Get on More Litigation Panels in 2023
If your law firm is looking to get on more insurance panels in 2023, now is the time to put the finishing touches on your New Year's marketing plan. Below is a list of the marketing essentials needed to achieve your business development goals:

  • A current "law firm resume" to present your capabilities to litigation panel managers
  • A targeted prospect list to focus your business development efforts
  • LinkedIn visibility on both your company page and personal profiles
  • Website updates to demonstrate your firm's recent achievements

Need some help to get started? Contact Margaret Grisdela at 561-266-1030 or by responding to this email. We work quickly to launch professional business development campaigns for defense law firms.
Outsource Your Marketing Department
Here are the two biggest mistakes we see in law firm marketing:

  1. Law firms stop selling too soon. It takes several outreach efforts before you can get the attention of a busy panel manager. If you just try once and then abandon the effort, you are leaving money on the table.
  2. Random acts of marketing. Repetition is essential when it comes to successful marketing. Getting on a weekly schedule with your social media posts and a monthly schedule with a newsletter will build existing client retention and new client acquisition.

Let us serve as your outsourced marketing director! We bring a strong focus on new business development. Reply via email to learn more.
Best Wishes for the Holiday Season
The Panelist: Marketing Best Practices
We’ve helped almost 250 insurance defense law firms in 43 states with marketing and business development campaigns. If you are looking for ideas to manage and protect your defense practice in 2023, let's schedule a call to talk about client retention and customer acquisition.
Campaigns to Grow Your Practice
Panel Counsel Campaigns
We create panel counsel marketing campaigns focused on your practice areas, such as auto, premises liability, workers' comp, employment practices, construction, or cyber. Read more.
Expand by Industry
Grow your firm by expanding contacts in a new industry. We can help you identify and target self-insureds like retailers, restaurants, hotel chains, and trucking firms. Read more.
Refresh Marketing Materials
We help you create and maintain flexible marketing materials that support your business development efforts. Give your attorneys the tools they need to attract more clients. See samples.
Your Marketing Director
Too busy to market? Let us take the lead on your business development efforts with a structured approach to both client retention and acquisition. Read more.
Margaret Grisdela

We’ve helped almost 250 insurance defense law firms in 43 states launch business development campaigns. We make it our business to identify who you need to contact at insurance companies, corporations, and municipalities to be considered as outside defense counsel. Contact us to learn more.