A Division for Advancing Prevention & Treatment (ADAPT) provides Training and Technical Assistance to HIDTA communities across the nation. The Prevention Post keeps HIDTA communities up-to-date with the latest advances and opportunities in the field.
Director's Message
Dear HIDTA Communities,
In what ways can we use public safety data (such as drug seizures, emerging drug threats, or descriptions of new substances in our areas) to inform substance use prevention strategies? How can we build or enhance public health and public safety partnerships to use data from both of these fields in powerful ways to advance prevention efforts?

These 2 questions are at the forefront of ADAPT's mind as we provide training and technical assistance (TTA) to HIDTA communities and support engagement of HIDTAs with prevention and treatment stakeholders. In this issue you will read about the innovative way Keith Weis, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain HIDTA, transformed a sample Regional Engagement Meeting agenda and list of key stakeholders prepared by ADAPT to ignite an engagement fire across his region resulting in Drug Information Opportunity Symposiums in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and Montana. These symposiums have not only yielded an opportunity for sharing the individual state's public health and public safety data, but they have fostered rich discussions, networking, and collaborations.

You will also find in this issue a starting point for thinking through ways in which you can meaningfully integrate timely public safety data into your community's approach to prevention. We want to hear your ideas as well, so please share your thoughts HERE!

ADAPT had an opportunity to present its approach to TTA provision and share its impact to date with Dr. Rahul Gupta, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, at the end of March (see HIDTA News below). The Martinsburg Initiative, an established public health/public safety partnership model, and CATALIST, an emerging model, were featured as recipients of a wide array of TTA offered by ADAPT as both models navigated various stages of development. For a copy of ADAPT's latest Impact Report, click HERE!

We hope this issue assists you in moving one step closer to achieving your goals as Prevention Champions!
Keep Cultivating,
Lora Peppard, PhD, DNP, PMHNP-BC
Director of ADAPT
Deputy Director for Treatment & Prevention
Washington/Baltimore HIDTA
HIDTA Spotlight
In September 2021, Rocky Mountain (RM) HIDTA engaged public health and public safety partners across their region by offering their first Drug Information Opportunity Symposium. ADAPT supported the RM HIDTA team in developing a purpose for the convening, building an agenda, and identifying critical partners. The RM HIDTA team introduced key HIDTA roles and functions and shared the unique HIDTA data available for their region.
Following that regional meeting, RM HIDTA Executive Director Keith Weis tasked Drug Intelligence Officers with designing individual state Drug Information Opportunity Symposiums to achieve an expanded purpose. The state-level symposiums provided opportunities to support the sharing of timely data, promote networking and collaboration, and learn more about innovative strategies for responding to emerging drug threats.

The symposiums launched in February 2022 with the Wyoming DIOS taking place on February 16th followed by the Utah DIOS on April 21st and Colorado DIOS on April 27th. The Montana DIOS will be held on June 7th. The first 3 DIOS meetings have received excellent feedback from participants and have already advanced discussions and efforts across their respective areas.

If you are interested in learning more about these events, contact the RM HIDTA HERE.
Prevention Tip
THE FUTURE: Don’t let drug and alcohol use change or control your plans for the future.
RISK OF ADDICTION: Drugs and alcohol change parts of your brain that impact how you think and act. The more you use them, the harder it can be to stop even if you want to.
Learn more from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing's publication Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention HERE.
Mark Your Calendars

This year's HIDTA Prevention Summit will be held virtually on Thursday, October 6th.

We hope to see you there!
Public Health/Public Safety Updates
A Division for Advancing Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT)

Ways of Integrating Public Safety Data into Your Prevention Approach

The ADAPT Team has been working with Washington/Baltimore HIDTA communities to identify ways prevention and treatment professionals can meaningfully integrate public safety data, such as drug seizures, emerging drug trends, or new drugs in the area, into their community-level approaches to substance use prevention.

Below are some initial ideas, and we also want to hear from you! Please share ways in which you are integrating public safety data into your prevention work HERE!

