August 18 - 25, 2023

"I will put my teaching in their minds and write it on their hearts..."
Jeremiah 31:33

Calendar of Upcoming Events

Below are weekly programs. You can find brief descriptions of these weekly programs on our website:

SUNDAY Morning Worship, 10 am in person and via Zoom Password: betogether

SUNDAY , 11:30 a.m. Bible Study in person and on Zoom

MONDAY - FRIDAY, 8 am Morning Devotion

WEDNESDAY Eve., 6:30 pm Midweek Inhale Spiritual Practices

Below are the upcoming non-weekly events on the calendar happening at McFarland UCC for about the next month. All events are on the McFarland UCC calendar with Zoom links and additional information in the details/description area. Click the event on the McFarland UCC calendar to see the details.

Saturday, August 19, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Teen Youth trip to Devil's Lake State Park. Pastor Bryan will email details to the group.

Sunday, August 20, 10:00 am, Outdoor Worship Service (In person & Online) Indoors if inclement weather.

Sunday, August 20, 2:00 pm Madison Pride Fest Event at Warner Park in Madison. If you would like to meet with others from our church, go to the left side of the stage (facing the stage) at 2 p.m. Or text pastor Bryan once at the event.

Tuesday, August 22, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Ecojustice/Green Team Monthly Meeting (In person & Online) - Multipurpose Room, Rescheduled from 8/15

Friday, August 25, 6:00 - 8:00 pm, All Ages Fun Night and Camp Fire (unless too hot) at church. Bring a game if you have one, including cards! The Corn Hole Championship Tournament continues...

Tuesday, September 5, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Racial Justice Team Monthly Meeting (In person & Online)- Multipurpose Room

Sunday, September 3, 5:30 - 7:00 pm, NO Teen Youth Monthly Meeting

Thursday, September 14, 6:00 – 8:00 pm, SaLT Monthly Meeting (In person & Online) - Multipurpose Room

Thursday, September 21, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, NION Monthly Meeting. In person and Online

News at McFarland UCC

Outdoor Worship Service

THIS SUNDAY at 10 am

Bring a chair and enjoy the beautiful McFarland UCC grounds as we enjoy our third outdoor worship service of this summer! The last outdoor service of this year will be September 17 . (In case of inclement weather, services will be indoors of course.) Look forward to seeing you there!

If you can come early at 8:45 a.m. and help carry things outside and set up please do!

Love Has the Final Word Support Group Announcement

There is a support group for adults that have been estranged from family members that will begin this fall. Being estranged from a family member means that the relationship has been cut off or lost for whatever reason.

Sessions will be held on the second Saturday of September, October, and November here at MUCC at 10 am. (Sat Sept 9, Sat Oct 14, Sat Nov 11)

Contact: Trish Kalhagen or Araceli Wehr

Friday, August 25th

6:00 --8:00 p.m.

All Ages Fun Night!

Our July "All Ages Fun Night" was a blast for those who made it, and I know a bunch of folks were out of town. So let's do it again! Hopefully some of you families with younger kids will be able to come this time. We're going to have root beer floats and s'mores if it's not too hot for a fire.

Come and enjoy a chance to play some games and get to know each other. There may be a beginner's poker game and instruction if there's interest. I know some of you are avid card players, so feel free to bring your cards and cribbage boards or whatever you enjoy most. And assuming someone can bring a corn hole set or two we'll continue that championship match!

NOTE: Younger Youth Programming will kick off again in September (Most likely the evening of the 17th but parents will receive a note soon from Pastor Bryan asking about best times to meet) with a fun Outdoor Bible Story theme event that Sheryl Rowe is working hard on. More info to come via email about this to parents of younger youth.

Sunday, 8/27 at 11:30 a.m. at Church (and on zoom)

Come Hear About Tcheki, Jeffrey, and Jefferson's Journey To the U.S.!

