April 27, 2023 | VOLUME 35, ISSUE 15


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Fourth Sunday of Easter

April 30, 2023


Acts 2:42-47

1 Peter 2:19-25

John 10:1-10

Psalm 23

Preacher: The Reverend Jennifer Wagner Pavia

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Monday, May 1, 6:45pm, Luther Hall

Sisters of Bede Meeting (in-person only)

Saturday, May 6

SoB Venue: Salmon & Trout Dinner

Sunday, May 7

St. Joseph's Ingathering

Saturday, May 13, 6:30pm, Luther

SoB Venue: Paint & Sip Party

Sunday, May 14

Grassroots Neighbors at Holy Nativity Episcopal Church at 1:30 PM


Bible and Breakfast

Tuesdays | 9:30 AM

Luther Hall & Zoom

Midweek Eucharist

Wednesdays | 7:00 PM


Adult Forum

Wednesdays | 8:00 PM

Luther Hall & Zoom

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Upcoming SISTERS of BEDE Venue

Sip & Paint


Easter Flowers 2023
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Many thanks to Rea Crane, our Head Sacristan, for doing a yoeman's job of leading the Altar Guild through Holy Week and continuing to grace our sanctuary with lovely flowers.


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A newsletter serving the Diocese of LA

Palisades parish to host Neighborhood Youth Association’s 40th annual scholarship benefit; gala reception set for May 13

All are welcome for the 40th Annual Scholarship Benefit supporting 100-percent college placement for students of the Neighborhood Youth Association, a diocesan institution since 1906.

“Building Bright Futures” is the theme for the May 13 event set to begin with a festive 5:15 p.m. reception preceding a 6 p.m. one-hour program in the Sprague Center on the campus of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Parish and School, Pacific Palisades.

Tickets are priced at $125 per person, with sponsorship opportunities available at $1,000, $2,500, and $5,000 or above. Tickets may be purchased online at www.nyayouth.org.

Benefit chairperson is NYA board of trustees vice president Sarah Newman, longtime St. Matthew’s lay leader and retired teacher in the parish school. To date this year, Newman and her team have raised more than $80,000 in direct scholarship aid to be presented in some 20 awards to deserving students.

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Seed from this corn grown in 2022, using seeds from the Cherokee Nation Seed Bank, will be planted as part of the Cherokee Heritage Garden demonstrating the Three Sisters method of planting, at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Decatur, Alabama. Photo: Bude VanDyke

Alabama heritage garden will use ‘Three Sisters’ to demonstrate Indigenous planting method

By Melodie Woerman

Visitors to the soon-to-be-completed Cherokee Heritage Garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Decatur, Alabama, will be able to see the plants that sustained Indigenous people in North America for centuries – the “Three Sisters” of corn, beans and squash – growing on land that once belonged to the Cherokee people.

And those plants will come from seeds with origins dating to the 19th century when they were taken by some of the more than 16,000 Cherokee people with them on the Trail of Tears, the 1838 forced march that moved them from their ancestral homelands in the Southeast, including Alabama, to what is now Oklahoma.

The seeds come from the Cherokee Nation Seed Bank and are made available to Cherokee citizens for cultural and educational uses, the Rev. Bude VanDyke, the church’s rector and a part of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee, told Episcopal News Service, with the seed donation coming through a woman he knows who is an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation. He received some heritage corn seed last year, which he grew so there would be plenty to plant in the heritage garden, with the hope that these new plants will help perpetuate the seeds’ historic nature.

Oklahoma Episcopalians launch Magdalene House OKC, part of nationwide recovery network for women

By David Paulsen

The Diocese of Oklahoma has launched a residential support program for women released from prison, with the first residents expected to be welcomed to the ministry’s recently bought home this summer.

The ministry, incorporated as Magdalene House OKC, is part of the national Magdalene network founded by the Rev. Becca Stevens, an Episcopal priest based in Nashville, Tennessee, who also is known for starting Thistle Farms more than 20 years ago.

“We’re going to really focus on women coming out of prison, in particular those who have histories of trauma,” the Rev. Tim Baer told Episcopal News Service. Baer, the Oklahoma nonprofit’s board president, also serves as vicar at Grace Episcopal Church in suburban Yukon. Women admitted to Magdalene House OKC will have some combination of incarceration, addiction, sexual exploitation or other trauma in their past, Baer said. The program is for “women who want to do a lot of self work and invest in themselves to kind of create a new start and a new chapter in their lives.”

The project’s origins date to a 2019 presentation by Stevens hosted by St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in Oklahoma City. Stevens discussed the Magdalene network, which now includes more than 65 homes nationwide that serve women who have been victims of sexual abuse, exploitation, incarceration and addiction. Stevens created Thistle Farms’ line of candles, oils and other personal care products as a social enterprise to help those women develop workforce skills to assist in their recovery.

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