1) Share: What local stakeholders and organizations could benefit from this data?
  • Example: Sharing the data with local public health professionals across sectors can inform a timely or early response such as promotion of harm reduction strategies in target regions where emerging threats have been detected.

2) Assess: How well are current strategies addressing specific drug threats?
  • Example:  Conduct an analysis of whether the prevention and treatment strategies in use have demonstrated evidence in addressing the emerging drug threats and evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies against current threats.

3) Revise: How can you adapt current strategies to address current drug threats?
  • Example: Work with program developers to determine how to thoughtfully adapt a program to address current drug trends in a way that maintains fidelity to the core components of the intervention. If consultation is not possible, follow best practices in balancing fidelity with adaptation. One such resource on how to do this can be found HERE.

4) Identify: Are there other evidence-based strategies available?
  • Example: Several resources are available to help identify new strategies to address current drug trends or threats in your communities including searching evidence-based registries and reaching out to other communities who are responding to the similar drug threats to learn more about their responses.

Please reach out to ADAPT if you would like to learn more about the ways you can use public safety data in meaningful ways for your community.
National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Overdose Prevention in Community Corrections: An Environmental Scan

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing, with support from the CDC, conducted a study to investigate overdose prevention and response efforts within community corrections. This effort was informed by informant interviews and discussions with experts in community corrections, overdose prevention, and harm reduction.

Key findings include...

  • Community corrections officers have a distinct role in preventing overdose and;
  • Closer collaboration is needed between community corrections and health and social services providers.
  • Community corrections officers require training to fulfill their role.

*Read more key findings here.
NDEWS: National Drug Early Warning System
NDEWS Trends in Seizures of Powders and Pills Containing Illicit Fentanyl in the US, 2018 through 2021

A study published by NDEWS researchers examined quarterly national seizure data from High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas from 2018 through 2021. Seizures of drugs containing fentanyl has increased, with the seizure of fentanyl in pill form increasing from 13.8% in 2018 to 29.2% in 2021. With counterfeit pills now accounting for over 25% of fentanyl seizures, the risk of unintentional exposure to fentanyl is substantial.

*View the study here.

*Subscribe to the NDEWS Weekly Briefing Newsletter here.

*Share your own local drug-related trends here.
ODMAP: Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program
ODMAP Celebrates Its 5th Year

The Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) provides near real-time suspected overdose surveillance data across jurisdictions to support public safety and public health efforts to mobilize an immediate response to a sudden increase, or spike in overdose events.

In February, ODMAP celebrated its 5th year. Since ODMAP’s inception, it has expanded to all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. 3,800 agencies have been onboarded and in the last quarter, 1,038 new ODMAP users were added and statewide ODMAP initiatives began in Maine, Florida, and Kansas.

*Learn more about ODMAP here.
NETI: National Emerging Threats Initiative
2021 Fentanyl Seizures – Percent of Estimated Doses
in High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas

The National Emerging Threats Initiative (NETI) is a poly-drug national trends, intelligence, and best practices sharing initiative designated to coordinate emerging threat strategies affected in HIDTAs by producing analyses of drug seizure patterns throughout the US.

The map below shows the percent of estimated fentanyl doses seized in HIDTAs in 2021. NETI estimated that a staggering 6.6 billion doses were seized by HIDTA task forces nationwide. This is the equivalent of twenty doses for every citizen of the United States and a 128% increase over estimated fentanyl doses seized in 2020. NETI notes that fentanyl remains the highest priority drug threat and the most likely cause of overdose in the United States.
The Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN)
Opportunities through JCOIN

The Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) is part of the NIH’s Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative. JCOIN includes 11 research institutions and two centers: Coordination and Translations Center (CTC) at George Mason University and the Methodology and Advanced Analytic Resource Center (MAARC) at the University of Chicago. JCOIN was created to study approaches to increase high-quality care for people with opioid misuse and OUD in justice settings and was designed to test strategies to expand effective treatment and care in partnership with local and state justice systems and community-based treatment providers.

