Feb 12, 2020
The Partner College Weekly
UPDATED EVR template for the Spring Semester or Quarter 2 Term
A recent update to the PC Scholar report affected the Spring Semester/Quarter 2 EVR template that was previously sent out. Here is the updated version of the template that you should use this term. If you have already started working on your EVR for this term, there is no need for you to rerun the PC Scholar Report and start over, you can continue working in the original template.
Upload the completed EVR no later than February 28 via this secure Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/request/VKyS3Qq3s2Xh5hLULYAD
Scholarship Promotion Tips
Watch FIU Scholar, Jensy , encourage undocumented students to apply for our National Scholarship!

Two ways to use this:
1.   Send in email to your current applicants
2.   Reach out to a local influencer/media personality to make a similar video to help promote the scholarship.

Reminder: You need at least 90 applications started to yield the required cohort of about 10 scholars enrolled. Log into your ISTS PC Portal to find your list of applicants.
Two Upcoming Webinars on Mental Health for Undocumented Students
Counseling Undocumented Students

For: Mental Health Providers and Liaisons

Date and Time: Feb 20, 2 pm EST

Registration: RSVP

What: This is a learning circle for mental health providers to learn, discuss and share effective practices and challenges in serving undocumented college students.

Facilitated by Elizabeth Hernandez, PhD, Staff Therapist at UCLA’s Counseling Center, co-chair of CA Psychological Association’s Immigration Task Force, and our Wellness Advocate.
Supporting the Mental Health of Undocumented Students

For: Non-MH providers (advisors, administrators, faculty)

Date and Time: Feb 27, 2 pm EST

Registration: RSVP

What: In this Info Session we will present on how to respond to the mental health needs of students, refer them to counseling services in a way that they will access those services, and share effective practices and programs offered by some Partner Colleges.  

Led by Elizabeth Hernandez and presenters from DSU and ESU.
March 4: Alternative Income and Career Options for Undocumented Students: How Colleges can Help
FOR:  College faculty, staff and administrators

DATE & TIME:  March 4, 2020; 11 am-12:30 pm PST | 2-3:30 pm EST


WHAT: Learn how colleges can establish fellowships that are not employment-based; provide entrepreneurial classes or programs; and refer students to business ventures, independent contracting, and worker cooperatives. 
TheDream.US Announces The Reach Graduate Scholarship
We launched a pilot Graduate Scholarship program this week. The Reach Scholarship program, an up to $20,000 scholarship, will be given to 25 Scholars. The participating Partner Colleges are Florida International University, Hunter College, University of Houston, and Trinity Washington University.

The Scholarship is open to TheDream.US Senior Scholars who are graduating this academic year and for our Alumni. Applicants must be from Florida, to apply to FIU, CUNY to apply to Hunter, Texas to apply for UH, and Opportunity or National Trinity Scholars or National Scholars who live in the DMV area (Male or Female) to apply for Trinity.

The Scholarship application is currently open and will close on February 24, 2020. If you would like more information, you can visit our Alumni Page where the eligibility criteria and application can be found. For specific questions, please direct them to Gaby.Pacheco@thedream.us
In Case You Missed It
Some Employers Are Still Unsure About Hiring 'Dreamers'
February 5, 2020

Candy Marshall, president of TheDream.US, discussed the issue with the Society of Human Resource Management. She discusses what employers need to know about DACA and hiring DREAMers, and what they can do to recruit from this untapped talented pool of potential employees.

FYI - Emails Sent to Scholars

This Thurs, 2/13: Income & Career Alternatives for Undocu Students at 8 pm EST
To: All Scholars and Alumni

Please complete our quick Grad School Survey
To: Juniors, Seniors, Alumni

For all past communications to Scholars go  here. 
For career advancement opportunities available to Scholars go  here.