After worship on Sunday, 8/27, our church community will have the opportunity to hear about Tcheki and Jeffrey’s journey from Haiti to McFarland. They will share why they left Haiti and the multiple circumstances they found themselves in, including walking through a jungle and Mexico, on their way to the US. Some new Haitian friends of theirs will interpret for them, and you'll have a chance to engage them in a bit of Q & A after their presentation.

And then... "Taste of Haiti!"

After Tcheki and Jeffrey’s presentation, plan to stay for a “Taste of Haiti”. There will be Haitian food samples prepared by Tcheki and others for everyone to taste and enjoy.


Submitted By Sheryl Rowe

Jeffrey Gineau is starting school on Monday, August 28th at Madison College South Campus (Park St near the belt line).  He will be going to classes on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8:30 - 11:30. There is no direct bus line that goes from McFarland to that area.  At best, when piecing together a bike ride and city bus route, it would take hours of his day just to get to and fro.  Jeffrey wants to be as independent as possible so would prefer biking into town on days the weather is conducive to doing so.  I’m trying to find transportation for those days that are rainy or when the weather gets cold enough that biking is not an option. 

Click Here to read more and learn how you can help...

SaLT Spot

Decisions made by SaLT at their August 10th meeting:

  • Books for the BeFriender participants will be purchased out of General Funds.
  • SaLT Team endorses that the Outreach Funds Committee discuss and consider support of a presentation and worship service by Native American author and speaker Mark Charles.
  • SaLT Team has decided not to take out an ad in the McFarland Community Guide this year.
  • In order to maintain the security of the church directory, Ginger will be asked to make an electronic copy of the current directory, print copies and make them available at church. Then, the online directory will be deactivated.
  • Sundaes on Thursdays and the NION Facebook pages will be taken down due to inactivity.

A Few Words From Pastor Bryan

...and Anne Lamott & Hafiz

The amazing author Anne Lamott shared a reflection on Facebook yesterday that I appreciated so much I used it as this morning's devotional reading in our 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday zoom group. She started out by saying "I have catastrophe fatigue." She went on to share that "life has been a bit too 'lifey' this summer." Too many intense things to deal with. Big things and little things. Geopolitical and personal. Too many causes, too many issues, too many responses required. She said the last straw was that she went to a website to make a contribution to help victims of the tragic fires on Maui, only to get a pop up that told her that a $12.99 processing fee would be added to her donation. Really? That was it. She shut her computer down, and realized that she herself was shutting down. The rest of her post contained thoughts about what to do when we find ourselves shutting down.

Here's a link to the reading in case you'd like to read it.

I so much appreciate what Anne had to share. In essence, her piece was about reminding herself that God is with her and that while she's had enough for now, she won't give up. She'll keep doing what's hers to do. But she'll also know when she needs a break, and when she needs to just lie on the floor and snuggle her dog. Or look out the window and watch a hummingbird. You know, do the little things that make us feel human and that ground us in some wonder and sweetness and stillness. Read her post. She says it way better than I am here.

As for me, in addition to music and nature and spending time with friends who truly are friends, I often find that the simple poems of the Sufi poet Hafiz are wonderful medicine for an overloaded soul that might be well on its way into shut down mode. I'm not there--in danger of shutting down. But it has been a very full week in my life and in this wild world of ours. So I'll end this week's "Few Words" with 3 very brief poems of Hafiz (written in the 1300's) that I love. They each stand on their own. I suggest you read them a few times and let the Spirit use them to a send some cool breezes your way.

Remember by the way that worship is outdoors this Sunday. Hope to see you there under the trees (or with us on zoom).

Blessings all you beautiful people,

Pastor Bryan

3 Poems For When The News Is Depressing

By Hafiz

“Build a house for humans and birds.

Sit with them and play music.

For a day, for just one day,

talk about that which disturbs no one

and bring some peace, my friend,

into your beautiful eyes.”

“My dear, Is it true that your mind

is sometimes like a battering Ram

Running all through the city,

Shouting so madly inside and out

About the ten thousand things

That do not matter?”

“This sky Where we live 

Is no place to lose your wings

So love,



5710 Anthony St.
McFarland WI 53558
Pastor Bryan Sirchio
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