The CTC at George Mason University offers many opportunities to learn, build skills, and connect with other practitioners and researchers. The CTC is a repository that offers free courses with certificates of completion provided and badges to add to your LinkedIn profile. Webinars include topics relevant to justice and health including reentry best practices for people with opioid use disorder, criminal justice and stigma, and JCOIN Rapid Innovation Grants (J-RIG). The Aced It Podcast provides brief 12-15 minute reviews of what’s new in the health and justice research world.

Learning Experiences to Advance Practice (LEAP) is a multifaceted program designed to educate any interested individual about the nuances of conducting research in criminal justice settings. There are three distinct tracks.

  1. LEAP Learner is available to anyone who can access web-based content and has three course modules available now with three more coming soon.
  2. LEAP Scholar is a one-year cohort-based program with mentorship for students, early career scholars, and researchers; applications open in Spring 2023.
  3. LEAP Investigator is a two-year cohort-based program for researchers and students to enhance their skills and develop a research proposal for external funding to become independent investigators; applications open in Spring 2023.

CONNECT is a researcher and practitioner collaboration and discovery tool developed by JCOIN to facilitate multidisciplinary research and programmatic collaboration across the health and justice fields. This database is searchable by researcher or practitioner and includes over 700 publications. A few recent publications focused on the role of peers in overcoming stigma as a barrier to opioid use disorder, cross-training curriculum for intimate partner violence advocates and peer recovery coaches, and predictors of daily affect and stressors. 
Get Connected
Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP)
Supported by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) as part of the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP), the Catching Up With COSSAP newsletter collects articles, resources, and training announcements with the express goal of informing and engaging those dedicated to reversing the tide of America's substance abuse crisis.
To view subscription links to all previously listed resources in this section, such as substance use prevention newsletters, click HERE.
Resources/Science from the Field
Prevention Specialist Certification Requirements Map
Considering becoming a certified prevention specialist?

A map is now available from the Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network and The International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium. The map provides state, tribal, and armed service requirements for Prevention Specialist Certification across the US.

*View the map here.
Building Prevention Systems
Can you describe how the prevention system in your HIDTA community works?

The latest Prevention Nuggets from Applied Prevention Science International focus on building prevention systems. Sections include what a prevention service delivery system looks like, who the consumers of prevention and harm reduction services are, implementing evidence-based prevention interventions and policies, and building a community-based implementation system to support a comprehensive prevention service delivery system.

*View the Prevention Nuggets here.
Establishing Peer Support Services for Overdose Response: A Toolkit for Health Departments
Is your HIDTA Community in need of establishing or enhancing peer support services for its overdose response?

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing released a toolkit for health departments and community partners to implement or enhance peer support services for overdose response. This free toolkit includes training resources, implementation checklists, example job descriptions, and sample monitoring and evaluation metrics.

*View the toolkit here.
The Pandemic's Toll on Young Adolescents: Prevention and Intervention Targets to Preserve Their Mental Health
Are you wondering how to support youth through the effects of the pandemic?

Data examined in a National Institutes of Health-supported study found that social connectedness, sleep, and physical activity was associated with better mental health among youth during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study examined over 3,000 adolescents ages 11 – 14 using surveys in February 2020 and later in May 2020. Strategies for supporting youth mental health include regular engagement with friends and family members, maintaining regular eating and sleep routines, and finding opportunities to be active through walking, sports, and other physical activities.

*View the study here.
Drug Use Severity In Adolescence Affects Substance Use Disorder Risk in Adulthood
Curious about the link between adolescent substance use and development of Substance Use Disorder later in life?

A NIH-funded study found that 18-year-olds exhibiting two or more symptoms of Substance Use Disorder were more likely as adults to use and misuse prescription medication and self-treat with opioids, sedatives, and tranquilizers. Screening during adolescence can help provide early intervention and prevent the development of substance use disorder.

*Read the study here.
Trends in Drug Overdose Deaths Among U.S. Adolescents, January 2010 to June 2021
Do you know how overdose trends have changed for adolescents in the last 11 years?

