said. “The intent is to intimidate and to remind those of us who are gay and lesbian that they are there and they can hurt us.”

Church of the Redeemer’s welcome sign, which cost the church $15,000 to install in 2015, invites people of all backgrounds – gay, straight, conservative, liberal, single, married, divorced, etc. — to worship. Black said a representative with the company that built the church’s sign told her that someone would’ve needed to use a lot of force to break the sign in the way they did because it was made from hard plastic. 

“While no one was physically hurt, this is a clear message meant to hurt, threaten, and harass the church and her people,” Newark Bishop Carlye Hughes said in a press release. “The growing tolerance of derogatory language for sexual orientation, gender identity, race, and religious affiliation has direct and hurtful consequences. While those who perpetrate acts of hate think that their action affects only the intended object of their maliciousness, these acts harm the entire community.”

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