Using data from the CDC regarding all U.S. deaths caused by drug overdose from January 2010 to June 2021, it was found that deaths from drug overdose remained relatively stable between 2010 and 2019. However, between 2019 and 2020, deaths increased by 94% and increased by another 20% from 2020 to 2021. These trends suggest a heightened risk from illicit fentanyl, such as from counterfeit pills, even while adolescent drug use is declining overall.

*Read the study here to find out more, including race and ethnicity trends.
National Prevention Week
Want to participate in National Prevention Week?

This annual SAMHSA-sponsored event focuses on increasing public awareness and action for substance use prevention and positive mental health with the goals of involving communities, fostering partnerships, and disseminating substance use prevention and mental health promotion resources. It will take place this year on May 8 - 14th.

*Access materials to support your National Prevention Week activities here.
Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP) Resource Center
In search of resources to support your communities' response to illicit substance use and misuse?

The Bureau of Justice Assistance's Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP) Resource Center works to support effective local, state, and tribal responses to illicit substance use and misuse in order to reduce overdose deaths, promote public safety, and support access to treatment and recovery services in the criminal justice system.

*Visit the Resource Center here.
ONDCP Director Dr. Rahul Gupta Learns about ADAPT’s Approach to Advancing Substance Use Prevention Strategies in HIDTA Communities
Dr. Rahul Gupta (2nd from left) reviews the latest ADAPT Impact Report while ADAPT Director Lora Peppard
shares outcomes from ADAPT’s Training and Technical Assistance services. Photo credit: Lou DeVeaux, W/B HIDTA.
At a recent briefing, A Division for Advancing Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) shared with Dr. Rahul Gupta its approach to the provision of substance use prevention training and technical assistance centered around a “We go where we are needed” philosophy and informed by the best available evidence. Highlights from the 2021-2022 ADAPT Impact Report were presented, underscoring the value and impact of services in advancing HIDTA Prevention. ADAPT Director Dr. Lora Peppard shared a 2022-2023 strategy, which emphasizes several critical areas of focus, including prevention communications, prevention evaluation, and early response approaches to emerging threats.

Dr. Gupta was also introduced to two prevention and treatment programs supported through ADAPT TTA:
Keeping Kids Safe Over Summer
By HIDTA’s National Marijuana Initiative (NMI)

Summer time marks a shift in the lives of youth and their families. Routines change, curfews get extended, and kids often have more free time. The Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has found that youth substance use trends also vary during summer months.

  • Youth experimentation with marijuana peaks during the months of June and July*.
  • On an average day in June or July, about 4,800 youth try marijuana for the first time as compared to an average day in other months of about 3,000 to 4,000.

As preventionists, Spring is a critical time for preparing parents and caregivers to engage in discussions with their youth about making healthy choices. Below are a list of resources that can support parents/caregivers in having these discussions and integrating marijuana into the conversation.

Resources to consider:

  • The Marijuana Talk Kit from the Partnership to End Addiction.
  • This kit educates parents and caregivers about today’s marijuana and then navigates them through how to have a conversation on this topic. 

  • The Real Risks of Marijuana” from Scholastic, in partnership with the National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA)
  • This is a scalable guide to provide students from both middle and high school with key facts about today’s most potent forms of marijuana.

  • A simple way to keep informed of the changing landscape of marijuana, public health and emerging research is by regularly checking the NMI website and following the NMI on:
  • Facebook (National Marijuana Initiative)
  • Instagram (@nmi_edu)
  • Twitter (@nmi_edu)

*To view the full report, click HERE.
National Drug Control Strategy 2022

The White House recently released its 2022 National Drug Control Strategy calling to action a ‘whole – of – government’ approach to combatting the raging opioid crisis. Honing in on two key factors – untreated addiction and drug trafficking – the strategy instructs federal agencies to put people first, do all it takes to save lives, make care accessible to all, apply data driven approaches to care, and to pursue drug traffickers’ profits. The Strategy prioritizes a collaborative harm reduction approach between public health and public safety officials, urging necessary changes to state laws and policies to support harm reduction efforts throughout the United States.

*Read the Fact Sheet HERE.
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The ADAPT Team